sábado, marzo 10, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Spring Equinox ~ March 20th, 2018 ~ A Rebirth - Mar 10, 2018

On the evening before the time change here in Canada and in the US to Daylight Savings time ~ it feels auspicious to begin writing about this Spring Equinox.

The Spring Equinox is known as First Day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere which is on March 20th, 2018.

This will be the First day of Fall in the Southern Hemisphere. Both represent changes and transitions. The flow of the equinoxes and seasons.

The Spring Equinox takes place on March 20th, 2018 at 1:15 pm AST, here in the Northern Hemisphere. This start of Spring, will last till June 21st, the day of the Summer Solstice.

The first day of Spring marks the moment the SUN crosses the Celestial Equator, which is an imaginary line.

Equinox ~ means equal night.

The Equinox celebrates and marks the seasons when day and night are equal or close to equal in length. 12 hours of Daylight, 12 hours of night.

Increased DAYLIGHT Begins the first day of Spring, till the Summer Solstice. The first day of Spring celebrates BIRTH and Renewal and New Beginnings, as well as celebrating greater LIGHT.

Stepping into Glory, the Higher Light version of oneself is ALWAYS available now.

The seasons, like the cycle of day and night, are energetic flows of Light and initiations into different aspects of consciousness. With an overflowing energetic charge to ones EVOLUTION and expansion in consciousness. Back to the Original State of Consciousness, which does not know itself in time.

Seems funny to talk about dates and times, when all of this at the higher levels is not taking place through time.

On MU ~ the first civilization all on Earth began to function from and through the higher levels of light, into form, on what was created as Earth. The meeting place of dimensions and consciousness.

SO whether you are in the Northern Hemisphere celebrating a rebirth of consciousness into greater activity and light or you are in the Southern Hemisphere, celebrating a time to go more deeply within. BOTH are a time of celebration. Just as is the Birth of the SUN every new day we experience.

All moments you exist in your Glory and Eternal Light. We are NOW igniting your AWARENESS to be the home you live within as your consciousness.

All moments this is accessible through your heart.

The Frequency access point of your Eternal Awareness.

So even NOW, SET Your intention for the newness and for deeper accessing of what already is yours.

This is a sacred Alignment.

The Equinox is an auspicious moment of entering into the next level of awareness for you through this heart alignment.

Your Heart holds the awareness of eternity that experiences itself in every moment. You are never cut off from this.

The Alignment s a frequency initiation where you experience yourself as a new being. Although you were always that being.

Enter your heart space, set your intention to let go of old patterns of thought. Enter your heart more deeply, feel your Soul, your eternal Self, your God Self. Your Original Light.

This Transmission is for your REBIRTH into conscious awareness of your Eternal Glory. Which is your self realized self.

A NEW Beginning ~ A Rebirth, your GLORY. All Now. In love.

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