Divine Children of Light, now is the moment for you to receive the awareness of your Divine Heritage.
As all shifts around you, welcome the fear that stands between you and the expanded you, as a sign of your evolving.
Step through this fear as the initiation point, to truly enter the unknown.
The unknown to your conscious mind is that which you have not yet experience consciously.
The initiation through the fear is the breaking open, so to speak, of all that was held in your subconscious. This was held as a protection mechanism till now.
With great Loving power as in a Lightning Strike, we now penetrate the veil of fear, laying in the depths of what appears as only darkness. Yet this is the layer of frequency patterns, that separate the dimensions.
The Unknown is the Glory that stands beyond the fear.
The Glory and this leap through initiation, is the transcending Light that holds you through this.
WE initiate the awakening beyond all fear.
Your Divine heritage exists beyond your current subconscious barrier.
Remember this, you are held through this initiation process. Which is the great unveiling.
If internet, power and banking systems go down all around you, TRUST this is for good.
As to those you think do harm, KNOW all are pawns in the greater plan FOR the evolving of all.
The Plan is perfect.
There is a recalibrating now.
With the force of LOVE like a Lightning strike to ALL, this creates a response action. One in fear and one that goes beyond fear.
Feel prepared as you read this, for that which you have not yet experienced.
Know that we are with You. Activating, initiating, into ALL that is the Divine Glory of consciousness. Love is the DIVINE placeholder for all that exists, beyond fear. And through it.
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.