This full moon has the potential for creating crisis that can assist in breaking through from stagnation, calcification and stubbornness where anger and irritation play a big role, to a softer, emotional and vulnerable experience where creativity rules and imagination is fertilized with gratitude, love and awe.
Accept and acknowledge the structures that have served you so well up till now. And then, make a commitment to do it differently, allowing for change. In honor of the theme of turning the soil, it would be appropriate if you actually did that either physically in a garden or psychologically by recapitulating your past and revisiting some of the more significant events of your life. Be flexible and allow some things to break off and others to surface.
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at
Taurus Full Moon
Sun in Scorpio ~ Moon in Taurus 12º
Friday, Nov. 3rd 11:23 PM Mountain Daylight Time
(Saturday, Nov. 4th 5:23 AM Greenwich Mean Time)
Venus was the ruler of our last New Moon cycle beginning in Libra on October 19, and she continues to be ruler of this Taurus Full Moon. At last New Moon, it was the Sun and Moon in Libra (at 26º) who opposed Uranus – The Upsetter, The Awakener and The Liberator of the zodiac. Now, it is Venus herself in Libra opposing Uranus exactly at 26º with Eris close by at 23º adding fuel to the fires of feminine outrage being revealed for acts of disempowerment. We are experiencing a collective revealing of ‘secret’ sexual behaviors just the sort of deep psychological themes on which Jupiter, newly in Scorpio, would most likely apply the spotlight.
Ceres, The Great Mother, Goddess of the Earth and its nourishing resources, is tightly square both the Sun and the Moon (Leo/Scorpio-Taurus) also emphasizing the righteous rage and grief she experienced when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped by Pluto, God of the Underworld and master of deep transformative experiences. Ceres is also the goddess of the rituals of passing through the veil at birth and death and the blood mysteries of the womb. A familiar theme? We carry this issue forward from the New Moon. Astrological forces are aligning in multiple ways to point to the release of any energy blocks in the body, heart and spirit that hold you small and calcified now and from all the way down your ancestral lines. Heal yourself; heal your ancestors. Between Halloween and the time when the Sun crosses the midpoint of Scorpio at 15º on Nov 7, we have a time of honoring the power of transition, death, grief and loss, the times when we are at one with Spirit at birth and death, and a time when we feel the cycle of seasons with all our senses engaged in experiencing this beautiful planet and the body we are lucky to have as an ally for a while.
We are completing two, yearlong cycles in this Moon period. Saturn is completing its third and final square to Chiron in Sagittarius/Pisces 25º (Dec 2016, April 2017, Nov 2, 2017). They have worked well together. Saturn keeps us rooted in the three dimensional material world while Chiron takes us on a healing journey. Spirit is supporting us through our lessons and tests this year revealing where we can be more compassionate, loving, and accepting of our ego protections and allowing them to morph into self knowledge, a more powerful presence, and peaceful clarity about the experiences we chose for this lifetime no matter how challenging they may have been.
At the same time, we have the added boost right now of Saturn in Sagittarius in positive aspect (trine) to Uranus in Aries using the fire signs’ penchant for inspiration and enthusiasm and the love of a good challenge to shift into new behaviors and creating new frameworks for the lives we want to build for ourselves. This beneficial aspect of change is also its third and final exact alignment (Dec 2016, May 2017, Nov 11, 2017). So, you can see, we have been working over the last year with both Saturn-Chiron and Saturn-Uranus. A time of restructuring, breaking bonds, owning our dreams and healing.
Personally, I’m relieved to be in the company of the water signs again. They bring our emotional bodies into the conversation, what we feel informs our choices, and we can navigate with flow, and love the soothing richness we find there. With Jupiter in Scorpio all year we’re not only in a water sign, but THE water sign of power. Scorpio is dedicated to depth and intimacy and the journey of transformation. With Scorpio we learn about our desires and how to temper and guide them with our will. Scorpio is magnetic energy drawing powerful response from the other. Scorpio is life force energy drawn up through the emotional-physical body and is the kundalini force and balanced tantric dance of creation. With Jupiter providing an expansive container, any stagnation we find leads to elimination and that leads to transformation at the deepest levels. Only at this Moon does Jupiter travel along side the energizing life giving Sun providing tremendous opportunity to reveal, penetrate and plunge into the intensity of our emotional power. Where will you direct it? Jupiter is a seeker of truth, meaning and understanding and will be revealing the mysterious and hidden while in Scorpio for the next year.
Jupiter returns to the very early morning sky on November 7 and by Nov 13 Jupiter and Venus in Scorpio conjunct very closely and spectacularly in the predawn hour – worth watching and putting that jewel in your heart.
Heads Up! Mercury turns retrograde on December 3rd the day the Moon is Full in Gemini and goes direct on December 22. Winter Solstice is December 21st, but before we begin the Turn of Light at Solstice, Saturn changes sign from Sagittarius to Capricorn on December 19th. Also anticipate Full Moon in Cancer on New Year’s Day 2018 – that could be fun. Circle up with food, family and friends. Oh, one more thing: The eclipse cycle begins the end of January with a total Lunar Eclipse in Leo 11º.
All times are in Mountain Standard Time (MST):
11/05 Daylight Savings Time ends USA
11/18 Scorpio New Moon 26º 4:43 AM MST
11/21 Sun enters Sagittarius 8:04 PM MST
12/03 Mercury retrograde 29º Sagittarius until 12/22
12/03 Gemini Full Moon 11º 8:47 AM MST
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at
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