And if you are feeling this different, almost liquid-feeling energy begin to fill you as well– fabulous! You said “yes” to receiving and so USING it.
The “yes” is key. Energies are offering to serve you from every aspect of life NOW– from fellow humans, nature, and pure syncronicity out of the blue. But none CAN, of course, unless you allow yourself to RECEIVE them.
If you DID say “yes” to receiving the energy you are feeling right NOW, know that you have accessed some very potent energy at your service. It is being delivered to you by our extraordinary Capricorn full supermoon as it absorbs and reflects the energy of Cancer, its 180 degree opposite. It wil overflow in fullness at 4:25 AM pst. tomorrow morning (7/12).
It is structure integrating fluidity.
It is rigidity giving way to flexibility.
It is stern discipline weeping with compassion.
It is action honoring the guidance of inspiration.
It can be the male and female energies within YOU, making love together– if you say “yes.”
Make space for love within yourSELF, then. Release shame, self- judgments, and simply ALLOW yourSelf to integrate and reclaim your truth– which is that you are ONE, you are LOVE, you are WHOLE, you are LOVED.
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