Humanity is
awakening! The many conflicts erupting, between individuals in
difficult relationships or within nations apparently preparing to or
already tearing themselves apart at the seams, appears to indicate the
reverse. This is not the
case. For eons there has been forceful and psychological oppression,
suppression, and denial in every race, culture, and religion on Earth,
with each one claiming the right to enforce their views on those born
into them. However, these conflicts are but an enormous indication of
the awakening of vast numbers of humans who are no longer willing to
surrender their power to those who would usurp it and use it against
conflicts are the last vestiges of the enforcers attempts to maintain
control of humanity, but humanity has made the collective decision not
be controlled. Large numbers of you are realizing that you are all
sovereign beings who have the absolute right to the freedom to live your
lives in ways that suit each one of you personally, and in which
interaction with one another is harmonious, cordial, peaceful, and
who have held the apparent reins of power and used them to reign over
you are doing their utmost to maintain control by passing ever more laws
to supposedly “protect you from the terrorists” who they claim
constantly threaten your lives and security. The real terrorists, of
course – although truly there are none, there is just a small minority
of severely damaged individuals living in terror, and therefore
constantly maintaining within themselves a state of readiness to take up
arms – are those who would retain their positions of power and
authority over you, and who are desperately trying to maintain that
power and authority through the unconscionable use of the various legal
jurisdictions, military, security, and intelligence arms of their
end of those times is fast approaching because humanity has decided no
longer to be cowed, suppressed, or controlled. Major governmental
changes are secretly underway all over the planet, changes that are
essential for the harmonious living conditions that are soon to break
out across the world. You have had enough conflict, you can see clearly
that it only induces more conflict, you are ready to release yourselves
from it, and because it is your collective will and the divine Will you will be utterly successful.
As you are always being reminded by those in the spiritual realms through numerous channels “Love is the only answer to any issue or problem with which you have to deal.” And deep within yourselves, each of you, every human being, knows
this. The illusion was built as a means to experience separation from
God and therefore from one another and it has been extremely successful
in convincing you that you are each separate, tiny, and insignificant
parts of an unimaginably vast and threatening whole.
as you have been told before, the illusion is like a dark cloak
enveloping you all, and hiding from you the reality of God’s eternal and
brilliant day in which all that He creates has its permanent and non
ending existence. You all have within you the divine Spark of Love from
which you were created that is inextinguishable, but which has been
hidden from your sight by the cloak of darkness that contains and
maintains the illusion.
Tsunami of Love now embracing the illusion is intensifying because so
many of you have made the choice to to choose Love instead of fear.
Fear has not yet totally dissolved, it takes hold of you in moments of
doubt and anxiety, but your intent
to be loving disarms it, and so it is dissolving, along with the whole
illusory nightmare in which it seems you have been enfolded against your
will for eons.
absolutely crucial daily period of prayer, relaxation, contemplation,
or meditation – what you call it is immaterial – when you intend to be
aware of God’s Love for you, and when you commune with your favorite
angels, guides, or mentors in the spiritual realms provides you with the
mightiness of intent to bring you to the moment of awakening.
time for pain, suffering, betrayal, conflict, and war is coming to an
end. There is no one on Earth who is unaware of the insanity of your
modern technological methods of warfare, and the numbers of those who
would engage in it are steadily dwindling. Those who are still engaged
with supporting and advancing the military/industrial labyrinth, or who
are just earning their livings by working in it, are increasingly aware
of what an ungainly and uncontrollable monster it has become. There are
very few who are not questioning the way it has absorbed them into its
dark and forbidding corridors as they look for ways to escape from it or
disable it.
Love that you embrace, share, and extend to all is sweeping away the
last remnants of the foundations on which the illusion was built. An
illusion dissolves when it is seen for what it is, and that is what is
occurring now as the final wars and conflicts enter into a phase of
self-destructive collapse or melt-down from which they will not recover.
embraces you, Love enfolds you, Love is your nature, and in Its
Presence anything that is not aligned with it disintegrates because
there is nothing apart from It. The Love within each one of you is
determined to shine forth, and there is nothing that can prevent that
from happening. You are about to blow your minds and find yourselves
One with God.
Your loving brother, Jesus.