We note that a lot of scribes on earth enjoy connecting with us and experiencing the meditations that can result from such a connection, and like we have before, we encourage every scribe who’s picking up on our energy to meditate before and after the connection’s made so they can feel the highest and purest vibration it offers.
We’re sending you codes and information that are important to your evolution and your attainment of a higher state of consciousness, and when you can realize this, your efforts in connecting with us will produce potent and flowing meditations that can be enjoyed before and after the channeling process.
When you open your minds and hearts to the influence of spirit, you’ll find that we are and have always been with you. Your higher selves and guides have never left your side, and we never plan to.
As long as you can know in your heart of hearts that we’re indeed real and that you can connect with us at any time you like, you’ll find the connections you seek, and the meditations you’ll have the potential to experience will be wonderfully potent.
Inner Validation
We note that many scribes seek direct proof or validation of the reality of our communications, and we encourage you to seek this validation within.
No outer validation will ever be as helpful or convincing as the validation you can find within, and those of you who particularly enjoy the numerous messages being channeled and published to your internet are wholeheartedly encouraged to start connecting with your higher selves and guides so you can feel the energies and impressions we’re offering.
If you enjoy channeled messages and the flowing energy that comes with reading them, we don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t benefit immensely from picking up on our energies within and flowing from there with the energy and insight we’re offering every receptive, conscious seeker.
Some souls have agreed before they made their way to the earth to pick up on our impressions and use them for the betterment of humanity, but these souls are in no way ‘better’ or ‘more able’ to channel us than any of you who read our communications with enthusiasm.
You’re each capable of the greater connection that results in the material you’re reading here, and you don’t have to publicly channel us to start connecting and tuning into the soul-level guidance we’re offering. We note that many of you who are interested in channeling find the notion of publishing your messages outlandish, and we certainly understand this feeling.
You aren’t pushed to do anything you don’t want to do, but we can say with love that many of you who are becoming interested in our messages are poised to start publicly channeling us yourselves if you so choose.
Some of you who don’t realize the greater role you’re intended to play have come to the earth to pick up on our energy and use the resulting material to help uplift humanity, and others have come simply to hold the energetic space while connecting with their higher selves and guides, however private and personal such a connection may be.
There’s certainly nothing wrong with keeping one’s connection to oneself, and as long as the intent to connect is there and one can believe that the connection is real and that we, the souls they’re connecting with are real, then nothing will stop them from picking up on and enjoying the flow of our energies and impressions.
Flow on, dearest seekers, because you have far more good to do than you yet know or understand. Your missions go far beyond what many of you realize or expect, and you’re encouraged to embrace your developing roles, even if you aren’t quite sure of what they are just yet.
In due time, every soul will discover their passion and work from there to help as many souls become aware of spirit as possible, and we’re overjoyed to see the progress so many of you have already been able to make.
Sudden Inspiration
All over your planet, developing seekers are opening their hearts and receiving a wealth of spiritual information that’s opening them up to the reality of their existence, and the result is a lightening of your collective energy and an increase in humanity’s enthusiasm to be part of a new world that’s rooted in love and harmony.
Many seekers who are being worked with in the higher realms suddenly feel inspired to start changing things on your planet in a big way, and we encourage you to listen to the things these souls are beginning to say, because they’re pioneering the new way of life we know you’re ready to create.
Your new world has to be created before it can be enjoyed, and as long as you recognize what needs done and start getting to work, your efforts will bear the fruit you intend them to. One soul, however passionate, can only do so much to change your world, and this is why the effort of each of you is essential.
Instead of simply appreciating and supporting the passion of others, feel free to find your own passion and get to work.
There are a lot of things about your planet that clearly need changed and upgraded, and upgrading them is the purpose of the presence of millions of conscious seekers, lightworkers, wayshowers, etc. who feel as if they’re on your planet for a very real and important mission.
Indeed they are, and most of your planet has yet to realize that you’re each on a sacred mission to lift yourselves out of the lower vibrations that have become so commonplace and deeply rooted. However difficult changing your world could seem, you’re given all of the support and assistance you could possibly ask for and you only need to request this assistance to start really receiving it.
We note that many of you are ready to perceive and connect with your higher selves and guides, the angels and archangels, your star family, etc. in a much realer way than you’ve been able to, and we happily reiterate that the work you do to raise your individual and collective vibration brings you closer to us with each bit of effort you make.
Your new world can’t be built if incentive isn’t shown on the part of all of humanity, and in the same vein, you can’t connect with us in a real and pure way if you don’t seek to attain such a connection.
We don’t encourage striving too hard to connect with us, because doing so employs the mind and ego and actually hinders the connection you can make, but we encourage you to make an effort to connect if you feel particularly led to do so.
Effort and Incentive are Essential
We’ve stated plenty of times that effort and incentive are essential to manifesting anything you desire to see or experience, and the wonderful thing about your existence is that as long as you show this effort, you’ll be virtually unlimited in what you can do and be.
As long as the important efforts are made on your end, you’ll be able to do anything and everything you desire. Keep at your efforts to connect with the higher realms and change your world, because they’re more important than we could possibly express.
From our realms, we and the rest of your spiritual family watch and assist you in any and every way we can.
Your star brethren specifically are working harder than ever before on using the higher-dimensional technology they have available to help as many seekers find enlightenment as possible, and presently, their efforts are geared toward helping humanity raise your collective vibration so you can convene with them and enjoy a higher-vibrational world that’s able to host the presence of souls who can’t currently exist on your surface.
We, of course, refer to all of us who watch and assist you, and we’ll make our final expressions for this communication by reminding you that you’re capable of being and doing anything you desire.
You have no reason to convince yourselves otherwise, dearest souls, and to do so is to employ the illusion of limitation and impede the otherwise pure flow you have the ability to access. An open heart will take you very far, and we implore you to remember this when the mind seems to block you from a greater connection.
This connection isn’t to be found in the mind, and instead, it’s to be found in the open and brimming heart space. When you understand this, your efforts to pick up on us and help humanity become aware will be much more potent and enjoyable.
Thank you to my higher self and spiritual guides.
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