Previously, we examined the idea that some people are taken out of their bodies prior to the moment of death. We heard primarily from Mike Swain, who informed us that violent deaths are nearly always preceded by exiting the body, and here, I’d like to look at the idea that initiates are guided by their departed friends and loved ones when they pass on.
The material we’ve examined in previous Spirit World Chronicles installments has repeatedly alluded to the presence of departed friends and family at the time of death, but we haven’t yet focused on this topic specifically. Like everything else we’ve learned so far, it’s a very interesting topic that our fourth-dimensional sources have said a lot about.
To begin, Frances Banks tells us that people who live basically good lives are given all the love and care they need when they pass on.
“A good man or woman, kindly, unselfish,
seeking God during life, yet without knowledge or understanding of
survival, has nothing to fear, His good deeds have already attracted
those who can guide and help him to adjust to these new conditions.” (1)
As long as we help others (or at least make it a point not to hurt
others) we’ll be receptive to the immense love and assistance we’ll be
given when the time comes. The more we strive to live a good life, the
more assistance we’ll be able to receive, and even lost souls are
eventually able to open up to their departed relatives and spiritual
guides.Julia Ames tells us that the wicked are cared for just as much as anyone else at the time of death, but many of them are unable to receive this care.
“When the loveless soul comes here, as
much care [is] taken to welcome it as when the soul of love arrives. But
the selfish soul is blind and dark, and shudders in the dark.” (2)
A ‘loveless’ soul probably doesn’t want to open up to the light, and
he/she might be more comfortable in the darkness they didn’t realize
they were feeding on the earth. When it comes down to it, some people
will be more eager to explore what they’re familiar with than an
unfamiliar and uncomfortable territory, even if it means staying in the
dark.Donald MacLeod tells us about his initial reluctance to leave his incarnate loved ones behind, which was replaced by the joy of seeing his departed family.
“When my astral sight was opened, on
leaving my body, I was rather perplexed and very reluctant to leave all
my dear ones. As I looked up, I saw the smiling faces of my dear father
and mother who were waiting for me….
“Behind them I saw the happy faces of my
friends and relatives who had gone over long before, and they assured me
that my travails and troubles were over. I was approached by three
entities, dressed in gleaming white…. They assured me that the family
would be cared for, guided and protected.” (3)
Donald probably learned soon after that he could actually
guide his family on earth, and I’m sure he enthusiastically did.
Understanding that his family was safe and that he could explore his new
state of consciousness with ease enabled him to leave them behind, even
though he wasn’t really leaving them behind.In reality, nearly everyone who passes away likely assists their family from the other side, and their perspective is obviously much greater and sharper than it was on earth. They’re able to do amazing metaphysical things to help their family and, in some cases, let them know they’re around, and most of them happily do all they can.
Mike Swain, who’s death we learned about in our previous installment, tells us that his departed uncle was almost immediately there for him to explain what had happened.
“When I first arrived here, I felt no
sudden jar at my passing. As I told you, we were lifted in the air and I
took Heather’s hand and together we saw the cars collide. Then Uncle
Mark was suddenly standing beside us. He explained that we had been
through such a terrible collision that we were no longer in the land of
the living.
“I was too surprised to ask him how he
knew, although I did have a hunch I was dead and it seemed perfectly
natural that he had come to take charge of us.” (4)
It makes sense that a close, departed family member would be there
for the initiate at the time of passing, and it made Mike’s death, which
could have been chaotic for him, much easier. His uncle, along with
plenty of other etheric guides and helpers, was able to be there for him
and Heather (who I’m guessing is his sister).Mike also tells us that ‘elders’ in the fourth dimension will appoint transition guides to help initiates experience an easy passing.
“One of the elders always tells [the
transition guides] by [telepathy] who to help … This is usually ten to
fifteen minutes before the final moment occurs; then we have enough
notice to meet the soul and escort him to wherever he is meant to go.”
I’m sure there’s plenty of ‘time’ in the fourth dimension to get to a
soul who’s about to pass on, because time isn’t experienced there like
it is here. A transition guide could probably take all the ‘time’ they
needed to prepare themselves, and no matter what, they’ll be able to be
there for the soul they’re appointed to.Every soul is given assistance with experiencing as easy of a transition as their karma will allow, and even if the circumstances surrounding their death are chaotic, eventually, every bit of pain will fade and they’ll be left with the bliss of the higher realms.
The only exception to this rule is if someone has been lost in darkness on the earth, in which case they might surround themselves with negative energy and make it harder for their guides to contact them and help lighten their pain or trauma.
Concluded in Part 2 tomorrow.
- Helen Graves, Testimony of Light. London: Churches Fellowship for Psychical & Spiritual Studies, 1975; c1969, 135.
- Julia [Julia T. Ames] through W.T. Stead, medium, After Death. A Personal Narrative. New York: George H. Doran, n.d.; c. 1914, 39. Online edition.
- P.I. Phillips, Here and There. More Psychic Experiences. London; Corgi Books, 1975, 13.
- Jasper Swain, From My World to Yours: A Young Man’s Account of the Afterlife. New York: Walker, 1977, 54.
- Ibid., 56.