I’m going to be out with family this morning (Wednesday, December 4), but I wanted to give a quick post in place of the usual writing I would’ve given today.
The greatest lesson I’m learning lately is the importance of remaining in the sacred heart space and reaping the incredible benefits it can offer. It’s easy to let the difficulty of this reality bring us under, but when finding and re-accessing the heart space and cultivating the resulting center, we can view everything playing out from a detached and loving place.
It feels wonderful to embrace personal liberation by maintaining a constant connection with the heart space, and if there’s any advice I could offer right now it’d be to remain in the center of any potential drama that plays out and always remember where we’re returning after this, at times, perilous mission.
We’re anchoring the higher dimensions onto this evolving planet as we greet our daily existence from the loving center of the heart space, and though I could probably write a lot more about this topic, I’ll bring this short post to a close with the reminder that we’re Love incarnate, and as such, can access and feel the most brimming Love in every moment.
I know that the Love driving our existence doesn’t seem easily attainable at times, but as long as we can see through our own ego-formed barriers and utilize mind and ego in a healthy and balanced way (as opposed to letting them take over or attempting to completely deny them) we can find a much easier connection with the Most I, otherwise known as the higher self.
This is all from me for now. Stay golden, fellow seekers!
Wes Annac
www.wesannac.com / link to original article