In the midst of chaos, we embody our dreams. Yesterday I found myself living one at the Wildlife Waystation. Today I found myself living another. I was getting “insights” for the Tele-Gathering for Energy Sensitives on 12/17, when suddenly Yeshuwah came through with such overwhelming Love and such amazing “insights”– both so far beyond what “I know” in my human self– that I DID know the experience was FAR REALER than “what I think I know.” It was even far beyond any dream I had consciously allowed myself to know of!
And meanwhile, I am also feeling very human, and very small indeed, as I face integrating all of these dreams into “who I thought I was.”
What I “got” in response to using the word “small” about myself is something I wish to pass onto you–
“You are not small, but vast. You are not either/or, but all. The process You are in is one of integrating opposites into wholeness. What feels like riding a loop-de-loop, as You have described it, is simply the way the process of re-claiming All That You Are feels in human form. Allow the re-balancing to occur, claim the truth of your power as You recognize your manifested dreams, and LOVE yourSelf whole again. Do You understand our meaning, Beloved? It is as vast as You are, and as glorious. Let us be succinct, so that you may feel the frequencies of Truth resonate through your humanly embodied being, and know thySelf: Be still and know that You are God.” — Yeshuwah
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