My beloved humans this is I again, ArchAngel Michael, speaking to you together with our all Father, Creator of “All-There-Is”. With much delight we are pleased to invite again two human beings from the 5th dimension and they are standing by in order to submit to you their experience. It is the matter of those belonging to the first wave having passed over to the “Nova Earth” successfully
We are starting again with our heavenly Father and I turn over to him to make his kind of introduction hereunder:
My beloved children, this is your Father speaking- Creator and Guardian of “All-There-Is”. Today I have the pleasure to welcome here another two human beings from out of the 5th Dimension. Anyway however they will cover some other topics today so that you will be given the possibility of getting some further impression of what is will be expecting you here.
It is something very simple – which is presenting itself once you have arrived on the other side. Everything becomes so plausible and clear to you and you will become very conscious and aware – something unparalleled until now. Go deep into your heart if humans are speaking to you. Since it is your heart which knows how to estimate of any message and thus it will take up all wonderful messages from the 5th Dimension too.
Praise the Lord, as you sometimes call out and hereto I am adding also something more resp. I am altering it in your favour. Praise the Human Being who understands how to follow up his very own way by deciding himself to get ready and prepared for his way.
If you do not understand this above passage of mine – you will have missed the contents of all messages passed or did not read those given through this channel. There are elementary contents having been submitted to you which all belong together. Many of you woke up only recently and became aware of the fact that there is more to it than only what is shortly expecting you.
Dive down deep into all information given to you by us – messages and all the knowledge is some sort of concentrated knowledge having been elaborated by all of my children since months ago. When reading all take them up and store all deep into your heart. Since it is the heart which understands all contents and if you have built up a wonderful connection with your own heart – it will be at your side for all the time.
I shall now return my word to my son and I am wishing you a wonderful time until I shall return to you again.
Your heavenly Father
My beloved human beings, I, Archangel Michael, shall now take over for some short while in order to transmit to the humans of the 5th Dimension. There are again another two human beings to tell you a little bit what is awaiting you here. Go into your heart because there are most wonderful and loving energies reaching you now from earth of 5th Dimension and her inhabitants there which had time enough since some days to get accustomed to the new environment and all the “amenities of Nova Earth”.
Dear humans, this is one of the new inhabitants of 5th Dimension speaking to you. I feel much honored being allowed to direct to you some words now. One some short while ago I stood on the other side and asked myself how I was going to do everything. I followed this blog just like you do and I asked myself:
“How shall I be able to do this?”
Today, I know that I lost too many thoughts about how I should be able to achieve all this instead of thinking and imagining what would be expecting me on the other side. My beloved brothers and sisters, do not worry so much thinking how you might pass over to “Nova Earth” but better would be to imagine what “Nova Earth” would look like !
Focusing on “Nova Earth” will certainly assist you to create that very energy needed that “Nova Earth” will be manifested in your inner heart and for you on the outside. Do you follow me? This is most essential and it has been the very key for me … being the key for passing on ….
Today everything is much easier and now I do not comprehend any longer how I could have doubted so much. Since I doubted all over what was linked to ascension however, after having been able to let go of everything I felt that everything around me underwent a change. In some very short time my thoughts directed everything into that way leading on to ascension and moreover introducing my very own ascension.
I do hope to have assisted you a little with the submission of my experience so that you may learn that I did it all by myself. And if I achieved it all by myself you will be able to do it too ! Promise!!
My brothers and sisters – I am the next following in the row of those being allowed to direct some words to you. I am one of the many who will be able to channel to you messages in the very next days and weeks to come. We all are thankful for being able to do it for you.
A short time ago – in order to apply here this horrid term of “Time” we all, meaning – all of us having arrived here in the realm of 5th Dimension in meantime – have been in just the very role, same situation confronted with the very same challenge.
It really is a challenge – which will remain as such. How to cope with this challenge is all up to you ! I shall cut myself quite short since I do have only one but a somewhat short and important message as follows:
The response to all your questions regarding this challenge is in the inner space of your heart. The keys thereto are in the heart of each and every human being – it is upon you to go and fetch these keys and then proceed through the portals of ascension.
If you did not understand the sense of it you will never be able to pass through the Portals of Ascension. On reading these words I surprised myself saying : “Blinking News and altogether sewn up” – yes I reacted very angrily about myself and that channel too. As he submitted matters to us which were not to be understood at all – that’s what I said to myself. Today I know that I at that moment I did not understand myself at all and this was why I did not get behind the message of the key altogether.
I do hope to have enlightened a bit more about the necessary steps to be taken resp. the pre-requisites needed. Become aware what you really are and you will know that you carry the key in yourselves. You are bearing it in your very heart !
See you soon – brothers and sisters – I shall see you again in the realm of 5th Dimension !
Since now both of the new inhabitants of 5th Dimension have spoken to you it now is my turn to deliver to you the concluding words here like completing the bouquet of words instead of flowers …
Go into your heart – deep down. There you will find the place and solely there where all matters and probabilities are being stored which may you take use of. I shall meet you down there when you call upon me. I shall accompany you to your very own and individual key being prepared and only meant to be taken up by you.
With such great love to you, my beloved humans here on “Old Earth”!
ArchAngel Michael
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.