sábado, diciembre 14, 2013
3D Printer Series : PART 3 : Materials : Heated Printer heads and bases : Simplistic look at what is needed for Your machine:
3D Printer Series : PART 3 : Materials : Heated Printer heads and bases : Simplistic look at what is needed for Your machine:
Materials : Heated Printing Heads and Bases:
Part 2 Shaping here and Part 1 Scanning here
Just before we go shopping for our perfect 3D printing machine and all of its accompaniments we should first of all take into consideration what materials we can print with and determine our selection process of the type printer heads that are current and available:
In Part 2 : For The New Light Worker-SXM office in 2014 we have already determined that we can use Gold and Silver by using a wax type plastic for the mold, no matter how intricate that can be filled with Molten Gold or Silver that can make our new Brand Name Colloidal Silver Water Makers plus jewellery and essential parts for other applications:
>Incorporate your LLC online now! Choose any state.
The general science mind set is simple : You place a plastic like filament in Between 1.5mm to 3MM into a Printer head and it heats it up and squeezes out at say 0.5MM on to your base to begin your 3D Printing process: In some instances the material you select may need a heated base plate to take the type structured material you select: This is important to know prior to selecting the type of 3D printer make and model you need.
The Heatable Printer Heads:
Head of printer
Without getting too technical at this stage one can think the same as a standard printer with is preselected and the only time you se the printer head on a standard 2 D printer is when you change the ink cartridge, the only difference with 3D printing is that you need to be in constant control over your 3D printer head or heads as they have now brought out dual heads for mixing materials in printing these days:
Head cones
The above picture gives you an idea that it is not unlike selecting your cream cake decorations You simply pick the head that you want Just add the filament thickness too as they can come in 3mm or 1.5 mm depending on your selection. The heads vary in size down to 0.05mm if my memory serves me correctly IE: very fine:
Preheated beds or baseplates :
In the 30 Minute video at the foot of this article will be a stand up talk on all aspects of Material selection for you to digest and decide which is the right material for your selection plus it will help in which head and base table you need to accompany your 3D printing machine, Plus it all helps you to ask the right questions prior to deciding on which machine is right for you.
3D printer mats
Nylon PLA ABS HIPS are just some of the selections that are common every day use rolls of feed materials you can select off the shelf and use daily These vary from PLA Plastics to harder plastics like ABS and HIPS being High Impact Polystyrene. Nylon is a very good material used in printing but it tends to only adhere to itself : So a nylon bas covering is required, See more in the video below :
Open Sourcing and the latest on 3D printing circuit boards:
Which ever subject in 3D printing that you discuss please do not lose sight of all the various Open Sourcing networks that are available to you : this will keep you upto date in what is the very latest available types of materials and all latest releases.
Here for example is the latest on 3D printing of Electric Circuit boards:
Should your priorities be like mine and you want the latest on Organic Earth friendly 3D printing materials please see this article too:
The latest in 3D printing ORGANIC materials :
Which leaves us to a round up video dated just last month of a summary of what you have just been through by Matt Stultz who nervously explains to us what is in and what is out in types of materials for 3D printing.
Here is the link on 3ders
Links to suppliers of materials can be found on the links above:
I hope you enjoyed this zip around what materials are available and I hope you are getting interested in becoming involved in 3d Printing of the future>
In PART 4 Tomorrow we look at the practicalities of having an idea to printing it :
PART 5 will be your shopping list for all you need to get going :
In Light Dave
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Ángeles de Crystal
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