jueves, octubre 03, 2013
AA Michael - BE love. All else will fall into place. – Ron Head - October 3, 2013
May we begin today by asking that all those who follow these messages hold only love and the intention for the highest and best outcomes when you observe what is going on around you at this time. Those highest outcomes will be, dear ones. But they will manifest sooner, and you will be far less effected by any negativity if you guard yourselves against the thoughts and emotions which can invade your thoughts all too easily in these circumstances.
When situations and the actions of others which seem dubious, to say the least, come to your attention, remember that everything is part of a very complex flow of change which is designed both to bring your world into alignment with the highest good for all, and to show the futility of the last of the duality as the final lessons are learned.
We see that in your minds there is a picture of going to bed in a darker world and waking into a perfect one. And here is a paradox for you to contemplate. On the one hand, this will not happen in that way. It may happen that way for you individually, but there are billions of you in billions of unique states of awareness. And each begins from where he or she stands. On the other hand, it will, and has already happened in just that way. And we are of course viewing it in the context, and from the perspective of, what you call ‘now time’.
Returning to the individual we were speaking of, and that would include each of you, we would have you feel the truth of this next image, if you will. You have, many of you reading this, reached the point in your personal changes, your evolutions, where you can now easily observe, easily feel, that you are well connected with parts of yourselves which not long ago you were unaware of. You feel connected to your higher Selves, your oneness with All. This will be an ongoing process, an eternal process. But know in your hearts, dearest ones, that you are now on that path and will not fall from it again.
There is far more to this than you could possibly take in yet, but that too will change. One thing, and one thing only, need be uppermost for you from now on. Learn, discover, seek out, define, live, and BE love. All else will fall into place.
There are as yet viewpoints on your world from which such lofty scenes cannot be seen. They will fall away. And they will fall away due to what you have done, what you have become. In humble gratitude, learn to own that truth. It is all of you that have done it. But again in paradox, be proud of yourselves for the doing of it.
You are dearly loved and honored. We will speak again.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Ron Head