We have a good idea what physical wakefulness is. Anyone who has
ever driven a car on a seemingly endless stretch of highway late at
night knows the value of wakefulness. You slap your face, roll down the
windows and play loud music to keep yourself from nodding off. Physical
wakefulness is intricately woven with our survival in many situations.
But spiritual wakefulness is just as important to our spiritual growth
and evolution. Wakefulness in all forms is essential to our fulfillment
and quality of life.
Our daily dance with spiritual wakefulness may seem less dramatic
than a late-night drive but it is nevertheless vital to our goal and
purpose here on planet earth. Any point where our consciousness dims and
lapses to low awareness makes us more susceptible to thought viruses
that drain our energy and divert our attention down meaningless side
Wakefulness Allows our Soul to Participate in our Life
So how do we know if we are sleeping while awake? When we are
sleeping through our life, our eyes may be open; we may be walking
around and talking. We can seem awake even when we are asleep, but we
aren’t truly awake when we move through life according to habits and
patterns or the desires of others. This sleepiness makes it difficult
for our conscious mind to engage with our soul and higher self. When we
exist in life without the input and help of this other dimension of
ourselves, we move through life zombie-like, empty-eyed, susceptible to
outside pressures and influences. A sleeping consciousness is easy prey
for thought viruses. When a person falls prey to thought viruses, real
freedom becomes nearly impossible.
We are Enslaved when we Become Lost in the ‘Game’ of Life
There are different levels of sleeping while
awake. The heavier we sleep the more chaos unravels in our life. When we
sleep while awake we become lost in the “game” of life. When we are
lost in physical reality, we become so absorbed we start to believe that
what we see is all there is. When we become lost in the game of life,
we become enslaved by the game.
Cultivating a Wakeful Awareness
No one has to be enslaved by physical reality. The alternative to
living at the mercy of thought viruses is to remain awake and cultivate
awareness within each moment.
The first step toward wakefulness is to begin observing ourselves.
This is not the same as judging ourselves. Observing is about paying
attention to what we do and say. When we become a detective of our own
life, we interpret the symbols of our waking dream. We pay attention to
the things we say and consider the subtext of our own words. For
example, if you hear yourself often saying that you are tired, consider
what you are really tired of. As we pay close attention to our thoughts,
words and actions, we shine a light on parts of our lives that have
flown under the radar of our conscious awareness.
Remembering to Detach from Physical Reality
When we are awake in our life, we hold the power to step back from
what is happening and see it through the eyes of our higher self. When
we remember to detach, step back and ask questions about the world
around us, we receive answers.
When you are aware, you remember to ask questions such as “Who am
I?” and “Why am I here?” When we’re awake, we remember to become still
inside ourselves and pay attention to the whispers of our inner voice.
When we’re awake, we listen to the voice of our soul which helps us act
impeccably within the moment so we’re always at the right place at the
right time. Consciousness that is clear and awake is not accessible to a
thought virus.
The person who is enslaved by physical reality doesn’t feel they
have the luxury of stepping back from the events of their life and
listening to the voice of their soul. Those who sleep the deepest don’t
even recognize this as an option. That is because when we become lost in
the game of life, we become enslaved by the game. The more we are
obsessed by the game, the more enslaved we become. Drugs and other
addictions compound the level of enslavement.
When our higher self plays an active role in our lives, we receive
guidance that allows us to participate in life without being lost in
physical reality. The ability to choose how you respond to a situation
is the signature of a free mind and spirit.
Facing Uncomfortable and Fearful Scenarios
Wakefulness and the willingness and courage to face the realities
in our life go hand in hand. Sleepfulness begins to kick in when we want
to block our perception of something that makes us feel uncomfortable
or fearful. Lack of awareness almost always sets in when a person does
not want to face reality. When we seek to block our perception of
something, we lower our awareness. Fear and anger are two major blocks
to awareness, and they leave our energy field vulnerable to thought
viruses, which are always trying to lull us to sleepfulness.
Intuitive Awareness and Clear Perception are Signposts of the New Time
Consciousness that is clear and awake is not accessible to a
thought virus. Awareness is a clear perception of our surrounding
reality. Awareness helps us receive intuitive awareness from our
subconscious. Intuitive awareness is the purview of a unified conscious
mind and spirit. Awareness allows us to recognize when outer influences
such as thought viruses are driving our actions. It is a clear awareness
that allows us to see a thought virus for what it is and remove its
barb from our energy field.
As we move further into the new time, thought viruses will
increasingly fall by the wayside as more people enter a state of clear
wakefulness. Each day, each moment, we can ask ourselves “Am I sleeping
or am I awake?” Over time, we become adept at recognizing when our
consciousness is becoming sleepy. At such times, we can reaffirm our
commitment to wakefulness. Each time we choose wakefulness over
sleepiness, we step further into the crystal clear light of clarity and