Their methodology is very mechanical in nature. They use sacred geometry, power points on the Earth, as well as mind control via the media and chemicals. Plus a continuing elimination of those individuals as well as native people and cultures who hold the sacred knowledge of creation.
Their bread and butter is FEAR.
Their knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation both by families as well as infiltrated groups, such as the Freemasons.
They, in turn, are controlled by Darkness. Darkness came into this universe several thousand years ago from another universe which is Dark configured.
The difference between a Dark universe and a Light universe (which this one is), is basically that the main “emotional/creative” energy in a Dark universe is FEAR and the basic “emotional/creative” energy in a Light universe is LOVE.
There is plenty of documented and experiential evidence to support the above paragraph. To begin with, most cultures in the world will have an “origin” story where the Earth was a paradise devoid of suffering, fear and death, and then “fell” due to something that humans did. With regard to experiential evidence, ask anyone who has experienced Enlightenment or Oneness and he or she will tell you that it felt like BLISS, LOVE, ECSTASY. These higher states of consciousness are a merging with the Essence of this Universe… and guess what… no FEAR or SUFFERING in sight!
The Elite are presently working very hard at cultivating FEAR among the masses. They do this by staging, or broadcasting, natural or man made disasters, wars and pestilence around the world at regular intervals. FEAR keeps people ASLEEP. Someone who is
They also use music and media to harness the focus of the young toward sex, drugs, violence and rock and roll.
They are also creating a FEAR OF LACK by making us believe that “oil and water are running out” and by polluting key areas of the world and broadcasting a belief that the entire world is polluted and overpopulated, when in fact, most of the world is clean, unpolluted, unpopulated and untouched by man. The CO2 pollution control is a SCAM to control the fuel sources of the world.
So, now that you know a few of the things these people are doing, what can you do?
Firstly, you can create a FEAR FREE ZONE around you. This means a conscious effort to process fear as soon as it pops into your body/mind/aura.
Click here for the fear processing exercise I use myself.
Also calling for your guides/angels to create a sanctuary of LOVE vibration in your home and workplace.
When you see pictures of the Global Elite, you can google Bilderberg members in the news or media, or the internet, focus on them and tell them, “your time is up, all your darkness leaves this universe now”, with love and compassion.
RETAKE power points in your area. Visit groves, parks, rocks, cathedrals, and known energy points in your area, and simply call upon the Divine Mother to retake that point. Call upon angles and fifth dimensional light beings to guard it and keep it free, clean and secure. Your intent is all that is needed to do this. It does not matter whether you believe in the Divine Mother with that particular name, or in Angels or other dimensional beings. What matters is your intent to retake the point of energy back for the Earth and Humanity.
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