Where to start…
This 2013 spring quarter–the Second Trimester of the Nine Month period–has been very intense, extremely difficult at times, not to mention physically and emotionally exhausting. The other day I was trying to remember 2012 and amazingly couldn’t other than the Three Days of 12-21-12, 12-22-12, 12-23-12. So many of us thought, believed, expected that 2012 was the big year and it’s turned out to be 2013.
I intentionally began to work on revising my book The Temple of Master Hotei a couple of days after the March 20, 2013 spring Equinox. I knew back then that I did not want that project to carryover into the Third Trimester at all (June 20th through September 22, 2013) because it’s going to be more of what we’ve had since March 21, 2013…but even more amplified. No fear my friends. So, I’ve been working on it throughout the Second Trimester while simultaneously dealing with all sorts of unexpected issues that manifested throughout the spring months. It has not been an easy three months at all, plus I’ve had more time during the Second Trimester where I could hardly focus mentally, which I obviously needed very much to do to get the book revision and new cover done!
This increased lack of mental focus, profound exhaustion, and other symptoms including plenty of deliberate interference from the Negatives in whatever ways, forms, and people they could affect. And let us not forget to mention the all around amplified “craziness” and imbalances from pretty much everyone have all been 2013 Second Trimester Ascension symptoms and reactions to those symptoms. I’ll list some of them but remember that, as always, your individual mileage may vary. We each experience the Ascension symptoms slightly differently and at slightly different times and this is normal because of those many Stair Steps.
- the return of Hot Flashes–milder than earlier years and shorter lived but back nonetheless
- profound exhaustion any time of the day or night or constantly– no amount of sleep, rest, or complete immobility improves it
- difficulty mentally focusing
- family, neighbors, co-workers, friends, book publishers, strangers going through their issues & imbalances & that triggering some of your issues & imbalances
- greater numbers of people suddenly dying–you considering your own physical death
- more potent than usual waves of nausea
- purging bouts of diarrhea
- periods of pain in certain areas of the spine–lower back, upper neck into base of skull and jaw line, mid-back behind the heart–energies moving other energies in there
- inability to eat much of anything, severe upper belly bloating
- inability to sleep enough or stay asleep at night
- falling asleep during the day–having to get out-of-body during potent solar activities in daytime hours (solar impacts at night too of course)
- all solar activity effecting you much more intensely now than ever before–common solar symptoms are “Ascension Flu” with chills, body & bone/joint aches, profound exhaustion, increased inner heat and pressures, muscle weakness, mental mush, in some people varying degrees of mental & emotional instabilities, amplified emotional sensitivities
- seeing and/or feeling new anomalies, lights, geometric patterns of lights, seeing subtle shapes of higher dimensional Beings moving about in your house & elsewhere
- feeling the world that we all incarnated into literally slipping away more and more and faster and faster now
- Team Dark ‘Smash & Grab’ attempts on both the physical dimension through other people, and the astral through hijacked dreams intentionally distorted into nightmares by them
- unusual but insightful dreams–your interactions & relationship with 4D rapidly changing, evolving because YOU are
- continued head pains, pressures in head that move, evolutionary changes in the Crown & Brow chakras and corresponding physical glands in those areas
- continual inner ear ringing, buzzing, humming, pressures etc. caused by ongoing changes both internally & externally
- increasing Spherical Consciousness–linear awareness, time, & reality increasingly disappearing & being replaced with growing quantum, Spherical High Heart Consciousness
- increasing conscious communications and interactions with your Higher Self & with Divine Consciousness
Also, remember I mentioned that I saw and felt Divine Consciousness arriving in this physical dimension back on May 16, 2013. (It was May 15th and 16th, but I saw and participated in what I did on May 16th.) I knew then that some very magnificent, very elevated positive energies had finally arrived in this dimension in a way and to a degree that has never been able to happen before. As wonderful as that was and still is today, I also knew the arrival of Divine Consciousness within this dimension would naturally cause some side-effects from Team Dark and all of their many Old Negative Tools. It’s those side-effects that many of us have been feeling and dealing with in ourselves and in other people in a much greater way just since mid-May 2013.
Side note: I had an interesting dream recently of a huge, dark-colored, enormous alligator-sized monitor lizard or sea iguana type creature that had been living on the roof of someones house. It saw me and the unknown person with me in this dream and started uncontrollably sliding off the roof and fell to the ground. This creature did not live on the ground, but up above, on the roof of. It was shocked that it fell off the roof and I was worried about what it would do now that it was ground-level with me and this other person. It turned out however, this huge Reptilian lizard creature was totally ineffectual on the ground and I was easily able to do away with it. That was polite code for kill the damned thing!
Remember Cosmic Awareness saying in late 2012 I believe it was that, and I’m paraphrasing here, the Reptilian brain in humanity was going dormant? Well, that’s what my recent dream was all about; a huge dark lizard creature that lived on the rooftops of people’s houses–humanity’s consciousness–have uncontrollably fallen off the roofs and are now laying dead on the ground. Ya gotta love how information is oftentimes expressed/translated in our dreams! I’ve called 12-21-12 the Expiration Date for years and this is one of many reasons why; huge lizards are finally falling off much of humanity’s rooftops and dying on the ground because their time and tools have expired! Thank you Cosmic Awareness and Co. ♥♥♥ for that very important and wonderful information. And thank you Higher Denise Awareness for that dramatic, colorful, conformational dream message about this incredibly important evolutionary change.
So, it’s out with the old and in with the new time which is to be expected at the six month point of the 2013 Nine Months period. But, the arrival of Divine Consciousness and the spectacular NEW energies and tools has temporarily riled-up Team Dark’s old negative tools and many people are dealing with this transition in their own ways and at their own speed. Everybody is and will deal slightly differently with having the huge old dark Reptilian lizard creature falling off of their rooftops!
Now just imagine what the Third Trimester is going to be like! No fear… We are and will continue during the Third Trimester–the 2013 summer quarter in the Norther Hemisphere/winter in the Southern Hemisphere–to have New Tools of Higher Consciousness, of expanding awareness suddenly functioning, and, of continued direct support and interactions with Divine Consciousness in this dimension like never before.
Amidst the global chaos, escalating insanity and violence, personal pains of all types, utter exhaustion, growing frustrations, periods of sickness, people dying, other people coming unglued, reality coming unglued, there is believe it or not a NEW, vastly higher and far better order and set of energetic blueprints for us individually and collectively coming online internally and externally as we speak. We’re still deep in transition and will continue to be for a while longer, but know that the Separation of Worlds can actually be seen and felt now more easily than ever before. This is why it’s so very important now to be mindful of your mind; be aware of your awareness; be conscious of your consciousness because what you now mentally and emotionally focus on is exactly where you will find yourself so take responsibility and think about what you’re thinking about and focusing on! It matters a lot now as the Separation of Worlds builds.
June 10, 2013