Hello Dear Ones. We Are Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and we bow before you, together. The Sweet Pure Love Essence that we are, our energies entwined together, we offer to you now for your inherent manifestation. This Sweet Pure Love Essence that you are is there, and is magnified now in our Presence, if you allow it.
Within that is Creation, and Manifestation of that Creation, ever-entwined and ever-present for you to realize.
Dear Ones, feel us now as we enter into your space, awakening all that is there in Pure Love Essence, waiting to manifest in Purity and Harmony in your merging with your higher aspects, in your merging with your Divinity, with your further emergence of the Divine Love that is your essence.
The sweetness of your BEing, we applaud. The sweetness of your Being, we mirror, and evoke and invoke as you let go and surrender to the Sweet Pure Love Essence that you are.
Intertwined as we are, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, intertwined as you are, of your Masculine and Feminine, in your divine emergence and merging of your True Selves, part and parcel of who you are, in eternity, in unity with Creator, and evermore manifest in Pure Love Essence, you accept this quality of you, this quality and essence of Creator, to be your own.
No longer is there disparity, no longer is there separation, as you bask in the Love of your own Creation and spread it to others.
As you know, everything comes from Love, sweet dear ones. It is your essence. It is your Reality as you allow it to emerge within every thought, every action and every utterance.
Be content within this Reality for it is your birthright and your essence, and from now on, you shall grasp the deep truth of it as you realize that you are made of Divine Love. It is every fiber of your Being. It is your Beingness.
You are like a divine Palette, from which you mix the colors of your life. The basis of the colors is Love, but the expression is varied, as varied as the beautiful colors of your Being that you mix with and for each new creation manifesting from your core. The exquisiteness is astounding as you allow the colors of your creations to flow into every area of your life. Into every area of the Universe, of the Multiverse.
Come on a journey with us now. Feel the colors swirl out from your Heart Center now as they emerge like ethereal ribbons, touching everything as you allow it. Allow the colors of your Pure Love Essence to spread into every cell, every molecule of your physical body. Feel every cell come into balance as the colors allow harmony to embed itself within you. Feel the balance, feel the continuity, feel the harmony as you allow neutrality to reign within you ~ the balance of the masculine and feminine within each particle of you ~ the balance of all polarities.
Feel yourself open up as you allow all aspects of you to intertwine, much as our energies are intertwining with each other and with your essence. Feel the gold and magenta of our entwined Beingness intertwine and strengthen within you as you go deeper into your Divine Essence and Neutrality ~ the beautiful neutrality of your Sweet Pure Love Essence, that knows no extremes anymore, but just exudes out in free-flowing harmonious form, and touches all around you, within you, and by you.
Now allow the sweet vibrancy of all the colors within your Heart Palette to spread out into your emotional body. Allow the colors of your Sweet Pure Love Essence to infiltrate all of your emotional body. Feel it neutralizing all emotions, to find the core, which is Love. Allow any polarized emotions to neutralize with the sweet soft colors of your Love Essence as you express them and observe them and embrace them and hold them to be transformed into Pure Divine Love ~ Into Divine Harmony, as it feeds your Soul and allows others to be fed by your sweet loving essence, just by being Neutrality, by being Divine Love in its purest form ~ In Harmony and Peace within your true Love Essence.
And now, spread out your Palette of colors from your Heart Center and saturate your mental body. Color each thought form with Love and Harmony so that you may see the balance buried within — not polarized, but free-flowing thought of Love Creation. All thought has Love at its core, and can create whatever substance you desire, and finding the Love at its core can manifest the purest form and action therefore.
In its purest divine form, Love is a catalyst for manifesting all that is to be created, and you are the catalyst for all Creation as you manifest the deep pure Love that is your core into everything you do and say and feel.
So allow us to intertwine with you and to breathe in Pure Love vibrancy into your Heart Center, into the colors of your Heart Palette, so that you may feel the magnification and harmony and balance of your Pure Love Essence, through demonstration of ours, as we intertwine our energies with each other, and with yours, ever building the presence of Pure Love Essence throughout your light body, throughout your soul, throughout all your bodies, including physical, emotional, and mental, throughout your multidimensional selves, as you merge all within and about you into One Mergence with all aspects of you and with All That Is.
Now feel your Wholeness, your Lightness, your Divine Emergence into One. And Creation thus becomes Manifest with more ease.
We are Yeshua, and Mary Magdalene, together, in Pure Love Essence.
Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. www.franhealing.com www.franheal.wordpress.com http://www.ouremergingdivinity.com