lunes, mayo 24, 2021


Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, May 24, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, May 24, 2021

Treasure the opportunities for change in awareness.

See not the problem but the divine orchestration at hand.

Some of you are wishing this or that did not happen.

"If only my days were easy."

We ask you to consider that the content of your days
are coming up for review
for your consideration.

Diamond Portal, Platinum Ray Stargate, Supermoon, Total Lunar Eclipse May 26th 2021

Dianne Robbins - Dolphin Teresa - May 2021

Dolphin Teresa

My friend Max, yes, it is me, Teresa, your bottlenose Dolphin friend. I am saddened by my imprisonment in this tiny bay, and wish to be out beyond the wires where I can swim and fly free, and not be constrained by the small parameters of confinement. I am restless for my Ocean home, my kin, and the freedom to roam the Seas, dive in the coral beds, float on cushions of waves, feel the breeze caressing my skin, chase the fish as I leap up high — all my dreams will never die.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - A Bright & Shining Spot - May 24, 2021

A Bright & Shining Spot 

At the very core of your being is a bright and shining spot that was part of The Universe at the beginning and will be until the end of time. Unconditional love is contained there and, like unwrapping a much wished for gift, it is up to you to show the world it’s wonderous beauty. ~ Creator


Eclipses & Solstice: Deep Transformation, Ascension Intensity

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power ✨ 96 💥 103 - May 24, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

24 May 2021 17:00 UTC

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, May 24, 2021

We’d like to further yesterday’s message about meeting people where they are and navigating the vibrational layers between you and others.

Imagine a two story house with a basement. The basement could be considered 3D. There is not a lot of light on this layer. It is quite an uncomfortable space to try to thrive in. Many on this layer are in survival mode. The main floor is 4D. It has much more light and provides more comfort, discovery, and sustenance. The upstairs is 5D. This is the layer that is far more comfortable, supportive, and holds the energy of rejuvenation. It is where you can just be. The attic is where the angels, masters, and higher guides reside.

Brenda Hoffman - Accepting Your Sovereignty - May 24, 2021

Dear Ones,

Many of you are discovering new interests or strengths, not necessarily because you want to, but because circumstances force you to do so.

That last statement will frighten many, for 3D fears are highlighted with earth changes. The changes we, of the Universes, speak of have more to do with your perceptions than the 3D promoted fear of change.

Celia Fenn - At least today we are having a little respite from the powerful waves of energy - May 24, 2021

At least today we are having a little respite from the powerful waves of energy.

There is a forecast of a geomagnetic storm tomorrow, just before the Eclipse on Wednesday.

This morning...I went to sit outside in the morning sun for a while.

I was feeling very tired after all the energies. As i was sitting there I looked at the sun and saw a skinny ray of violet/amethyst and silver light coming down into my heart center.