domingo, marzo 24, 2019

John Vivanco - As You Wish Radio BBS Talk Radio Saturday 3-22-19

Higher Light Decree: Invoking the Muse

Suzanne Lie - Dear Light being, A Message from our Children - March 24, 2019


A Message from our Children
through Sue Lie

“All right! All right!! I will write my story like the Golden One told me to do. But if I do write it, I will have to use another name so that no one will judge me—OOPS…

“I did not mean to say that. I mean, that it might not be a good way to look at my self. OOPS, again. I guess?

Kryon - "The Meaning of Oneness" - 2019

Archangel Gabriel through Shanta Gabriel - You are never far from the Light. It is as close as your breath - March 24, 2019

You are never far from the Light. It is as close as your breath.

Dear One,

Your breath is your connection to God. Breathing is the first thing you do when you arrive on the earth, and the last as you depart. Your breath feeds your body and mind the oxygen it needs to exist. Your breath also holds the power to create an expansion in your energy so you can be aware of your link to the Source of all life.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Línea Dorada - Montreal, Canadá, 16 de marzo de 2019

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Montreal, Canadá, 16 de marzo de 2019

La Línea Dorada

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

He visto mucho, y nunca lo he hablado antes, y es hora de que lo sepan. Socio mío, ve lentamente y cuidadosamente, porque la información que ahora doy no ha sido dada antes.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Something Better - March 24, 2019

Something Better 


My beautiful, amazing child…in your existence, you have always been given choices. Love or walk away, stand up or run, ‘accept your lot in life’ or change it to something you desire. This has always been within your power. Now…you can sit in one space, bemoaning the fact that you can’t or use what you already possess and grow into something better. All you need to do is ask The Universe for assistance and support and it is yours. ~ Creator

awakening5dhealing - Channeled Message from Andromedean Brother - March 24, 2019

Greetings from the Andromedean Galaxy. We are your neighbours, friends and allies. We have our brothers and sisters present on your planet as light bearers. We see swirls of thick black shadow engulfing your inhabited spaces. We see the construction of future cities hidden from the population. The secrets run deep. Black energy, the vacuum of greed and hate, envelops the human collective consciousness. Negative coding runs through all motherboards. Our allies in the skies and on the ground see all as we do. Crystalline lightwaves are being channelled through

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, March 24, 2019


What aspect of you needs your love and care most today? Can you commit to making that a priority? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Arcturian Support All Around You - March 24, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been visiting many of you who are receiving this transmission for quite some time. We certainly didn’t just start observing you all and connecting with you when this channel started bringing us through him. We’ve been connecting with some of you for decades, and we are quite invested in how well you are doing with your shift and with your lives in general. We are interested in seeing you live happily. We are interested in seeing you healthy and strong. We want to see you loving yourselves and helping each other, and we plant all of the seeds that we can to encourage all of these things and more.