domingo, diciembre 30, 2018

Carla Thompson - Astraea and Amora - The Great Unification – Watch the World Bloom! - December 30, 2018

Credit: Abby

By the grace of God – You are a chosen one! By the grace of God – You are deemed perfection in human form!

This alignment of deep cosmic forces creates a gateway to the field of Unity Consciousness that is in-flowing, a gateway to the source of infinite light, a light-frequency that moves aside all energy founded in separation, where thought has created judgement and emotional separation. The gift of this alignment comes in the form of great beauty, love, and harmony for All in this expression of Creation.

Kara Schallock - Energias de Solsticio - Dic 28, 2018

Traducción: Fara González
Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Se nos pide que enfrentemos algunos viejos patrones. Cuando lo hagas, no te sorprendas si experimentas dificultades. Esto depende de lo fuertemente instalado que esté algo dentro de ti. Recuerda que has necesitado de muchas vidas para crear un patrón, así que no tengas expectativas en cuanto a la rapidez o el tiempo que tarda transformarse. Podrías preguntar: “¿Por qué empujar cuando el flujo parece ser lo opuesto a empujar?” Hay algunos patrones que están tan arraigados que requiere un esfuerzo extra para

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday December 30, 2018

Many of you, especially after a particularly challenging year, will approach the new year with trepidation, hoping that the new year will be better, that it will be kinder to you. We understand where this comes from but there is a an energy of powerlessness pervading that approach. It suggests that you have no control over what occurs.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, December 30, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, December 30, 2018

What if you were your own hero?

What we mean by this is that there is a restorative offering
just waiting for your understanding.

Waiting for your agreement
and execution.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll y Alcazar a través de Prageet Harris - Mensaje del día de Navidad - Dic 25, 2018

Mensajes del Día de Navidad

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll y Alcazar a través de Prageet Harris
25 de Diciembre de 2018


Y así, bienamados, nos unimos a ustedes otra vez, y los invitamos a relajarse simplemente. Esta época del año es un momento de tanta emoción, de recuerdos, de modo que los invitamos ahora a que se conecten para sentir su propio campo de energía. Y los invitamos a traer la energía de la compasión y el amor hacia sí mismos. Como este, Prageet, ya ha dicho, su energía puede extenderse más allá de su cuerpo físico. Entonces imaginen ahora los miles de personas que están conectándose con estos mensajes, y permitan que su energía se irradie, enviando su amor. Bienamados, ustedes son seres de luz multidimensionales. Ese punto de acceso al Todo lo que Es, está dentro de ustedes, cuando ustedes elevan su consciencia, como sabían los antiguos, - muchos de ellos sabían sobre el ciclo de la precesión; sabían la importancia de esta época.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - Polarity Will Bring You Together - Dec 30, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are expecting a gigantic movement towards the unity consciousness that we have been telling you about, and we expect it to occur because of how polarized you have been, not in spite of it. You all have played out the idea of separation for so long that you are tired of running that program. You are tired of nationalism, racism, sexism, homophobia. You are tired of people from different religions not liking each other based solely on the differences that exist in their religions.

Jennifer Hoffman - Nuevos amigos y viejos amigos - ¿Cómo asociarse o despedirse? - Diciembre 18, 2018

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Recuerdo una vieja canción de coro que solíamos cantar de niños: "Haz nuevos amigos y conserva los antiguos, los nuevos son de plata y los viejos son de oro". Si tu vida ha sido un tanto confusa durante los últimos cinco años (o más), es probable que muchos de tus antiguos amigos ya no estén contigo. Y está bien, porque nos dirigimos hacia un período de reestructuración energética que nos ayudará a alcanzar un nuevo nivel de conciencia. En él

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - All situations are opportunities for the Divine Light to shine through you as times of celebration, not fear - December 30, 2018

All situations are opportunities for the Divine Light to shine
through you as times of celebration, not fear.

Dear One,

Your life is divinely guided and directed at every moment. Calling on the Angels for assistance gives you a direct link to your greater good and aids the wisdom of the universe to flow through you. When you dwell in fear or doubt, this constricts your perception and does not allow the natural out-flowing of good to come through you into your world.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Dec 30, 2018

DECEMBER 30,2018

Greetings dear ones. We observe that many of you are now able to rest in energies of peace and calm in spite of outer appearances. This is because your integration of higher frequencies more in alignment with your true nature are starting to manifest outwardly in every day living.

All is proceeding according to plan. You are and will continue to witness universal discord for a while longer because those wishing the world to remain asleep in order that their financial and power coffers remain filled, are resisting through fear tactics that have worked in the past.

sábado, diciembre 29, 2018

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday December 29, 2018

Dear Ones, when we say you are loved beyond measure, do you accept it or do you dismiss it? So many of you hold yourselves outside of the stream of love. You are deeply loved, in fact, you are a beloved aspect of Source energy, which is love. Accepting love is accepting yourself.