sábado, septiembre 01, 2018

As You Wish BBS Talk Radio - Saturday 9/1/2018 (AUDIO ONLY)

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Crystalline Multidimensionality - Sep 1, 2018

Archangel Metatron via J. Tyberonn

Crystalline Multidimensionality

Greetings All ! I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I greet you this moment in Unconditional Love ! I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service.

Now, there are places within the Crystal Vortex in which extraordinary multidimensional experience can occur. There is a heliotropic aspect to dimensional gateways and time gate aperture in the crystal regions of Arkansas....meaning that solar & stellar angles activate the portals, particularly within specific planetary alignments.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Re-Asociación Mental: una Primera Etapa de la Conciencia de Mente Superior y Realmente Llegar a Comprender Más en un Nivel Energético-Cuántico: NUEVOS Códigos de Conciencia Avatar - Agosto 6, 2018

Al observar mentalidades, comenzamos a re-mapear todos nuestros sistemas de creencias de una manera no lineal... sino vibratoria y basada en nuevas comprensiones y viendo lo que antes no podíamos ver... ENERGÉTICAMENTE. Esto significa que estamos empezando a cambiar nuestras propias percepciones, de muchas maneras, y comenzamos a crear un “nuevo sistema de red” dentro de nosotros... al VER cómo están conectadas las cosas, cómo son afectadas, cómo apoyan, contribuyen, crean... en un nivel energético (uno Cuántico), en vez de lineal como antes (cuerpos de 3ª/4ª dimensión).

Lena Stevens - September 2018 Monthly Forecast - Restructure-Recalibrate - Sep 1, 2018

The Main Theme for September 2018 is “Restructure-Recalibrate”

We are busy pulling out the last pieces of old wounds and patterns, the last threads that are keeping things put together in an old and outdated way. We are leaving the old comfort level of known territory and moving into the unknown. We know this is what we need to do despite the discomfort it is causing to the mind and physical body. This final dissolving is leaving us fragmented and somewhat ungrounded, perhaps anxious and fearful, and certainly a bit chaotic in our thoughts and focus. We may even feel like there is something wrong with us that we are not functioning like we are used to.

Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper - Familia Galáctica - Grand Rapids, Michigan 25 y 26 de agosto de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll y
Adironnda por Marilyn Harper
Grand Rapids, Michigan 25 y 26 de agosto de 2018

Familia Galáctica

Marilyn Harper:

De modo que buen día para ustedes, ¿ah? Qué bueno ver su energía, su luz, su brillo. Para aquellos de ustedes a quienes no conocemos, somos Adironnda, y traemos con nosotros a todo un Concejo de Luz para ustedes. Queremos que sepan que, a medida que estos tiempos evolucionan, a medida que los tiempos se honran, y se expanden - cuando no sabíamos siquiera que se pudieran expandir - está a decisión de ustedes esperar lo inesperado.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - September 1, 2018

Hello once again and welcome to my head!! I have a few questions from readers that I am hoping will blend nicely together. So, let us begin, if all is in alignment with /for you?
The warmest of Greetings and Joy sent to all, as this communication is accepted into each heart and allowed to resonate with the Truth of their Being.
Thank you. Nice start! A beautiful soul wrote in asking me to follow up in my newsletter expressing the ‘feeling’ I feel when your Energy takes me into overwhelm and tears instantly flow. He felt that many are unable to ‘reach’ that state and therefore, may need a helping hand. On the premise that if we ALL FEEL IN THAT STATE as often as possible, it will bring THE EVENT about sooner rather than later. I do not feel that way all the time, yet, these days, I have to say I am in a beautiful space … a lot! Would you be able to assist us in getting to feel this way on a regular basis?

Asara - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Sept 1, 2018

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Dear Ones, as old paradigms are leaving your experience notice how, at times, you might hold on to them in your thoughts and emotions.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday September 1, 2018

Simply put, beauty in its many forms is the presence of heaven on earth. Magic is experiencing energies beyond what you thought possible that surprise and delight you. So choosing a beautiful, magical life is surrendering with intention into experiencing the presence of heaven on earth in ways that surprise and delight you. Doesn’t that sound like co-creation and change you can whole-heartedly embrace? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

viernes, agosto 31, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Old Earth, NEW Earth, Cosmic LightBody Upgrades & Multi-Dimensional Existence - 8/31/2018

We have soft frequencies, yet plasma bursts intermittently... with Stellar Light Codes releasing with each burst. High high high frequencies start out our day here... and we always go higher than before. ♫

Many are experiencing immense "breakdown" of their old constructs, beliefs and everything held onto as "real", hearts bursting wide open..... for some it's powerful emotions... anger, tears, hurt.... disbelief, disillusionment and a feeling of "loss", which is an important part of the HEART OPENING PROCESS, an important part of the TUNING PROCESS .... as the body clears the immensity of dense programming.... This was each's "prison", this was what "held each" to those old frequency bandwidths that now dissolve/dissipate with the FIRE OF INTENSITY necessary to burn away, blow away and strip away all of those protection mechanisms that "kept each" there.

Ronna - Archangel Michael - YOUR CONNECTION TO YOUR HOLY MENTAL SELF - September 2018



Beloved masters, as you move forward on the path of en-Lighten-ment, and you come to a better understanding of cosmic law and the workings of the universe, we welcome the opportunity to occasionally give you a better understanding of some of the concepts of Creation and the complexity of the physical vessel. Therefore, we would like to give you an in-depth explanation of the composition of the Etheric Body and its importance in the process of ascension. The Etheric Body or Etheric Web, which is much finer in substance than the earthly body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body. The Etheric Body is composed of the physical aura, which conveys your physical state of health via various colors and the distortions –