domingo, noviembre 05, 2017

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 3 de Noviembre, 2017

Es importante que tengáis en mente que estáis en un nuevo ciclo, un nuevo paradigma que comenzará a tomar forma. Se formará de tal manera que a medida que pase el tiempo comenzaréis a ver cómo se está ordenando el futuro ante vosotros. Tendrá poco parecido con el ciclo anterior, porque las nuevas energías que se están creando están trayendo una armonía y una paz como nunca antes habíais experimentado. Fuera del caos del presente llegará un gran despertar del auténtico potencial de la Raza Humana. La gente demandará una nueva forma de vivir y deseará una puesta en común para que pueda haber un intercambio mutuo de conocimiento y de ideas que elevará a toda la Humanidad.

Kryon - Dwarkikas Resort 2 & Final Channelling - 2017

Asara - Archangel Michael Update - Nov 4, 2017

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear Ones, at this moment, you are in the important process of recognizing that you are an expression of Creator.

This means that you can decide what kind of reality you wish to create.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - November 5, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Everything in Divine Order.

Now there are many of you

who would like to pick and choose.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday November 5, 2017

Dear Ones, we invite you today to treat yourself like a beloved. For the entire day, we wish for you to consciously think loving thoughts about yourself, to celebrate your innate goodness, to acknowledge your many contributions and talents, to embrace your innocence and divinity. You might be surprised to see how challenging that is!

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - 11/5/17


Dear ones, we greet you with love and respect as we witness so many of you bravely working your way through the layers of dense debris now surfacing as you expand yourselves and Gaia into higher frequencies of Light.

You are doing a fine job, never doubt it based on outer appearances which easily deceive even the most evolved when they forget to stay centered and alert. This does not mean you will never react negatively or find yourself experiencing resistance to appearances, but as you learn to quickly translate them through the realization that there is no Divine law to support or hold them in place you will find that they no longer hold the power they once did and do not affect you in the same way. This is Lightwork.



Ascension Mastery Message for the Full Moon of November Bringing Forth a Deep Integration of the Feminine Divine of Scorpio into the Physical Self of Taurus. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa.

The Full Moon occurred November 3rd, 2017 at 10:23 PM Pacific (1:23 AM Eastern, and 05:23 GMT November 4th).


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - November 2017


***From Your Hostess of Light about 11:11
***11:11 an ‘Avatar sequence’
***Master Numbers

From Your Hostess of Light

To me the season of light begins as November comes out of her cocoon stretching her wings of light to become the beautiful dove star of 11:11 As the seasonal Light begins her descent upon the planet Earth we enter the true Season of light. A season born of Timeless Miracles, myths and Magic. A season of love that seeks to be embraced in the hearts of all humans. It asks humans to stop making excuses as to why one does not celebrate the holy days and the holidays of Earth.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about yourself - November 5, 2017

Dear One,

You are being asked to give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about who you think you are. Nothing wears down your sense of self more than this type of negative thinking. It is debilitating in every way. This is a good place to start in order to affect other areas of your life.

A fast is a period in which you refrain from some activity. Most people are familiar with a food fast, which allows the digestive system a period of recovery. The same is true for a mental fast. It gives your mind time to recover so you can begin to see the truth in your life without judgment.

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - The Crystal Bio Shift - Part 3 - Nov 5, 2017

New Channel
Part Three of Three Parts

The Crystal Bio Shift - Part 3
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

All Copyrights Duly Reserved 2017

Bio Shift - Part Three

And so we continue with the final installment of this most timely & interesting channel...

Crystal Devics

The Crystal Vortex of Sacred Arkansas is an unusual energy, for it contains fields of multi-reality, and these will become more visible, gradually more tangible as you reach the hallowed year of 2038. These are mathematical in nature and do oscillate. The channel James Tyberonn is very aware of one such field that he directly experienced decades ago atop the Talimena Ridge.

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual - Noviembre 2017 - Nov 1, 2017

El tema principal para noviembre es “Voltear el Suelo”

Cuando uno se enfoca solamente en lo que se ve y se muestra en la superficie, lo que está debajo de la superficie se vuelve cada vez menos fértil con el paso del tiempo. Este mes es tiempo para la profundización y el vuelco de lo que subyace, trayéndolo a la superficie, inspeccionándolo, desmenuzándolo, alimentándolo, dándole vida y fertilizándolo en preparación para nuevas semillas.

sábado, noviembre 04, 2017

Lisa Renee - Staying in Home Frequency

Dear ES Family,
As things are heating up now in the external fields, there is an incredible amount of confusion that is intentionally being used to spread the forces of chaos and obfuscation, as well as many new players rising. Both human and nonhuman groups have been jockeying for position to gain the most advantage in the strategic chess game that is happening on the earth at this time. We are ending a creation cycle and moving into a new platform for morphogenesis, a platform which has changed architecture, in which many of these forces are attempting to reverse engineer what is currently happening in the field architecture. The observation is upon what is shifting in the timelines now so that those that seek to control the outcome of the false timelines in the future can reproduce their previous AI control mechanisms, as they attempt to gain total control over the collective consciousness direction in the new cycle. 

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday November 4, 2017

So many of you think that comfort is something to worry about creating for others, but make your own comfort an afterthought. Some of you carry the idea that suffering is somehow noble, or that going without is good.

Selacia - Energy Gateway Tips for Chaotic Times Connecting with the Sacred - Nov 4, 2017

Energy Gateway Tips for Chaotic Times
Connecting with the Sacred
by Selacia

In these chaotic and often intense times, it's helpful to remember that positive transformation energies exist alongside the challenging ones. Example: many things in our outer world are in turmoil and uncertain. Despite this, we have an opportunity to regroup our energy and access a higher view with meditation and connecting with the sacred at the core of all things. When we do this, we bring wisdom and perspective to our experience.

James Gilliland - Message to Humanity and the Earth: It is Time - November 1, 2017

November Update
Message to Humanity and the Earth:
It is Time
by James Gilliland

November 1, 2017

We are going to reveal some information that will be similar too and as controversial as a message delivered over 2000 years ago. Yet this message will not be in fables and allegory it deals with facts

We are going to reveal some information that will be similar too and as controversial as a message delivered over 2000 years ago. Yet this message will not be in fables and allegory it deals with facts. This story goes back over 460,000 years. It is time for America and the World to wake up, grow up and end the ignorance in beliefs that have nothing to do with God or the origins of Humanity. You no longer have the luxury of remaining in ignorance and acting outside of Universal Law. What is being done in the name of God and Country is an abomination. Now at the expense of being labeled as spiritually and politically incorrect, which is another mind control program we are going to drop some heavies on you. Only when you know the truth, only then can you break the chains that bind you. The chains consist of a long history of lies and deceptions upon which people depend upon to base their reality.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - November 4, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, November 4, 2017

What if you knew you were enough?

If you knew you were enough

you would take a leap of faith,

you would allow all to be,

and you would accelerate your growth.

For too long there has a been a tendency to

run and hide

and to create distance

between you and the very moment you exist in.

Laura Pleiadian - When Enough is Enough ~ Shifting Frequencies - Nov 4, 2017

With so many coming forward with sexual assault incidents, etc ~ is it any wonder?

The Evolution of humanity INCLUDES bringing things to light. That no longer serve our evolution.

Any situation where the genuine SPIRIT of the individual, whether male or female is NOT considered part of their WHOLENESS has become OUTDATED.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Argentina - Parte 4 de 5 - Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29 de octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29 de octubre de 2017

Parte 4 de 5

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El salón empieza a cambiar, otra vez más. Recién hemos estudiado la realidad y el salón empieza a tener una realidad diferente. Tal vez algunos hayan abierto su caja desde ayer. Es el término que usamos para la linealidad del humano. Ayer Alcazar dijo algo que enseñamos todo el tiempo; el mensaje es siempre el mismo. No necesitan entender las cosas para participar en ellas. Ya lo dijimos antes; no necesitas entender cómo funciona un motor de combustión interna para poder conducir tu coche. Es un concepto muy sencillo, pero en lo que se refiere a la espiritualidad, aquí hay más que lo que piensan. Deseo extender la enseñanza que se dio recién. Hemos dicho antes algunas de estas cosas, pero no en este salón y no para ustedes. Quiero que escuchen esto en vivo.

Kara Schallock - Be the Warrior of Love - 04-Nov-2017

If you truly desire to evolve, you must take Responsibility for all in your life; for all in your life are your own creations. Everything in your life you have created through your energy and thoughts ( thoughts are energy, as is all of you). You then project all that you are out into the world, which is then reflected back to you. This is a gift for then you can make aware choices that are based in who you really are...if that is your choice. Of course, if you want to stay in the same dynamic, you make no changes. However, not making changes can keep you in pain, whether that is emotional, mental or physical. The best way to move beyond the old is to meditate, which strengthens your Heart and as your Heart is strengthened, you awaken from the illusion of creating something over and over again. The reason you stay in the same pattern is because it's comfortable; known by what is called your “comfort zone.” Let go of any resistance of moving beyond, which helps you release any fear you have of moving forward. You then can more easily let go of any control, which is fear. Control keeps you out of the Flow and out of the Moment, where all life is created from Awareness. When you control your life, you keep all old and debilitating patterns in place.

viernes, noviembre 03, 2017

Aisha North - Pathways of transformation - November 3, 2017

Pathways of transformation

Alchemical pathways

have arisen

bypassing the laws

of mortality.

Onwards we go.