Ascension Mastery Message for the Full Moon of November Bringing Forth a Deep Integration of the Feminine Divine of Scorpio into the Physical Self of Taurus. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa.
The Full Moon occurred November 3rd, 2017 at 10:23 PM Pacific (1:23 AM Eastern, and 05:23 GMT November 4th).
This moon cycle is bringing forth a combination of energies with Taurus (Moon) representing Grounding and Earth Energies as it intersects with the Sun representing the Emotional Body or Feminine Divine of Scorpio as it relates to the emotions of transformation to occur. This alignment is allowing the Feminine Essence to become Grounded within the Physical Self. Without this exchange of energies, Scorpio can present havoc by being too much in the clouds about aspirations or intentions that may not be able to become a reality.
It is a very powerful energy as it brings forth the ability to allow the energies to assist us in creating our desires while transforming the physical self into the aspirations of the Feminine Divine. It allows the form to be recreated by the intuition of the Higher mind. In other words, this cycle is the allowance of the Physical Self to hold the elements of the Feminine Self creating a new way of existence through healing, being focused upon the desires of the Higher Self and allowing them to become manifested physically.
It is for this reason that this moon is being considered deeply powerful allowing the ability to create and manifest our desires in our physical reality.
If you have been working on your abundance intentions, you may just find that is being created within your world. Sometimes it takes awhile for our intentions to be accepted by the physical self. We have to be prepared to handle what we will receive even though in our mind we desire to achieve as much as we can.
Throughout this year we have been walking through many challenges and walks of lessons to help us come to this point of acceptance. This moon is truly giving us that gift.
The Feminine Divine must be received by every soul upon the earth. We have seen many elements arise because of this energy in our world. People are opening up to the prospect of love and living life through this energetic exchange. But individually it is important for every person to fully incorporate these energies within themselves; otherwise, we will not be able to achieve the New Earth for quite some time. Every soul upon the planet must come into alignment of their own Feminine Divine becoming one with the Masculine Divine.
This moon is truly gifting each of us for a rare opportunity ~ grounding what we desire to become manifest in our lives. Additionally, it is a time to have gratitude of what we already have in order for more to become part of our earthly existence.
Creating our desires from our Higher Self is the only way that manifestation actually occurs. If the Lower Mind is in too much control, then it is not in alignment with your Spiritual Self. Many think that just by connecting through their prayers, that is all you need to do, but often an individual will only receive a portion of what they desire.
As a species we must learn to fully connect to the Higher Self, through our breath, raising our vibration, and then and only then can an individual receive the full source of abundance they are desire. Usually, they will receive a whole lot more than they bargained for as the flow of energies opens up and allows the physical person to be gifted by their desire to be One in the spiritual sense.
The Taurus-Scorpio Moon is allowing this movement of a desirous outcome to occur through the connection of the Higher Self within the Physical Self. It is a divine opportunity to allow the doorway of Divine Intervention to occur.
Master Djwhal Khul’s Message for Taurus-Scorpio Moon:
Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,
It is my pleasure to connect with each of you again for this moon cycle. A grand opportunity is occurring right now for each of you within the higher consciousness of your Spiritual Self.
I think it is time that each of you experience a new part of existence within your world. The earth is challenged in so many ways but let’s look at how that is changing the way people think about themselves. Elements are opening up so that individuals can truly see the way they have been living, thinking or feeling is not the way of Divine Connection.
I believe this cycle is just the beginning of great opportunities to arise within the people of Gaia.
But remember, I said, beginning ~ it is a doorway into a new existence for those that are ready to experience it in this way. It will not occur for everyone.
As the Feminine Divine becomes more of a reality within each soul, there comes a state of transformation that will happen through the emotional and mental bodies. Changes will occur very subtly so that individuals can step into the next phase of their evolution upon the earth.
As we talk about others, I ask you to think about yourself ~
What have you experienced in the last month or even this year that has given you a new sense of renewal within yourself?
What issues are you dealing with on a day-to-day basis?
And, have you been able to transform any of the ill feelings into positive elements of transformation?
These are all important questions that each of you should ask yourself as this moon can bring about great changes within your thoughts, your emotions, and your physical body to receive the Divine Light you have been asking to occur. But, I say to you, that you must be truthful within yourself of what you are experiencing and what you desire to change within you.
This moon is powerful to the point of the transference of thought elements through your Higher Essence (in a meditative state) can become a reality within your physical existence. Change is occurring everywhere and some of it can be very disheartening to experience, but unfortunately it is necessary in order for true transformation to occur.
I suggest to each of you to take time within your Higher Self, get a sense of what this feels like for you, and call upon these energies to help you achieve what you are desiring to create whether it be internally or externally in your world. This moon is a reflection of the work that you have been doing or possible not been doing as it will bring about a physical experience in your world to show you what you have been striving for in your life.
It can also show to you what needs to still be transformed as I like to call this moon – The Mirror Image of the Divine Self.
This is a new doorway of what can be – it is a grand opportunity and this window is open throughout this moon cycle – throughout the next two weeks into the New Moon. Prepare yourself by becoming more at One with your Spiritual Essence. It cannot be done in any other way but will truly show you what you need to work upon, what you can embrace, and how well you are doing in your relationship to your Divine Self.
It is my pleasure to walk with each of you. Please call upon my essence within the Unified Whole Command bringing forth Divine Oneness.
I am Master Djwhal Kuhl at your service.
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
Related: Walking Terra Christa holds a GLOBAL FREE ONLINE EVENT of the Spiritual High Frequency Transmission with Master Djwhal Khul and other Beings of Light to assist all participants in accepting the Full Moon energies in a more balanced manner. This gathering is NOVEMBER 3, 2017 at 10:00 AM PDT and can be accessed via the FACEBOOK EVENT information or by going directly to the online details. Check your local time here.
PLUS: Preparations are being made for the 11:11 KICK-OFF of the ASCEND EARTH PROJECT with LORD ASHTAR and the AGARTHA NETWORK so please be sure to sign up early!
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