viernes, abril 28, 2017

Diane Canfield - A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place and Is Still In Progress - April 27, 2017

By Diane Canfield

A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place and Is Still In Progress

Beloved Tribe of Light,

A dimensional Shift has occurred and we are now existing on a brand new timeline. What does this mean?

It means the Universe has catapulted us into a new state of consciousness, a new awareness. This has occurred because of the overflowing expanded consciousness that has taken place with the many beings of Earth. This occurred because of the overwhelming Love that now exists in the Earth Realm.

Patricia Cota-Robles - POWERFUL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MAY 2017 - May 1, 2017

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by Patricia Cota-Robles

May 1, 2017

So far this year we have experienced incredibly powerful waves of Light that have moved the energy, vibration and consciousness of this Planet and ALL her Life into position for a quantum shift up the Spiral of Evolution. These influxes of Light began during the first eleven days of 2017, and they exponentially intensified during the February Eclipses, the March Equinox, the April celebrations of Easter and Passover which initiated an influx of the highest frequencies of the Resurrection Flame and the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love that Humanity has ever been able to receive at a cellular level. During the first four months of 2017, the Earth was also bathed with the Light from several very rare and powerful planetary alignments. Now, all is in readiness for the next phase of the unfolding Divine Plan.

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - The Dance With Darkness - April 27, 2017

The Dance With Darkness

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

Dear friends, I am Jeshua; I greet you all. I am with you as a like-minded friend, an equal; accept me as your brother. I want to be with you and to hold your hand.

It is easier for me to see life from a higher and wider perspective than is possible for you at the earthly level. It is the purpose of life on Earth that you become partially immersed in ignorance, in the heaviness of your earthly surroundings, and that you have that experience from within it. Doing that is certainly not easy, but it has its purpose.

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Michael - Trust: Creating Fulfilment in Your Life - April 28, 2017

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 28th April 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Angelic Blessings extend through my being to you from the entire Angelic Kingdom. Angelic support is present and available to you at all times during your ascension process, whatever you require, whether assistance, guidance, healing or activating. Please simply call upon the angelic vibration and ask, we will instantly begin to work with you, preparing your being to receive all you wish.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 28 April 2017

There is much activity taking place in Antartica and discoveries are being made that will alter your history that barely covers your true Human development. There are very interesting finds such as the bodies of extremely tall Beings, frozen exactly where they were when the freeze came upon them. They came from a period many, many thousands of years ago and it is not intended that you should get to see them. Those controlling such events want to continue keeping you in the dark and keep the full truth to themselves. However there are also those who are fighting for full disclosure and that is likely to happen if they get their way. Certainly with only a small number of years likely before Ascension takes place, there is a sense of urgency to get the truth out into the open. It is your history that needs to be rewritten and you have a right to learn the facts and they cannot be withheld forever.

Blossom Goodchild - April 27, 2017

Good morning to you up there … or wherever it is you actually are. Ready for a session?
Indeed we are. It is interesting how one thinks of us being ‘up there’, as if somewhere above the clouds there ‘lives’ a whole new world!
Where would you say you reside then?
In a space …
In a space, or in space?
And there we enter a whole new chapter. For let us speak of space …
What you term as Space has a few conceptual meanings. You have the space around you … You may say ‘Oh, there is a space, I’ll put that there’. Or, ‘Give me some space’ etc. Then again, you have that which you call ‘Space’ … out in the cosmos. A never ending spectrum of Universes, Galaxies, Planets, Stars … and where are we?
We are ‘In our space’! Everybody has a space. There is no end of space for people to occupy.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday April 28, 2017

No matter what the situation, there is always a space of peace and wisdom inside of you that you can connect to, and then make your decisions from there. Those choices are heart-centred and expansive, and as such, will always match the true desires of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel

Laura Pleiadian - We are in an Inter Dimensional Light Ship ~ Receive the Higher Frequencies - April 27, 2017

Powerfully the Higher Dimensions of consciousness are merging within your DNA.

The Frequency surge appears as a dismantling of the process to which you assembled your thoughts.

The thoughts now occur throughout many dimensions at once as waves of Light, translated into a meaning through which you alone decipher, throughout the different dimensions.

Brenda Hoffman - La chispa está encendida - 17 de abril 2017

Traducción: Gisela Diaz

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Lo siguiente fue canalizado la mañana de Pascua, el domingo 16 de abril.


Hoy es un día feliz y un ejemplo de las posibilidades que tienen en la tierra. Por diferentes razones, hoy es un día de paz y alegría para muchos - la paz y la alegría que están haciendo eco en todo el mundo a medida que se preparan para los días por venir.

Quizás no sientas alegría porque no perteneces a una fe particular o no tienes una razón para alegrarte durante este tiempo de caos. No importa, porque hasta aquellos que no entienden las "vibraciones" de la alegría proclamadas en todo el cristianismo hoy en día, las reciben. De hecho, cualquier chispa de luz se expande ahora mucho más allá de lo que ustedes en la tierra esperan.