martes, abril 18, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 18, 2017

Yesterday we spoke of being aware of everything that follows the word "but" being an indicator of a self imposed limitation. We would like to expand on that today.

When you speak a sentence that contains the word "but" the beginning part of that statement is spoken by your inner creator - the part of you that wishes to grow and expand. It is the part of the sentence that contains your dreams, your desires, your preferences, and what your soul sees as potential. It is spoken by your highest self, the part of you that flows, and seeks to move, unimpeded, into your next great creation and expression of self.

Crop Circles 2017 - Cherhill, Wiltshire, UK - 16th April 2016 - UFO 2017 United Kingdom

lunes, abril 17, 2017


By the end of March, we either finished the projects we'd been working on or had to set them aside. It felt like much of what we had been working on disappeared almost overnight, and a whole new wave of totally unrelated creative projects immediately took their place. Now we are in the midst of shifting into a new gear.

April represents the final push to the summit which we will reach in May. It's similar to climbing a tall mountain such as Everest. We are now leaving the various base camps stretched out along the mountain. The push to the summit takes massive effort and requires our full focus. We have to utilize old skills that we have learned throughout many lifetimes and bring forth new skills which we didn't know that we had within us.

Tom Kenyon - Meditación Mundial Hathor - El Ojo de la Tormenta

Una Meditación Mundial Hathor a través de Tom Kenyon

Usamos la metáfora de un huracán o un ciclón para describir la situación que está enfrentando ahora tu mundo.

En el medio del poder destructivo de estas “tormentas” metafóricas, existe un lugar central de silencio. Se le llama “el Ojo de la Tormenta”.

A medida que el actual Nodo Caótico aumenta su intensidad, las fuerzas caóticas y destructivas de múltiples orígenes se arremolinarán a tu alrededor, en forma similar a un huracán o un ciclón. Descubrir ese centro con el “punto de quietud” en tu interior es una necesidad espiritual para sobrevivir intacto en estos tiempos.

Brenda Hoffman - The Spark is Lit - April 17, 2017

The following was channeled Easter morning, Sunday, April 16.

Today is a joyous day and an example of the possibilities for your earth. For different reasons, today is one of peace and joy for many – peace and joy that is echoing throughout the globe as you prepare for the coming days ahead.

Perhaps you do not feel joy for you are not of a particular faith or you do not sense a reason for joy during this time of chaos. It does not matter for even those who do not understand the ‘vibes’ of joy, proclaimed throughout Christianity today, are receiving them. For indeed, any spark of light is now expanded far beyond what you of the earth expect.

Kryon in Monument Valley - part 1 to 8 (Apr 12-18, 2017)

Aisha North - My soul flows like water - April 17, 2017



Dancing around any obstacle.

Finding my own way.

Irrigating the desert.

Awakening dormant seeds.

This painting is from the second series I made using water from our ceremony on the International Water Day.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 17, 2017

Dear Ones, are all of your parts supporting what you wish to create? Are you congruent? Do your actions match your words? Do you do all the things you can to move you forward?

We would like you to examine a desire you have and ask yourself, do you do all of the things you can to support the creation of that dream? Or do you immediately think of reasons why that dream cannot be?

Zingdad and Magenta Pixie - A Conversation in Oneness

Anrita Melchizedek - The Temple of Equilibrium ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus - April 17, 2017

The Temple of Equilibrium ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus
Elders April Transmission through Anrita Melchizedek

Mp3 download
You Tube

Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in the month of April as you deepen into your Christed Hearts supported by the realms of Illumined Truth walking the Path of Divine Love.

Sweet ones, in this transmission with you we invite you into the Temple of Equilibrium Overlighted by Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael and the Order of Melchizedek. The Temple of Equilibrium is brought into being through the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge and Splendor (Hod) on Jacob's Ladder. Wrapped in a beautiful Orange Flame of Knowledge, a Blue-Green Flame of Equilibrium and Inner Strength and the Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, you are offered the opportunity to experience a renewed equilibrium and balance in your everyday lives through the balancing of polarities. Through this Temple you have the ability to activate more deeply your own inner strength in determination, compassion and commitment to the Divine, while purifying on all levels of your beingness as you come into the stillness of your Christed Hearts and into greater levels of appreciation and gratitude for yourselves and others. Additionally sweet ones, you experience a greater level of conscious communication in your relationships and a deeper sense of your heart's joy that may manifest through additional studies or areas of interest.

domingo, abril 16, 2017

Suzanne Lie - Week 4 of Stages of Being your SELF - 4-15-17

Week 4 of Stages of Being Your SELF



Remembering How to BE your SELF 

You begin to FEEL your physical body speaking with you.

As we move through the stages of recognizing that we ARE Multidimensional, we begin to hear an inner dialogue within our inner awareness. In fact, we begin to establish a relationship with this inner voice, or inner self, or extended version of our SELF.

Then, as we continue with this inner communication, we find that it is important to document our inner/outer conversations in some manner.

We realize this fact because that, which was so clear within the NOW of the conversation, does not adhere to our daily consciousness. Therefore, we begin to dedicate ourselves to document our inner discussions with in inner self.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation -April 16, 2017

Dear One,

When you trust in the Divine Plan, you are moving into the Universal Flow of Good. You are acknowledging that there is an underlying energy within all things. This is the energy of God, and it is part of the Divine Plan for all beings to live in Harmony, Love and Abundance. You can trust this.

Laura Pleiadian - New Levels Activated ~ Initiation is under Way Now - April 16, 2017

The Divine Council of Overseers are activating Higher Frequencies unheard of to you in Human Form, now.

The Frequency sound is audible to your Light Body. Your response is through your DNA.

This initiation is downloading through your Blueprint as you read.

You have agreed to this before incarnating. Where you exist not in time.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 16, 2017

There is always an influx of Christed energies during your Easter holiday. This is a high vibrational energy that is available for you to open up and receive. Regardless of your belief system, this energy is present for you to harness to soothe, heal, and support you moving forward on your own ascension journey. All that is required is simply taking a moment to still yourself, open up, and intend to receive the energetic gifts of the day. A moment of heartfelt gratitude will then claim and integrate them as your own. ~Archangel Gabriel

sábado, abril 15, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Week 3 of Stages of Being Your Higher SELF - 4-15-17

Stages of Being Your Higher SELF

Week 3 of Preparation for Multidimensional Leadership Training 2017

You begin to FEEL your physical body speaking with you.

As we move through the stages of recognizing that we ARE Multidimensional, we begin to hear an inner dialogue within our inner awareness. In fact, we begin to establish a relationship with this inner voice, or inner self, or extended version of our SELF.

In fact, as we continue with this inner communication, we find that it is important to document our inner/outer conversations in some manner. We realize this fact because that, which was so clear within the NOW of the conversation, does not adhere to our daily consciousness. Therefore, we begin to dedicate ourselves to document our inner discussions with in inner self.

2017 IS STRANGE Part 10 // MARCH - APRIL

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (36) - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadá, Abril de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (36)
en Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadá, Abril de 2017

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Es una Hermandad diferente por un momento o dos. Para el oyente: este evento en particular tiene hombres presentes. Están atrás. Son un apoyo a lo que está sucediendo aquí, por eso es un tipo distinto de reunión, donde los hombres están presentes por un rato y luego salen, honrando la reunión de mujeres que continúa. Podrían decir que es un microcosmos de lo que enseñamos. Es casi un hito para lo que ustedes enseñan y lo que yo enseño.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 14 de Abril, 2017

Los cambios esperados están sucediendo y están elevando las vibraciones, y se ha notado que vuestro Sol parece mucho más brillante, con una luz más blanca. Ciertamente, las vibraciones están creciendo rápidamente y cuando alcancen cierto punto la Ascensión se producirá instantáneamente. Como ya se ha mencionado, las almas que no estén preparadas para ascender se trasladarán en ese momento a otro planeta como la Tierra para seguir con su evolución. En el pasado se os han contado el tipo de cambios que traerán las vibraciones superiores y que naturalmente serán muy gratamente recibidas mientras os eleváis más hacia la Luz y el Amor. Por lo tanto, las bajas vibraciones están comenzando a transmutarse y la evidencia de ello ha aparecido con frecuencia en el reino animal, en el que han ocurrido las más inusuales, improbables y pacíficas relaciones. Esto cumple la predicción de que “el León yacerá junto al Cordero”.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 15, 2017

Dear Ones, we are always speaking to you, always guiding you. We encourage you and give you information through your environment, through animals signs, by angel signs, and nature signs. There is a wealth of information and guidance available to you, if only you have eyes to see!

Kryon "The basics of Belief"