jueves, marzo 30, 2017

Geoffrey Hoppe - TIENE SENTIDO - Artículo Revista Shaumbra Abril 2016


Traducción: Héctor Ramallo

Trabajando con Tobías hace muchos años, recuerdo haber terminado una canalización y pensar: "Bueno, Tobías ha dicho todo lo que se podría decir, no hay nada más que hablar... Supongo que mi carrera de canalizador terminará pronto." Para mi sorpresa y alegría, Tobías solo se estaba entibiando. Ha estado hablando por otros nueve años antes de reencarnar de nuevo a la Tierra.

Entonces Adamus Saint-Germain entró. Ha estado con nosotros "en cada paso del camino" durante los últimos 7 años y medio. Si la sesión de Keahak del sábado pasado fue una indicación, no se va a quedar sin material para las conferencias en el futuro. Habló durante 90 minutos seguidos, sin descanso y con apenas una pausa. A veces olvida que los seres humanos tienen, bueno, las necesidades humanas, como beber agua, usar el baño o tomar un respiro.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Plasma Crystalline LightBodies Linking Up to a Field of Super Consciousness as Crystals Form & Upgrade in Cycles That Effect How You Function In A Whole NEW Way - 3/30/2017

We are currently in the process of Completing a/the NEW Link-Up System for Multi-Galactics (Embodiers process differently... instantly/deeply/simultaneously as all occurs, instead of over the separation of time like before).

Honor your process. It's BEYOND huge right now, intricate gridwork re-everything in conjunction with our energetic/holographic field overlays to re-connect that which was "lost" before incarnation/walking into these physical body forms....

Steve Rother - ENFOQUE EN LA TRIALIDAD - Resurgimiento del poder femenino - Marzo de 2017

Resurgimiento del poder femenino

Presentados en vivo el 25 de febrero de 2017

Saludos, queridos:

Me uno a ustedes este día con el corazón pleno y abierto, porque soy Merlia. He venido para ayudarles a estabilizar sus energías y así retornar a un estado de equilibrio entre lo masculino y lo femenino. En este momento, la Tierra está clamando por la energía femenina debido a que el planeta ha permanecido en un estado de desequilibrio por demasiado tiempo. Cuentan ahora con muchas circunstancias, oportunidades y posibilidades para cambiarlo todo. Es evidente que se han visto en medio de una oleada de retroceso, algo que ha preocupado a muchos. Han observado que las cosas se han movido en el sentido contrario a lo que podrían considerar como un avance. Esto ha ocurrido a nivel mundial, no solo en determinado lugar. Es muy sencillo, lo impulsa el temor. Cuando los seres humanos sienten temor, retroceden en su propia evolución, y esto es lo que han presenciado a nivel global. Queridos, les aseguro que no estamos preocupados en absoluto. ¿Por qué? Porque hemos ubicado a personas poderosas en cargos importantes, en intersecciones de tiempo y espacio exactos desde donde podrán cambiar esta oleada. Sí, ellos pueden cambiar todas las partes de la oleada y convertir esto en una evolución.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday March 30, 2017

The alignment you seek is not an external place, but rather an internal space of beingness. It is connecting with your core, your divine presence, that has always existed within you. You get the idea that it is outside of you because you may use tools to get there – meditation, yoga, etc – but those tools only help you move back into your own truth within.

When you truly start understand that it all begins within, you will find that the frustration that comes from being externally focused and dependant upon the behaviour of others for your happiness disappears, and you suddenly become far more peaceful and accepting than ever before.

Aisha North - Water speaks - March 30, 2017

 Last week, on the international World Water Day, I was invited by a friend to take part in a yoga class dedicated to water. To me, water is a sacred substance. Not only is it a vital component of life and an important carrier of information, it is also what gives life to the paintings I make. So being invited to this special yoga class was for me a wonderful way to give something back.

I always go out into Mother Nature to collect the water I use when I paint, and I was guided to do the same on that day and bring it with me. My friend is very connected to the sea, so she brought a small bottle of seawater from the Oslo fjord to be blessed during the class. Before we started, she shared a little about the sacred properties of water, and of the importance of honoring it. We were asked to connect to our selves and to the water both within and without, and to set a personal intention for the day.

miércoles, marzo 29, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 29, 2017


Dear Ones, if you don’t get into the flow you simply cannot enjoy the magic and joy the unfoldment of your journey holds. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jennifer Hoffman - Reframing the Reality - Mar 29, 2017

If the news of the past few weeks has made you wonder whether the world has gone mad, we are all thinking that way. We have been bombarded with stories of government misdeeds, corruption, sex slavery rings run by the elite, horrible child abuse, and more that is not just offensive, it is an example of the vile, demented, and despicable behavior that has been ongoing for decades in the invisible world run by those who use their power, money, connections, and positions to protect themselves from prosecution. Why is there so much darkness if there is now so much light?

Sarah Varcas - Venus & Jupiter Retrograde - 29/03/2017

Relationship Rectification
Sarah Varcas

All dates are GMT

April 2017 sees an increase in retrograde activity, with roughly half of the month (9th – 15th April & 20th April – 3rd May) featuring four retrogrades. This is something we’ve not seen since September 2016 and is a celestial pattern which invites us to retreat, revisit and reflect.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Your Journey Back from Amnesia Sleeping Matrix Unconsciousness & Emerging on NEW Earth in the Physical through Crystalline Matrix Embodiment - 3/29/2017

Activating and opening the Chambers of Your Pure Heart & Higher Mind/Universal (& Galactic) Consciousness

Beauty and simplicity, a connection to all as ONE, silence, purity, peace and a love that transcends all things human....

Anything can open your heart, when you are truly ready for this to occur. The HOW doesn't matter, just that the EXPERIENCE occur. That which was "lost" and forgotten from our existences "before"...
Before is just a vibration, other existences are too... for when you raise/expand your consciousness fully all emerges/occurs/is experienced in "this moment right here"....

Suzanne Lie - Quick Arcturian Bulletin-- MESSAGE TO ASCENDING ONES - 3-29-17

Message to the Ascending Ones
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Dear Arcturians:
I spent last night collecting data about you from the Internet.  Some of it I have never heard and other information gave me a great validation that I really am in communication with you. I never knew that Edgar Cayce channeled you. How very interesting.  
I will have to find his messages from you to enhance my understanding of the best way to allow my third-dimensional self to step aside to allow my fifth-dimensional self to receive and translate your message, in a manner that myself, as well as all the others, can best understand and make use of your wonderful communications.