lunes, marzo 13, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - IT'S TIME TO GO SUPER QUANTUM - March 13, 2017


Until you actually CARE ENOUGH to open your heart/mind fully and listen/see, you will not understand... because you do not want to know yet.....

When you TRULY want to know, when you truly care to commit, when you truly are ready to embrace and stop fighting a process that your soul came here to INJOY and FULLY EXPERIENCE with all of the wonders, riches, exquisiteness, you will open up and CHOOSE something different.....

When you are READY, truly ready, THEN A PROFOUND SHIFT will occur. Until then, unconscious realities will continue to DRAG out, be prolonged, for what's going to happen anyways....

Angels on Earth, Your Time Has Come (Illuminati's Last Stand) March Equinox 2017

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Ascension Stargate Symptoms, DNA Restructuring - March 13, 2017

Light Bearer, Starseed and Blue Ray, the ascension New Earth shift has brought you to Gaia on your amazing spirit journey of many pathways, raising the frequency through karma, healing and transformation, living many lives in one. Together you have passed through certain gateways and stargates as the 11 11 and 12 12 for the ascension to occur.

Many of you at different phases of this year 2017 are entering the Goddess ascension stargate 13 and will experience intense purging and detoxing of the physical body and DNA blueprint. This cleansing can feel deep within your bones of your human evolution as you transcend old constructs, time lines, paradigms, galactic history and structures.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 10 de Marzo, 2017

Se os ha dicho muchas veces que nada es realmente como parece, porque vosotros habéis creado vuestra propia realidad. Refleja exactamente cómo habéis entendido vuestras necesidades y cómo abastecerlas. También se os ha inspirado para buscar los mejores resultados que gradualmente os llevarán hacia delante y hacia arriba a un ritmo incesante. Naturalmente, el progreso ha sido hábilmente ayudado por la encarnación de almas que han podido inspiraros cosas más grandes y mejores. Sin embargo, como todos tenéis libre albedrío, la decisión final ha sido vuestra, pero los que han gobernado desde elevadas posiciones no siempre han tomado decisiones que hayan sido de vuestro mejor interés. Durante siglos y siglos habéis estado sujetos a muchas guerras y al caos y a la muerte resultante, que han estado llegando una y otra vez en la rueda de causa y efecto.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday March 13, 2017

It is very common for enlightening human beings to be far more comfortable with giving than receiving. It is because you are beings service, on the planet to make a difference. The more you enlighten, the more you understand that being of your highest service is your greatest joy.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - YOU ARE VISIONARIES, CHANGE AGENTS, PROPHESEERS - March 13, 2017


Every moment now, something POWERFUL is occurring....

Energetically we are in the most substantial phases ever. This shall continue to be increasingly true. These immense frequencies "take no prisoners", leave no stone un-turned. They support those who are fully on-board and obliterate the realities of those who are not.

This is a deep period of self-love, a deep shift from human to NEW EARTH HUMAN, a deep shift from linear to non-linear/Super Quantum, a deep shift from separation to unity consciousness and from "this" being about any little human individual to "this" being about THE BIGGER PICTURE and all of our HIGHEST EXISTENCES here. This is about all existences, not just the little human/earthly one that you can see. Inner vision gives you access to all existences again.

Suzanne Lie - The Great Reunion-By Our Galactic Family - 3-12-17


By Our Galactic Family

This morning I awoke with a “dream” message from the Arcturians and my Galactic Family. It seems that last night I was likely on the Ship receiving my next Earth Assignment, which is our next Multidimensional School. The name of this particular school is, “From Global to Galactic.”

Therefore, as soon as I awoke, I went to my computer to ask The Arcturians and my Galactic Family about this “dream—inter-dimensional message.” The message I receive is below. It appears that this message was/is from the Arcturians, as well as my Galactic Family, but they speak as ONE voice.

Brenda Hoffman - Energy Burst Needs are Refined - March 13, 2017

Dear Ones,

It is not necessary to assume you have to float within new energies if you wish to be of 5D or more. Just as you do not need to like every food placed before you.

There are no longer shoulds of any kind within your being or your life on earth in this lifetime. Perhaps the new energies feel comfortable and so you will partake of them as is best for your being. Or perhaps the energies are not a need for you at this time or ever.

Natalie Glasson - The Arcturians - The Process of Your Transformation - 10th March 2017

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 10th March 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We, the Arcturians, greet you with love and joy. Today we wish to discuss the process of your transformation, highlighting areas for you to contemplate and focus upon. Many of you understand your process of transformation while in existence upon the Earth into the light being that is your truth. We, the Arcturians wish to guide you through this process so you may assist yourself more fully, calling upon the necessary aid so that each transformation you experience is easy, effortless and enjoyable.

domingo, marzo 12, 2017

John Smallman - Saul - We want you to C E L E B R A T E ! Yes, CELEBRATE! - 03/12/2017

Humanity’s awakening process is accelerating very rapidly, so “hang onto your hats!” On the mainstream news you see and hear increasing numbers of stories of large scale deceit and corruption being uncovered and investigated. Corruption is and has been endemic on Earth for eons, but until very recently all the instances that were made public were of a relatively minor nature. That has changed, drastically. Love is honest and open, and the Tsunami of Love is flooding the world over and over again, and more and more of you are accepting its loving embrace and choosing to engage with the world around you lovingly instead of fearfully, and that is a massive change in attitude and intent.

Ron Head - The Council – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? (Pt 2) - March 12, 2017

The Council – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? (Pt 2)

As promised, we will continue our last message by addressing “When”. And we mean it in this sense:

This council convened before you were born. That, of course, is how you would perceive it with your linearly oriented minds. But we see the necessity of using such ideas in order to communicate certain concepts. We sit convened in each moment of your lifetime. You are the purpose of our gathering, after all. And your non-physical selves are never absent from this council for that very reason. We will not ever be unavailable in the moment that you need us. Now, this is true for all physical beings, so there is no reason to shop for a larger hat size.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - I REMEMBER having to choose between my human reality and my higher self reality - 3/11/2017

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind for sure. Posting some photos of the awesomeness along the way as we slammed through it all. It's been huge timeline collapses/merges/jumps.... coming together with new Galactic Soul Family to create more together, reach more together, accomplish more for all! All kinds of exquisiteness emerges when we release everything of the old that we held unconscious programs for. Seeing many of mine has allowed me to stop unconscious patterns too.

It's so interesting when new clarity comes through in a way that wasn't visible before. We don't get to do the safe/easy thing when it's time for new timelines to replace the old.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday March 12, 2017

The energies have been particularly strong of late in terms of bringing up what is ready for release. When the energies are strong, there is no mistaking what that energy is that is trying to leave. Why is this important? Because it is through your identification that you allow it to leave.

Dear Ones, you are sovereign beings. You are the masters of your own path. The universe is always seeking to assist you but ultimately it is your agreement and cooperation with that assistance that allows it to occur. The energies are bringing up things that are now ready to leave, but it is up to you to allow that to happen.

Sandra Walter - Owning The Embodiment: Preparing for the Timeline Shift - Mar 11, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

As we enter the deeply transformative Gateway of the Equinox, we are presented with another collective trigger passage. It is vital that we unify as one HUman heart grid, one force of Source. I AM confident most of you are aware of what this Gateway will create for HUmanity.

This is not a passage to flail in the distractions. It is a passage to fully claim ownership of your new template, to own your embodiment, your new expression, and stand in your the Divine right to become your Higher Self in form. This embodiment phase is key to the current frequency shift already underway. Your core will need to be stable and aligned with your new template in order to receive the Solar codes and transmit them to Gaia, the old and new grid systems, and the HUman heart grid.

Brenda Hoffman - Nos hemos graduado en la Edad Adulta Universal - 6 de Marzo 2017

Traducción: Mary García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Mis queridos,

En los próximos días podrían estar poniéndose a prueba debido a que algunos de ustedes están cambiando de formas su Ser de formas que no imaginaron posibles cuando encarnaron en ésta vida en la Tierra - como si estuvieran viendo su piel original para formar un nuevo Ser de polvo.

Cuando encarnaste en ésta vida en la Tierra, eras un ser humano con un karma lleno de experiencias pasadas y con ADN humano. Ya no eres ese Ser.

Kryon - The Greeting on the Other Side

Kara Schallock - Elecciones - 6 de Marzo 2017

Traducción: Gisela Díaz M.
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Como recordatorio, comparto sólo lo que Alma comparte conmigo y sólo cuando soy guiada. Si resuenas con esto, maravilloso; si no; maravilloso. Todos estamos en diferentes etapas de Ascensión y las Notas de Ascensión sirven como una guía general. Estas no son predicciones o reglas, ya que éstas no existen en lo Nuevo.

Algunos piensan que las cosas deberían ser diferentes. Podrían preguntar "¿Dónde está la alegría? ¿Dónde está el amor? ¿Dónde está la paz? "La alegría, el amor y la paz están dentro. Si buscas la prueba fuera de ti mismo, te decepcionarás, porque lo Nuevo está dentro de ti. Y cuando te das cuenta de esto, cambia tu percepción y te das cuenta de que tu Amor, tu Paz y tu Alegría afectan todo lo que ves. Lo Nuevo debe estar dentro de ti antes de que cualquier cosa en el mundo pueda ser infundida con Luz superior. ¿Con qué estás alineado? Si estás alineado con el mundo que no está lleno de Amor, Paz y Alegría, entonces eso es lo que tú experimentas. Si estás alineado con tu Paz interior, tu alegría interior y tu Amor interior, ves lo externo con esta perspectiva. Todo está dentro. Si tu propia vida no refleja lo que deseas, ¿Con qué estás alineado? ¿Qué es lo que está mal o qué es lo correcto? ¿Agradeces todo en la vida? Cuando estás en Agradecimiento, expandes esas cosas que quieres... Paz, Amor y Alegría interior.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - March 12, 2017

Dear readers, once again we greet you in love and respect as we witness personal and global struggles. We honor your courage as you continue to unfold into an ever deepening consciousness of oneness much like a bud opens to the fullness of the flower.

You have become the wayshowers, awake and ready to fulfill your chosen reasons for being here at this time.

We see many of you working to resolve day to day issues as well as to spiritually evolve while still using tools that no longer work simply because you have evolved beyond them. They are familiar to you and still work for those who resonate with them, but most of you have evolved beyond them--you are no longer that state of consciousness.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Liles - Actualización de la Luna Llena del 12/3/17 - 9 de Marzo 2017
Traducción: Laura Gualtieri
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena es el domingo, 12 de marzo, a las 8:54 AM.

Ponte para adentro hoy y centrate en los detalles que necesitan atención. Nuestras cabezas salen brevemente a la superficie de la emotiva sopa acuosa que está apoyando la profunda entrega del equipaje viejo. Podemos sentirnos agotados con el proceso y exhaustos por nuestra propia resistencia. Es hora de tomar aliento, hacer balance, reconocer lo que ha sido entregado y ver qué piezas quedan. ¿Cuáles son los próximos pasos que debe tomar para mantener el impulso? Puede haber algunas verdades involucradas y definitivamente hay una necesidad de confianza. Obtenga ayuda si la necesita y asegúrese de estar cerca de personas a las que ama durante este tiempo. Sus niveles de energía pueden ir hacia arriba y hacia abajo así que escuche a su cuerpo y descanse si es necesario, tome un descanso si es necesario, trabaje duro si es necesario y libere un poco de vapor si es necesario.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You are never far from the Light. It is as close as your breath - March 12, 2017

Dear One,

Your breath is your connection to God. Breathing is the first thing you do when you arrive on the earth, and the last as you depart. Your breath feeds your body and mind the oxygen it needs to exist. Your breath also holds the power to create an expansion in your energy so you can be aware of your link to the Source of all life.

Divine Light is showering upon you at all times and it radiates from within your being to the world around you. This light holds the essence of peace and love. The more you are aware of your connection to this light, the happier you become.