miércoles, abril 20, 2016

Lea Kapitel - Contactee and Starseed

Published on Apr 4, 2016
Lea's presentation was recorded at the UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated meeting held at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, NSW, Australia on the 2 April 2016.

Lea Kapiteli is a ‘Starseed’ and has been a contactee since childhood. Through her contacts, Lea has learnt about the origins of humanity, why, and what happened in the distant past. She has found out about her origins, over the years of astral travelling, and telepathic communication.

Lea refers to herself as being a 'Homo Novis' or ‘New Human’, since she has vivid recall of her ET origins and multi-dimensional nature. She has made beautiful artworks.

The ‘New Human’ is a global phenomenon, and involves both adults and children who present as very ‘different’ from previous generations. The difference is experienced though their highly intuitive, and multidimensional abilities.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 2nd Part - Light Energy Grid Communication Activation (Lyran Energies of the Galactic High Council)

Repost - 8/10/2013

2nd Part of Communication received 8/11/13 (a.m.):

Lyran Energy of the Galactic High Council

Through Lisa "Transcendence" Brown


Higher Realm Frequency Bands exist within you as the sounds you hear in your head or ears.

There are certain times right now that they are more "open", if you will. They have always been present, yet you now are able to achieve the frequency in order to hear.

Close your eyes and imagine opening a portal within you. Your heart, solar plexus or pineal gland are all places you can "go" to do this.

Tune TO the frequency of LIGHT.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - You Are Being "Connected" For "The Rising" (Lyran Energies of the Galactic High Council)

Repost - 8/10/2013

I must speak first, before posting this translation, as I do not usually post of "things to come". Yet, I have learned to trust and honor all that I receive to share. This specific message was a bit different for me, as it was the first time I had received to translate for the Lyran Energies of the High Council (LHC). The Lyrans, I have become aware of just the last many months as part of the Council. I ask that you honor what resonates with you inside and as always, follow your heart. Never be swayed by anything you read. Trust that which activates something within you as a knowing through love and light. I am always honored to share and connect with all.

This translation began from me asking questions about what I was hearing in frequency. There was a "new" band that I had not heard before. When I started to ask questions, I received answers. This was the first time I had had "two-way communication", which I was told would continue to expand now. I shall attempt to recall the entire "conversation" for posting/sharing. I may update this if more comes through remembering.

Matthew Ward – April 20, 2016

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We begin by addressing the issue that most of your expressed concerns pertain to, global reset. What is its purpose, who is behind it, and how will it affect your bank accounts and investments? While we have not used the more recently-coined term, “global reset,” several years ago we started talking about what it is—the changeover from your current monetary system, which has no foundation whatsoever, to a system based on precious metals. The transition process will be handled as smoothly as possible to minimize disruption in financial services and anyone whose money has been honestly earned and invested need have no concerns.

Sarah Varcas - 21st / 22nd April 2016: Full Moon in Scorpio - 20/04/2016

Not the Love of Fairy Tales
Sarah Varcas

The Moon is full in the 3rd degree of Scorpio at 5:25 UT. Occurring while Venus, Uranus and Eris form a conjunction in Aries, it reminds us of the power of love to see us through darkness and its iconoclastic role in these changing times. Traditional, often religious, teachings are challenged by this Moon. It can be all too easy to churn out claims of forgiveness with little substance to back them up, or to profess love whilst turning away in secret. With Saturn now in Sagittarius we are bound to live what we profess, not just verbalise spiritual mores whilst living our own watered-down version of them! If we truly believe that love is the way out of fear, separation and conflict then we must be that love, not just pay lip-service to it.

Benjamín Fulford - 18-404-16. Las sociedades secretas asiáticas Rojo y Verde bajo nuevo liderazgo prometen “hacer temblar la tierra”

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/04/18/red-and-green-asian-secret-societies-under-new-leadership-promise-to-%E2%80%9Cmake-the-earth-tremble%E2%80%9D/

La semana pasada un representante que dice ser de la familia de la cabeza de la Unión China Mundial Hongmen informó a la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco que el Rojo y el Verde estaban bajo un nuevo liderazgo. Dijo que “cuando los gigantes asiáticos se muevan, la tierra se sacudirá, pero nuestra meta es la paz mundial”. No mucho más se puede escribir sobre las conversaciones entre el Rojo, el Azul y la SDB, sin embargo puedes estar seguro de que grandes eventos se desarrollarán pronto.

También hay un montón de rumores a partir de múltiples fuentes, incluyendo la CIA y el Pentágono, de que algún tipo de evento financiero mucho más grande que el “shock” de Lehman es inminente. Si bien la experiencia nos ha enseñado a desconfiar de fechas específicas, muchas fuentes incluso van tan lejos como para decir que será el 19 de abril. Este es el día en que el Shanghai Gold Exchange comenzará su plataforma de comercio de oro destinado a hacerse cargo de la fijación del precio de oro de los bancos controlados por la mafia jázara.


Selacia - Creating and Receiving Blessings at 4/21 Full Moon - 20 April, 2016

Full Moons can be powerful times of personal growth, breakthroughs, and celebrations. At times like the April 21-22 Scorpio Full Moon, you may notice energies are more intense and amplified. Emotions, perhaps normally under wraps, tend to come to the surface. You could be over-the-top joyful and fire-hot angry, all in one day.  
Full Moon Spotlight 
There's a spotlight on things around this time, bringing to awareness details of things. Insights can be profound - whether from dreams, meditation, simple inner inquiry, or observation. Solutions can come to you, seemingly from out of nowhere, helping you to make life shifts or heal difficult situations.
Many people feel an expanded energy for several days in advance and afterwards. While it's common to feel on overload when things get intense, don't overlook the blessings of this monthly cycle. Right now in particular, with everything else going on, it can be very useful to focus on potential blessings you can create and receive at this Full Moon.  

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 20/04/1

Blossom Goodchild - April 20th 2016.

Hello my dear friends. I have been busy in my acting body, yet, I have some time today to step into my channelling body. So, let’s give it a whirl shall we? I have missed you.

Welcome back into this moment of unity Dearest Blossom. We too, are eager to continue forth with our communications, yet, it is fully understood this is reserved for when it is applicable and convenient to you.

Thank you. So, last time you spoke of something to occur … described as ‘The warm up band’. Where do you want to take it from here?

We would like to take it as far as we can. In that, it is only in the dependability of the souls’ longing for itself … that we are able to come through at all and speak with you. Therefore, to discuss such matters regarding a build up to certain magnificent occurrences in your skies depends too, on that seeking within your soul to bring about the Greater and more Loving sustainability of your world … through that same souls’ longing for itself to return home.

martes, abril 19, 2016

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - Full Moon Update 4-21-16 - April 19, 2016

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Thursday, April 21 at 11:23 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

Reach out to your community today and have some quality fun and social time. This is also a good day to put yourself first. Do a ceremony or give yourself a gift. Unplug for a few hours and spend some time in beauty, being inspired and exploring the higher mind and new ideas.



Astrological Notes

Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com


Sun in Taurus ~ Moon in Taurus 2º

Thurs., April 21, 11:23 PM Mountain Daylight Time

(Friday, April 22, 5:23 AM Greenwich Mean Time)