domingo, marzo 06, 2016

Blossom Goodchild - March 6th, 2016.

Hello and welcome to Planet Earth, with your ever ready medium here to be your ‘go between!’ Art thou well?

We know, you know, there is no need to ask such a query ... as we cannot be unwell.

How Blessed are you! One day we humans will ‘get that’ concept … looking forward to that one, that’s for sure! Ok. A, couple of questions following on our current topic, if I may? Someone asked what is so special about Planet Earth, that we give so much focus to it /upon it … given all other parallel Universes, Earths etc.?

Who is to say that you do?

Do what? Give so much focus to it?

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - March 6, 2016

Dear ones, we speak from a place of love and respect for you and the tremendous work you have undertaken and are now manifesting. We also observe many of you feeling weak, sad, and even occasionally distraught as you begin to see with new eyes and hearts open which allows you to recognize how differently life on earth could be.

During the unavoidable "down times" of this intense journey, try to avoid slipping into negativity by acknowledging that everything you witness has no real law to support it. Never deny appearances, but learn to see through them. Love all involved (by recognition of their true nature), and move on. Resistance to anything simply endows it power it does not really have.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest - Mar 6, 2016

Dear One,

Every day you receive wisdom and guidance from the Angels. Sometimes this guidance comes from those around you — friends, family, teachers, strangers or signs in obvious places. Sometimes this wisdom comes as an inner urging. Whenever you receive guidance, if you tune within, you will feel a resonance when it is coming from a place of truth. Call this your "God check." Create your own little sign that you can recognize when something is right for you. Then you have a way to really know what it is in your highest good at all times.

sábado, marzo 05, 2016

Valerie Donner - A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - March 5, 2016

Greetings, I am Mira.

Most of you know I am working full time with the Earth Council and have been doing this for about five years now.

We are in lively times in our ascension process with you and the earth. We have big priorities that we have to shift regularly. As soon as we resolve certain problems other issues appear. This is the way ascension works. It is a step by step process. I am here to remind you that we are progressing.

Remarkable breakthroughs are occurring within, upon and around the planet. We are a part of an astounding team from the Light Alliance and all of the Galactic’s. You are a part of this team. We respect and love you for all that you are doing.

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update - 3-8-16

Dear Friends,

New Moon with a Solar Eclipse is Tuesday March 8 at 6:54 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

This is the first of two eclipses this month and an excellent time to revisit your committed choices of last month and to set intentions to fire them up. Spend a bit of time contemplating what may have changed with regards to your choices, commitments and intentions. Because this time frame is more potent than usual, it is more important than ever to have as much clarity as possible about your direction and where you want to put your energy.

As the higher emotional center begins to influence and inspire us, adjustments and refinements may need to be made to original intentions. Chances are they will need to expand into a bigger picture and bigger dream. If an opportunity comes your way that “feels” right, do not hesitate to take it even though you may think it is too soon or too much. Use your intuition rather than your intellect to move toward or away from what may be showing up during this time. There is big power and big support this month, especially during the eclipse times, for stepping up and firing up something new. Take advantage of it.



Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (17) - Jacksonville, Florida, 21 Febrero de 2016

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Por si no lo oyeron antes: el Espíritu no tiene género. Sucede que mi socio, en esta vida, es un varón. Él se hace a un lado en estas canalizaciones; está en un lugar donde yo le bloqueo lo que se está diciendo. La primera vez que sucedió, él pensó que algo estaba muy mal, porque él siempre podía escuchar el contenido. Es parte de nuestro acuerdo. Aquí no hay nada secreto que ocultarle a un varón. La razón por la que él no está incluido, aun ahora, la razón por la que tiene que ir y escuchar la grabación para saber qué se dijo, aun ahora, es para honrar la femineidad que está aquí. Esto es una Hermandad Femenina, entonces él no está aquí.

Quiero que comprendan esto. No hay forma de presentar esto sin género; somos una cosa o la otra, los humanos son una cosa o la otra. En el lado del velo que es el Creador no hay partes biológicas en absoluto: solo hay amor. Y entonces les repetimos: no se dejen engañar por la voz.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Practica tu humanidad - Cambia el mundo con amor


Faros de Luz
Febrero 2016
Presentado en vivo el 30/1/2016

Saludos, queridos:

Después de muchas dificultades, hallamos la manera de llegarles a ustedes. Permítannos saludarlos en esta nueva energía, porque ustedes han estado pasando por un desafío. Ha habido mucha compresión en el planeta Tierra y muchas cosas han exigido su atención, apartando su enfoque de donde quieren estar. Queridos, les decimos que son muchos los que asumieron su poder y hacen oír su voz quizá por primera vez. Y en estos tiempos sagrados, en esta unión tan especial de tiempo y espacio tienen la oportunidad de generar un cambio importante. Ese es el mensaje que deseamos entregarles. El reto consiste en entrar en su luz, fijar su enfoque y ayudar a transformar el planeta Tierra durante estos cambios. Todos ustedes sabían que los cambios estaban llegando. Muchos de ustedes creyeron que todo esto ocurriría en cuestión de 24 horas, que despertarían al día siguiente y todo sería perfecto. Han ingresado en la nueva energía y eso ha causado literalmente una fragmentación de su energía, de su seguridad, y ha cambiado la estabilidad sobre la que habían construido sus vidas. Como resultado de ello, muchas personas lo están manifestando. Si llegan a percibir que no son escuchadas y que su energía no encuentra un espacio, ellas lo manifiestan hasta lograr de que alguien lo note. En el proceso, es posible que incluso tomen muchas vidas. Ustedes están reaccionando frente a las nuevas energías que existen en el planeta Tierra. Bueno, queridos, hoy los desafiamos a que cambien el resultado y lleven a cabo una acción específica. Tendrán que establecer por sí mismos las acciones que tomarán, porque cada uno es distinto. Cada uno de ustedes tiene diferentes llaves que pueden abrir puertas a aspectos aún más grandes de la humanidad, pero estas llaves están ocultas en lo más íntimo de su ser. Permítannos explicarles.

viernes, marzo 04, 2016

Gregg Prescott - Huge Cache of Chemtrail Plane Photos - March 4, 2016

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
I received a private message from a friend on Facebook who stated:

Hi Gregg, I follow your in5d website everyday and I’m thankful there are like minded people like yourself who are aware of global things that I have know since I was a little girl. I came across some photos from a trusted source of the inside of planes that are used for chemtrails and I figured if I passed them on to you, you can help spread more awareness with it on your website. Let me know if this is ok with you. Thanks.

When asked if the source would like to elaborate on these photos, I was told:

Unfortunately my source does not want to be known and would rather remain anonymous…I’m sure they have some pretty good reasons and I must respect their wishes. As long as the information gets out there I think that’s the most important thing I’ll send you more photos later on in the day when I have a chance thank you.

These are the photos I received: EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You've NEVER Seen Before!
EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You've NEVER Seen Before!
EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You've NEVER Seen Before!
EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You've NEVER Seen Before!

EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You've NEVER Seen Before!
EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You've NEVER Seen Before!

Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.
Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.
Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.
Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.
Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.
Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.
Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.
Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.
Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.
Please stop advising people to expose themselves to ozone generators. It's quite harmful.
chemtrails chemtrails