miércoles, noviembre 19, 2014

Sandra Walter ~ Micro to Macro: Assisting the Acceleration 11-18-14

Blessings Beloveds,
The accelerated timeline which HUmanity and Gaia activated last month, triggered by a cosmic alignment for a Pure Source Light Intelligence Gateway, provides new layers of possibility for HUmanity’s Ascension. While we shifted to the primary timeline of Ascension many years ago, we continually choose the secondary timelines of our collective experience. We do this as a collective, with the leadership of Wayshowers and those carrying a 5D/6D vibration in their energy fields, to draw the collective experience up into an accelerated Ascension experience.
It is a highly creative passage; the timeline Shift of October brought forth creative stimulation and an active energy. It is a great turning-up on the volume of the Shift, and as Wayshowers we take the lead in participating with these new dynamics.

Alex Collier Latest – Update Letter 2 – November 18, 2014

Alex Collier
I want to expand if I may on my last letter to you all, and share more of my prospective on what’s going on around Earth. And there appears to be quite a bit. However, is it all on purpose? Or is it really just so corrupt that it’s falling apart on the weight of its own deceit. It’s probably a combination of both. In politics nothing happens by accident.
I would like to say that in no way is this situation hopeless, or incurable. Of coarse if we the people of Earth had been or were more self reliant and protective of our liberties and managed the national governments we most likely would not be in this position. But regardless here we are.


Suzanne Lie - Flying To Lemuria

Arcturian Message to the Lemurians

Dear Members of Lemuria,

"We will speak to you in the same manner as we will speak to the topsider humans. As many of you know, when the Galactics land on Gaia's surface, you, the members of Inner Earth, will send your emissaries topside to assist and educate the many humans who will be dazed and confused."

"With that said, we will continue speaking to you, our dear Lemurian friends, as if you were the very humans that you will be going topside to support."

"Dear Human Representatives for Gaia, we come to you within this NOW to tell about Earth's earliest history. The seeding of a planet is much like the seeding of the ground. Seeds are planted in the hope that they will grow and prosper."

"In the same fashion, beings from different planets, galaxies and dimensions planted their "seeds" in the hope that they could live, grow and prosper on a young (in planetary terms) world. However, rather than physical seeds, we Galactics planted seeds of consciousness."

"We, the Arcturians, were among the first Galactics to send our seeds of consciousness into the life forms of planet Earth. Hence, it is we who have come to you to deliver this message. We encourage all of you to remember your Galactic Family."

"Those of you who have taken incarnations on surface Earth will need to dust off the cobwebs of forgetfulness from your incarnations during the Piscean Age. During that age of the Kali Yuga, which is referred to as the Dark Age, humanity was as far away from the ONE as possible."

"In fact, humans believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, and that the Earth was the most evolved planet in all of the Galaxy, or even the Universe. It takes a strong person to recognize they were mistaken in their perception of reality."

"It takes an even stronger person to recognize the many lies that have limited their expansion into SELF. Most important, it is your NOW to release your fear of other civilizations. We come to remind you that you have many expressions of your Multidimensional SELF who are currently holding forms on Starships, in different planets and in different galaxies."

"Most of these galactic beings live in fifth dimensional light bodies that exist within the NOW of unconditional love. However, there are still some members of the Power Over Others galactic worlds that exist on the third/fourth dimension of our Galaxy, as well as on Earth."

"Most of these beings have changed their ways once they finally lost The Galactic War. However, many Draconians came to Earth after they lost the war. The Draconians are the descendants of the great dinosaurs of Earth's ancient history. Therefore, they believe that Earth is their planet."

"These beings are primarily responsible for the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis, as well as many of the wars your planet has suffered. However, their reign has come to an end. Because of their resistance to unconditional love, their resonance is unable to expand into the fifth-dimensional lightbodies that will inhabit Gaia's new fifth dimensional Earth."

"Fortunately, just as some members of these civilizations remained lost to the darkness of 'power-over-others,' there were others who became fifth-dimensional. Some of them took refuge in the earth, such as your selves, to await their opportunity to ascend themselves and planet Earth. Therefore, do not judge another by their species or the habits of their greater family. All life has an opportunity to join Gaia, and all life will be welcomed."

"Many, such as this gathering of Lemurians, live just one half octave above the physical world on Earth's surface. You, our dear Lemurian friend, entered Earth before She plummeted into Her lowest frequency."

"Because of the completion of the great cycle of the Procession of the Equinox, Earth is now in alignment with the Galactic Center. Thus, the planet's frequency of resonance is slowly and surely rising."

"In fact, Earth entered Her Golden Age in late 2012 and She will remain in this era for 2,000 years. During these 2,000 years, multidimensional light and unconditional love will flow directly form the Galactic Center and into the heart of Gaia. Hence, it is the NOW for transmutation of Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants."

"Gaia is ready NOW, as is her plant and animal kingdom. It is humanity that is still attached to the 3D Matrix and cannot look beyond it. Fortunately, there are simultaneously many humans who are fully prepared to transmute into the higher frequencies of reality. Dear members of Inner Earth, when you go topside, your first assignment is to find these fully awakened ones."

"Then, just as we talk to them when we bring them on our Ships, you can talk to them as they walk the body of beloved Gaia. You may wonder when all this will occur, so allow us to answer this question. All that we have spoken of will occur not at a given time, but in a given frequency."

"The number of humans who can perceive this frequency, which is of course the resonance of the fifth dimension, is expanding exponentially. Therefore, we ask once again, be patient within your NOW. Cherish every moment of the life you NOW live."

"In this moment you will live in unconditional love, which is the key to your transmutation into your fifth dimensional Lightbody."

"Blessings dear humanity. When we say we are WITH you, we mean we are IN you, just as you are IN unity with us."

The Arcturians

Please enjoy the video below which contains a channeled message shared by the Arcturians during our recent Online Healing Retreat, Calibrating to the Ascension Frequency. Join this beautiful soaring adventure as one of the early bird tribe inhabitants of the planet!

Breaking News: Oklahoma Super Bolide Asteroid or SPACE TRASH? MAJOR EVENT NOV 19, 2014


martes, noviembre 18, 2014

James Gilliland - ECETI News from Mexico 2 - Nov 18, 2014


Todays letter is on a personal note with observations of the global shifts and changes. Personally I have watched feelings arise I thought were dealt with long ago. I have watched people enter my life almost identical to people in the past harboring the same personas. We magnetize people and events to us according to our consciousness and wish as I may I am not immune to this process. Thankfully I have mastered a few more tools and methods to process, gain the wisdom and allow these experiences to settle in the soul as wisdom. The sad part is I watch as so many others hold on to their wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences guarding them like their grandest treasures. God forbid pointing these programs out because they are met with vehement defensiveness. I have never before seen the need to be right defended against all base logic. The more I process my own issues and rise in consciousness the more I feel like an alien. There is very little love on this planet. When I say love it is not the love most seek and desire. It is a love without agendas, without attachments and judgements.

Brenda Hoffman – You’re a Beacon – Not a Rescue Boat – 18 November 2014

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
World peace and contentment are your end-goals, for that is new earth. But such is not happening tomorrow or the next day. It is a process you are fully enmeshed in and with.
Those of you impatient with this process must understand that you are only responsible for you. Even though you have heard or read this phrase over and over, it is time to understand what it means throughout your being.
If your spouse or neighbor chooses not to follow their heart, they will remain in pain. So it is that many parts of your world continue to vie for the greatest place of fear. Such is to be expected if you accept that this transition is a unique global process. No amount of prayer or good wishes will deliver someone to the light.

Christine Meleriessee - The Pathway of Multi-Dimensionality ~ Lord Adama - Nov 18, 2014


Greetings, My Dearest Ones,
Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.
It is so nice to be here with each of you once again. I am very happy we are all together here.
I ask each of you to open up your hearts, and feel all those energies Meleriessee brought in. Allow them to be activated within you. Call upon your highest potential. That is what I would like to talk about today.
This city of Honlontonneash represents that highest potential and ability to be within Divine Love and Divine Power. It means there is no Lower Mind and no Lower Self, although they are in the physical self. The integration has taken place and you allow those essences to fully be within you.
How does an initiate get to the point at which it is consistently within that concept?

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Nov 18, 2014

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
Once disclosure occurs, we can make announcements and truly start new operations, permitting us to complete more missions in open daylight. At that point, our ships are to begin to take a first wave of interested individuals to our motherships – where we will conduct a general tour, along with...