lunes, marzo 03, 2014

Christine Meleriessee - Unity Number “4″ -March 3rd, 2014

Unity Number4In the Science of Numerology, the number “4” represents organization, creating order, and managing your affairs to create a solid foundation.

Keywords are:  practicality and responsibility, illumination and initiation, stability and ability, determination and endurance, hard work and progress, organization, and purging what we no longer need.
Today’s number is derived from the sum of 67/13 = 4; 67 represents taking care of your home, family and giving service with the heightened energies of the self through your higher essence, your gift to the self from the soul; 13 is a number of synchronization within your highest ideals of unity in your existence with your expanded growth cycle; 4 is a number of organization, putting your thoughts into action with a sense of stability and purpose.


translated by Franz

Dream: I see Georg’s wife, being very sad, sitting on a rock
in front of their house. I am told that the family has been
evicted because they could not pay the rent of 1000 Euros anymore.

domingo, marzo 02, 2014

Denise Le Fay - It’s 2014 & I still feel like #%*!

I’ve always believed that most people are more interested in the truth, even when it’s not all fluffied-up, intentionally made to sound completely bright n’ shiny, pain-free, negativity-free, and wholly easy and wonderfully fabulous. The people who want and need to hear the fluffied-up versions of the Ascension and Shift Process don’t read what I have to say. But, if you’ve been living and struggling through this Divine, this amazing, this amazingly difficult Ascension Process for many years and/or decades, then you’ve been through so much already that hearing me talk about a bit more Ascension related aches and pains in 2014 isn’t much of a big deal at all.

Ronna Herman – Message From Archangel Michael – “Celebrating A Spiritual Reunion” – 2 March 2014 - MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Celebrando Una Reunión Espiritual”

Beloved masters, let us join together during this sacred time as we share our hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future. Yes, we also have great hopes and visions of what miracles will be wrought by you and for you, the Starseed of planet Earth.

Close your eyes for a moment and breathe deeply as you settle your awareness into your Sacred Heart center. Now envision, if you will, that in this timeless moment, we are all coming together to rejoice, remember and reestablish our Divine relationship, one with another. See within your mind’s eye, and feel the emotions of recognition well up from within your Sacred Heart, as your vast spiritual family, past, present and future, come forth to greet you. Watch as shining Facets of our Father/Mother God, and all the shining, radiant Beings from throughout this Sub-universe, down to the tiniest elemental Beings, present themselves in their magnificent splendor, as they surge forth to walk amongst you. There are no limitations here, no one is excluded, for in this great gathering in the higher dimensions there is room for all—every soul who has ever incarnated on Earth is present in his/her Etheric bodily form, as well as all the precious Beings from throughout this solar system and galaxy. You see, it is a grand reunion reminiscent of the time when you all gathered in celebration before beginning your many long sojourns into the physical world, on planet Earth.

Karen Doonan - The disconnection of the male in HUMAN FEMALES - March 2, 2014

As I have stated on the previous blog this blog is written to address the disconnection of the male from within the human female, if you are in human male form it may be helpful to read the blog “the disconnection of the male in the human male”  first of all.  The teachings that are anchored deeply in the old 3d earth created reality by both human males and human females seeks to teach the respective forms to filter each other out, therefore one blog written to address both would seek to trigger and not to illuminate in order to dissolve.

Sun-Diving Comet : March 2, 2014

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 2 March 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 2 al 9 de Marzo 2014

March 2- 9, 2014
Beloved Ones,
It is important to connect into one’s heart and follow its counsel and to remember that some people are going through experiences in their present moment that require one’s empathy, compassion and understanding as they deal with their feelings in their own respective ways. Remember the love that lies at the core of their being and in yours and just let it be however it wishes to express itself. Some changes that occur in people’s lives are those that create a total revaluation of how one views their own and that can be a difficult process as it is experienced. At the core of all changes in one’s life lies a lesson of acceptance that not everything can stay the same and that events happen that leave a void that nothing can ever replace. In this, it is only the passage of time which heals these realizations.
Love in its many facets of expression is a most potent force and can heal even the most cynical of expectations. When love is held foremost in a person’s heart, the world conspires to bring one experiences that reflect that love. Allowing one’s heart to stay opened during times of sorrow and sadness assists in the healing process of each individual. Oftentimes, these expressions come from a place of woundedness within the person’s psyche and this allows the person to go within and examine these feelings with greater focus than would be given otherwise. It helps them grow and expand their understanding of themselves and others around them so that they understand that each person has similar events in their own lives that help shape them into more open and loving expressions of the Creator’s attributes.

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele – 2 March 2014

Greetings to all. We observe Light on Gaia increasing each day, and bringing with it a new world wide awareness of issues and problems that the majority were heretofore unable or unwilling to see. Appearances would say that the world is getting worse, but what you are witnessing is the Light now shining into the dark places and bringing to the forefront all that needs to be addressed in new and higher ways.
Many governments are starting to understand that the old self serving ways of doing business are no longer working. Many “leaders” choosing to resist any change, and will eventually find themselves in one way or another removed. All, from world leaders to so called “common folk” who insist upon holding tight to energies that are finished will begin to experience difficulties because the new energies do not nor cannot support anything held in place only through belief and concepts. Go within dear ones, and honestly examine what concepts and beliefs you may still be rigidly holding on to.

How the Government Manipulates Your Thoughts Online | Big Brother Watch

Steve Rother - Los Faros de Luz ~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~ 18 de febrero de 2014

Los Faros de Luz ~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~
18 de febrero de 2014

~ Tan solo SER (como una abeja) ~

(en inglés Just BEE)

(NT: juego de palabras, en inglés ser (be) y abeja (bee) se pronuncian igual)


Los Faros de Luz, Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar son presentaciones en Vivo en Internet, transcritas y publicadas aquí los días 15 de cada mes. La traducción al español se publica entre el 25 y 30 del mismo mes.

La próxima emisión de Lightworker será el:
Sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014
11:00 am hora del Pacífico de EE.UU.

~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~

Nota: Este mensaje ha sido editado y vuelto a canalizar en algunas partes con la supervisión de El Grupo para una mayor claridad en este formato.

Saludos queridos, Yo soy eM.

Un cambio en la polaridad del sol

Estoy muy emocionado de estar hoy aquí con ustedes. Hay muchas cosas que están comenzando a abrirse en la Tierra y les compartiremos un poco sobre el próximo paso que dará la humanidad. Está ocurriendo a la velocidad del amor, levemente más rápida que la velocidad de la luz. Ni siquiera Einstein sabía eso. Muchas cosas están sucediendo debido a sus movimientos, a su elevación y capacidad de hacer circular la energía completamente por sus cuerpos sin sentir efectos negativos. Han hecho un trabajo increíble hasta este punto, principalmente al ignorarlo algunas veces. ¡Oh, sí! Los humanos pueden mirar hacia otro lado muy bien, pero eso se debe también a que han puesto las cosas en orden. En realidad, es muy interesante. Ustedes tienen una nueva relación con el tiempo y el Guardián del Tiempo les ha estado hablando de ello por algún tiempo. Sin embargo, representa mucho, pero mucho más que solo mirar su reloj o planificar su día de acuerdo a lo que llaman el tiempo.