domingo, diciembre 01, 2013

December - New Month, New Energies Process to Fuel Your Forward Momentum by Selacia - Dec 1, 2013 - LUNA NUEVA 2 DE DICIEMBRE - Nuevo Mes, Nuevas Energías por Selacia 1° de diciembre 2013

Over the past few months, you have had a wild ride of energies - with eclipses, the mercury retrograde, and your personal need to continually adjust to frequency shifts and life's growing intensity.

Take a breath now - things are not as gloomy as they may appear. Some lighter energies prevailing in December may be just what you need at year-end.

Most likely, you indeed are coping better than you realize. After all, you have been conditioned to be hard on yourself and to see yourself as less than others. This conditioning skews your view, setting in motion waves of self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness. It can cause you to think that you are the only one having a bad day, and that you should be sailing smoothly over the choppy seas.

From a big picture perspective, you do have some good days and even the troublesome ones provide spiritual fuel for your forward momentum.


John Smallman – Jesus – Focus Your Attention On The Reality Of God’s Love For You – 1 December 2013

john-blog-pics-0135We love you and always will because we are all One, loving each other eternally as our dear Father does, as He Wills us to do likewise.  He is the Source from which all flows in one infinite and eternal stream of Love.  He is beyond comprehension and yet we know that His Love embraces us in every moment, and that nothing else is possible.  That is what we experience and know in every moment, eternally, constantly, because that is all that there is.  Love is all that exists, and in It everything has its place, every iota of consciousness, all life, there is no outside or beyond, all is here within the Oneness and perfect harmony that is the Source, which inevitably and unavoidably includes all that is created.
The illusory environment that was built to experience separation from the Source is illusory, but because those who built it wanted it to appear very real it does, frequently very painfully so.  Outside the illusion there is no pain, no suffering, no anxiety, no worry, no fear, no anger, because those are all aspects of the illusion, aspects of unreality.  It seems vast to you, universe upon universe, but in truth it is nothing, and when you awaken, as you cannot avoid doing, that will become immediately fully apparent.  You have just been playing games, having unreal experiences to demonstrate what separation might be like if it was possible for it to occur, but of course it could not.

Ronna Herman – Latest Message From Archangel Michael – Are You Ready To Embody Your Sacred Fire Energy? – 1 December 2013 - ¿ESTÁN LISTOS PARA INCORPORAR SU ENERGÍA DE FUEGO SAGRADO?

ronna1aBeloved masters, you came from far-distant Universes, Sub-universes, galaxies and planets, and you brought with you a wealth of cosmic information, which was stored within your Sacred Mind for future access. There were stringent requirements you had to pass and solemn vows you had to make. You agreed to come to Earth during these momentous evolutionary times, and then incarnate into greatly diverse and often very difficult circumstances. You made a pledge that when the time came for you to step onto the path of ascension, you would allow us to set aside your free will so that we could take whatever measures were deemed necessary to awaken you. For many, it resulted in a Soul merge, and others who had already awakened to their Soul Self were ready for a merge with a facet of their Higher Self. When the Soul finally merges fully with the Sacred Heart, it is a grand reunion of monumental proportions. When your intentions are composed of wisdom overlaid with love and projected with purity, you become a powerful source of Sacred Fire energy.

Debbie Erasmus - IN-Lightenment ~ Forgiving and Letting Go - Dec 1, 2013

forgiveness prayer
Forgiveness is not something your Higher Self/Soul requires of you. You will never be judged by any higher power. As far as your Soul is concerned, you are Divinely Perfect in every way and you always will be, no matter what you have done in this and past lifetimes. However, forgiveness is something that will help YOU in this physical reality (lifetime) move forward towards clearing and releasing of the the negative and discordant energy that has been stored up in your memory banks.
Note that negative energy is created from emotions attached to negative experiences which you have had during this life and other lifetimes here. If you can revisit a negative experience without feeling fear, sadness, pain or any negative emotion, then you have successfully released the negative emotional charge attached to it.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 1 December 2013 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 01 al 07 de diciembre, 2013

Beloved Ones,
There are mighty signs in the heavens that humankind can no longer ignore or deny. Something big is taking place that involves not only the planet Earth but the entire cosmos. You are the conduits who are now taking on an even greater role of keeping the Earth in balance. This is a most important function of your presence here on Earth. Daily ground your roots into the crystalline diamond core of Mother Earth and as you feel the Earth’s energies rising upwards through your column of light, connect into the great diamond in the great central sun. This intention will bring the energies of the higher dimensions into the Earth’s core and spread out in concentric circles throughout the planet through each of you. There is no place upon and within the Earth that will not be touched by these energies.

Archangel Zadkiel via Linda Robinson: A New Light of Self-Discovery - Dec 1, 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones,

We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today we wish to discuss your new light of self-discovery. The new energy is opening greater self-awareness whether you are just beginning on your path or whether you are a seasoned traveler.
You are entering into a time of great expansion of consciousness. It is a time where horizons are continuing to open and new dimensions of possibilities are being revealed. It is a time where you can manifest your dreams and soar to greater heights than you have ever imagined.

Dolores Cannon at the 2013 Transformation Conference

Aisha North: - Welcome to the Eighth Gathering Around the Pond – December 1, 2013

Dear friends!
We are approaching the final month in 2013, and all I can say is that never has time seemed to pass as quickly as it does now. How can it be almost a year since we were all eagerly awaiting 12.21.12, that fabled date in that fabled year, when we expected everything to change? Looking back, I do see so much that has changed, but as the CCs remind us again and again, nothing happens in the way and at the time you expect it to.
A friend told me the other day that this year has been far more transformational in every way than 2012 was, and I have to agree with him. And you do not have to look further than to this Pond to see that. For this is the year that this Pond truly came into its own, when each and every one of you started to pour more and more light into this space, and when each and every one of you reached deeper and deeper into the light within yourself. And now we stand here, poised to enter the month that will take us all the way to the new year.

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: There are Many Other Beings that You Share this Galaxy with - Dec 1, 2013*GUFoqsLXFuGYkp38hQJcLMxVzl4kuqayeIEe8yBYgPfIREhVbtcLZ4WSXdo5c/244225896374147.jpg
Today we would like to do something a little different. As we have touched upon briefly in other messages; your Universe is as diverse as the souls who incarnate into it. A question that has plagued the human collective for thousands of years is whether or not you are alone in this universe.
We smile at the innocence of this question that so many have had for so very long. There are of course many of you who are well aware of the existence of other civilizations which exist along side you within this universe. We have spoken about many different topics for quite sometime and we would like to do something a little different in this message. We would like to now step aside and allow for some other collectives to step forward and introduce themselves so that you may have a moment to hear what they would like to share with you.