viernes, mayo 31, 2013

Substantial Shifting of Gaia Energy Structures Occurs at this Moment…- Gaia Portal - May 31, 2013

31 May gaia_energy1Substantial shifting of Gaia energy structures occurs at this moment. Although the process of reshaping Gaia’s Higher D energetic patterns has been ongoing during the past 12 years, significant acceleration occurred during the end of year gateways, and in this now moment, particularly, increase in rate of formation of structures, leading to final so-called “Golden Age” grid, is occurring.
Those aware of these energies may have sensed a strong energetic shift during the past several hours. Tiredness and “out of place” sensations are due to this shifting out of outgrown Gaia energetic patterns and acceleration of formation of Golden Age patterns.
Light Worker types attuned to the needs of Gaia will understand necessary movement patterns required by them for assisting the planet into the final grid arrangements. Understanding that movement is being called for this Higher Purpose, will ease any incurred disruption energetics.
We of ÉirePort say, to all those called to service, “Enjoy the Ride…”

Suzanne Carvell-Melchizedek and Lemuria - May 31, 2013

Michael  is the  Divine God of the universe.  You are Wife of  Jesus the son of Michael let me explain.Michael entered here in the beginning and had his son Jesus with him. Together they made Earth. Lemuria went nine miles to the South and Nine miles to the East and Mighty Love and Mighty Light descended on Earth. Jesus landed and lived on Lemuria for many years before you arrived. Many families arrived here only to become Entities of powerful Angels. No one liked Jesus like you did. Let us   say you saw the Man. Many Men you also saw and their questions now appearing among the people. Jesus now insists on linking.

Decision – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 31, 2013

You alone decide if you are happy or not, my child, even if you maybe don’t believe me now. Your happyness or every other condition in which you are is based alone on your own decision. All that comes to you is in its nature neutral, it is your decision that makes it a positive or negative appearance for you. There are people who like the rain because it is important for their plants, others like the sun more, because it let their fruits become ripe. You see it lies solely in the consideration of the individual, how he perceives something. Since it is your judgement how you view something, so it is also your own decision how you feel with that. You don’t need any exterior reason to be happy, when you pure and simple decide for this, my child. Can you now see, how simple it really is?
~ Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Archangel Metatron ~ Hope, being in peace and going with the flow ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont…-meline-lafont/

AA Metatron

Dearest brothers and sisters of the Light, dearest incarnations of the God spark, dearest hearts of Love. It is I, Archangel Metatron, who has the pleasure to address all of you in order to incite your beloved hearts to express Love and joy. The aim of my message today is to bring enlightenment and to lead all of you to one and the same consensus in Love and peace.

Today we are going to discuss the topic of hope and peace. Hope is a beautiful thing as it procures a joyful feeling and an uplifting energy. Hope creates opportunities and manifests realities, that’s why we say that it is important to be hopeful as it stirs your ‘spirit’ and gives you the impetus to persevere because you feel something wonderful is coming your way.

Scott Bartle – BANCORRUPTCY – 31 May 2013

A Lifetime-To-Lifetime Process - a message from Neale Donald Walsch Saturday, 17 November, 2012 (posted 31 May, 2013)

My dear friends...

Last week in this space we began a discussion of the difference between being a ”seeker” of The Holy Experience and being an “explorer” of it. Continuing on that topic...

Being an explorer of the full experience and knowing of life’s ultimate reality can often separate us from our family, friends, and peers, who wonder why we have not accepted the answers that they have found or accepted, and why we are not experiencing what they are experiencing.

They may even make us “wrong” for being in a place of mind and spirit other than the place where they reside, and rather than honoring us for the bravery of our exploration, they may warn us against it, or even ridicule us for undertaking it.


24 May 2013

Tonight’s Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius will embark the Earth upon a journey of enlightenment that will teach us all that life itself is the best teacher and that we can all learn mighty things from one another no matter our differences.  Expect that the virtues of truth, wisdom, reason, and freedom envelop our thoughts and motivate our actions as the eclipse wave raises our collective vibration.  The world will feel smaller as we grow closer to one another with the events and experiences to come that will knit the fabric of our human family anew.  International bonds will grow and gleam as this lunar wave directs the course of our lives in accordance with God’s cosmic order. 

The Greatest Habits of Your Heart - a message from Caroline Myss Friday, 31 May, 2013
Theological discussions often take shape around exploring the difference between an ordinary understanding of a single word and imagining how that same word would be interpreted by the soul. For example, the word, habitus, is Latin for habits of behavior and routines. All individuals have a host of certain habits that bring order to their physical life. I have a cup of coffee in the morning and watch the news, for example. And then I check my email. There was a time when I just had coffee and watched the news - that was pre-email. Email is the new addition to my decades old routine. Then I hit the shower and then the office. And so the day goes.

jueves, mayo 30, 2013

Limitation or Liberation ~ Which Do You Choose? ~ Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman

Remember, my brave ones, you are living in the midst of eternity. The messages of cosmic wisdom we bring you are not to set more rules or create new dogma. Our intention is to set your hearts afire with love and to give you a glimpse of the glorious future before you. As more and more of the masses are feeling a discontent initiated by their Soul Self, it is vital that the Wisdom Teachings of Ascension are reviewed and shared with those around you. You, the awakened STAR SEED, are the ones who will now spread the emerging WISDOM TEACHINGS of the future.

Whether aware of it or not, humanity and the Earth are in the midst of an accelerated evolutionary process. That is the miracle of these times, beloveds. The Supreme Creator is radiating throughout the Omniverse the full spectrum of Divine Light. This powerful, pure Light is filtering through each Great Central Sun, the mansion world of the Father/Mother God of each universe, out into every level of Creation so that gradually every Spark and fragment of Creation will have access to an appropriate level of Creator-consciousness. The Light of Creation or Adamantine Particles is being made available to every Soul that has ever been created; however, there are some rules that apply to this “Light Redemption” process: each Soul must prepare their vessel by lifting their vibrational patterns to a certain level of harmonious frequencies in order to receive these particles of God Light, and you must remember, after receiving these particles of Light, they must be activated by your loving intention. Love is the power source, the generator of these precious particles from the Source of All.

The manuscript of survival – part 317 - Aisha North - May 30, 2013

The time has come to take a good look at yourselves, dear ones. Do not be shy, and take into account all that you see. Who are you really? And how have you evolved over these last few months, if not weeks? Do you still feel the same, or do you feel as if everything has been turned upside down? Is the image clear, or is it still somewhat blurred? We see you very clearly dear ones, and we see the splendor of who you truly are, but we also see a lot of unchartered possibilities still lying dormant.
Do not take this as a form of chastisement, just as a reminder that there are still pockets of inaccessible energy within you all, and those pockets are more than ready to burst open at any moment now, and give you that added strength you may feel sorely lacking in your lives at the moment