martes, febrero 12, 2013

The Council of Nine - Spring into a New Dawn

The Council of Nine - Spring into a New Dawn

The Council of Nine – Spring into a New Dawn

Spring into a New Dawn – The Council of Nine — February 10, 2013, by Tazjima
We are the Council of Nine.
Spring approaches for you and your world in the form of new energies of transformation. It is a time to grow exponentially, as an individual and as a collective humanity.
See yourselves as young trees, reaching to the sky to embrace the wide skies above, while digging your roots deep into the soil beneath, for stability, for nourishment and for connection to each other and to your earth.
As a people you are currently undergoing an apocalypse, a widely misunderstood Greek word which means an unveiling:
“An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning ‘un-covering’), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, hidden from humanity in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation…”
What are now being revealed to you are your hidden past and heritage, of your divine roots and sacred heritage. Your ancestors were not all dumb, fur-clad beasts who rampaged through the civilized cities of crumbling civilizations. There are those who claim as a heritage that which does not belong to them – it belongs to you and in the coming years more will be revealed to you.
Now you are in the process of coming to terms with the stark fact that you have been deceived and that those who have committed these acts of deception are still at it, still attempting to disguise their works even as the curtain has already been drawn aside. The darkness that has attempted to hide itself often disguised as “good” works is being revealed for what it truly has always been – an attempt to take the power from the people in a bid to command the resources, power and wealth of this world. This overt greed and power play has been revealed as a grand deception.
The structures that have been erected by your controllers, hidden and known, are falling down of their own volition. Their foundations are illusionary, built upon fabrication and lies. Much energy has been expended by those who do not wish you to learn the truth about your world and yourselves, but the new transformational energies, directed by cosmic forces are breaking down the barriers to understanding and more individuals and groups are questioning everything there is about the current failing paradigms.
There will be a return to the wisdom teachings of the ancestors as time passes and the opportunity for people to learn about their true connections to each other and this world become available. Wisdom can be accessed from within, through your own intuition, but there are currently many people who do not trust their own feelings and hunches. Instead they rely on others to think for them and constantly give their power away to others. This is a conditioned response that has been trained into many of you since childhood. You adapted or you resisted and paid the price, accordingly.
Many of you have chosen to live solitary lives in order to have the time to do the inner processing needed to adapt consciously to living in a new way. You are the wayshowers for others who have not had the opportunity as yet to focus on spirituality because they were concentrating on just keeping alive in a world filled with struggle.
As the world progresses through this period of transition, even those people who have been subjugated and compelled to live under dire conditions, even those who live in the darkest corners of the planet are beginning to stir and respond to the call of freedom. It is the call of the soul, to unite with self and to unite with family, friend, community and nation in overcoming what is working against unity.
There has been much talk of mass arrests and judgments against those who have perpetrated great crimes against humanity, through the manipulation of the economy and money systems, through the subjugation of women and children, through sex crimes, through war and violence, through political division and outright lies to protect corporations and individuals.
To have the knowledge that there have been crimes against humanity is a first step, but one must remember that most people alive have lived before. Do you know for certain if you have never “sinned” or committed an act that compromised or caused another to suffer? Are you so willing to throw that first stone when the one you hit will probably be yourself? (As an aside, the concept of “sin” was and is yet another concept designed to shame people and to take their power away. A more accurate description would be an imbalance or misuse of energies, which is more neutral in meaning.)
What is important is for those who have committed acts against other people are for them to confess it before the world and to ask for forgiveness. And if you have done something wrong yourself, forgive yourself. And go forward. Heaven does not judge, why should you? The individual has ample time to repent and make up for their wrongdoings. Society needs to embrace them and accept them back as a functioning member. Unhealed hurts are what create lasting wounds and separation. Now is the time for healing those wounds, ones dealt by others against you and ones that you have given to others, in this lifetime or others.
Since the concept of reincarnation was purposefully deleted from the Bible, most of Western society has forgotten about the fact that you have lived before, will live again, in other bodies, perhaps as a man or woman, gay or straight, depending on the avenue of development that your soul desires to undertake and experience in any one life time. To judge another based on sex, nationality, culture, skin-color, ethnicity, religion or any other difference is to judge oneself.
Humanity will learn to accept diversity, although it may take some time. It is good to know that division and chaos is not a natural state for humanity. It is a lie that has been brought forth — that it is man’s nature to kill and destroy each other — that has been purposefully perpetuated to create further division. Remember the words, “Together you stand; divided you fall.” Your keepers, controllers or powers that were have sought to perpetuate myths and lies to keep humanity divided. Stand together and all will benefit. Stand divided and all will suffer.
With more knowledge of reincarnation many will learn that they have lived in many cultures, lifetimes and types of societies. It is for the sake of learning. The diversity available on your planet is a wonder; many galactic cultures are more unified in structure. The opportunity for learning while embodied on Earth is therefore greater due to the differences that you seem to find so disconcerting.
The wounds of humanity will be healed and you will heal together. You will relearn how to tune into the flows of nature so that the elementals work with the farmer or gardener so the crops thrive, without the use of poisons. You will relearn many things. There is much to rediscover and many new things to learn. Physical life will take on a new joy, a joy of discovery and wonder, as struggle is replaced by cooperation and division is replaced by unity.
We see this in your future. Just when and how long it takes for that bright future to arrive depends on your actions and thoughts of today. Learn to master all three of your lower bodies, physical, emotional and mental. With self-mastery will emerge a willingness to do what is necessary for the good of the whole and your entire world will benefit from your efforts.
We stand beside you as guides and mentors, but it you who must do the work, separately and together. Our blessings go out to everyone who awakens to the new dawn of opportunity for your world and yourselves as individuals.
Thank you, Council of Nine.
Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

The manuscript of survival – part 267


The manuscript of survival – part 267

The time has been running out for the old system, and you can already see signs of disturbance emerging. Some of them may have been expected, others come as if out of thin air. Nothing and no one can be deemed as permanent any more, and you have yet to see the full extent of this. But for now, those latest news flashing across your screens can be deemed as portents of things to come. As we have talked about earlier, sudden reversals and a need to shout out and rattle one’s weapons may become apparent in more than one corner of your world, but again we remind you not to fall into the trap of going into fear. For these are the last cries of the despots, whether they rule the minds of millions of others or just a small place on this globe they call their fiefdom. Again, even if some of the happenings may seem to dominate your media, and as usual are being portrayed in the regular doom and gloom fashion, do not fall into the trap of taking it at face value. For, as we have talked about earlier, much is happening in the undercurrent at the moment, and what you see bubbling up to the surface in only a minuscule portion of that. So again, it is important to use discernment here, and watch it all in a detached fashion. For what you are seeing is indeed the last staging of the play in so many ways, and never forget, this last round before the curtain falls on the old illusion may be more than a little bizarre in so many ways.
We do not say this to scare you in any way, just to remind you that all the hue and cry that will erupt in the most unexpected of places is only designed to try to steal your focus away from the real news. And the real news, as you have all gotten more familiar with by now, are nothing but good news. For you have already started to separate yourselves so thoroughly from this charade of the third density world, and the more dust they kick up, the further back you move to get out of the fray. For you have no part in this battle for the old, as you have already stepped into tomorrow.
So let them scream and shout and wave their arms about in any way they can, but know that they cannot touch you no matter how hard they try. For you will see through all of their shenanigans, and you will see it for what it really is, just a pitiful show put together buy a threadbare group of falling empires. For no matter how powerful and evil looking they try to portray themselves, they are nothing more than little sullen children shrieking in the playground, angry because they cannot get their hands on their favorite toys any more. For they have lost you dear ones, as you are no longer anyone’s plaything. You have come into your own now, and as such, no one can manipulate you into stepping in line with their wishes anymore. So sit back and watch as they all start to self disintegrate. They have chewed up the very core of their giant tree with their greed a long time ago, and now, that seemingly mighty creature they have so diligently nurtured is starting to topple over. Slowly at first, but then, the fall will pick up momentum, and all you will see, are all of those greedy and angered little ants scurrying every which way trying to find a new hidey-hole. That will not be easy, as the dark has been left exposed to the light, and as such, their options will be very limited indeed. So stay in the light that you have already taken to your heart, and know that no shadow will ever obscure you again. For you have chosen from your hearts, and you have chosen well, and that choice has already been rewarded with a permanent place in the sun.

lunes, febrero 11, 2013

The visible fallout has begun. Illuminati rats fight in the sack. Mutual assured destruction of evil syndicates.

The visible fallout has begun. Illuminati rats fight in the sack. Mutual assured destruction of evil syndicates.

Alcuin Bramerton
AB notes: The visible fallout has begun: [1] Queen Beatrix (Bilderberg / Royal Dutch Shell) abdicates. [2] Senior Rockefellers escape to their island refuge near Fiji, leaving clones and lookalike holograms in the US. [3] Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger – Nazi P2 Lodge Satanist) resigns.
There are many élite Satanist families staring down the legal vortex of exposure. Eyes up for the QE2 (Elizabeth Windsor – Elizabeth II of England) imminent abdication. The old reptilian bloodline families are trying to avoid the blame by getting out before the postman calls, and praying that the legal letters will be passed on to someone else.
The Rockefeller syndicate has destroyed the Bush syndicate (US Nazi-continuum) and is nearing completion (it thinks) of the destruction of the Rothschild fiat paper banking empire. But the Rothschilds are still standing and may flip-flop to the Light (real or theatrically) if push becomes shove. It’s rats fighting in the sack. Mutual assured destruction. Push is becoming shove and shove is becoming crunch.
Before the Rockefellers fled the US, they stripped the US Federal Reserve System of all major assets, just as previously they had stripped Fort Knox of all deliverable, non-tungsten, gold. Both these Rockefeller acts have caused the Chicago syndicate in DC (Obama et al) numerous day-to-day cashflow and legal headaches.
The 3/11 Japanese Tsunami (nukes on submarine fault line) was not a warning to Japan; it was a warning to the Rockefellers about their Fiji vulnerability.
All the royal families and their shadow banksters are bricking in the closet, afraid to go to sleep at night. Their worst nightmares are returning alive with an unclean bite to the heart.
CIA rogue faction pointman, US “Ambassador” Christopher Stevens, was calculatedly placed in danger on a baited hook in Benghazi to track who he would scream to for help. His screams led to the exposure of the syndicate behind the Japanese tsunami, and the constructed dismissals of twenty six senior US military and intelligence personnel, including David Petraeus, who were organically linked to the Nazi Odessa network headed by George Bush Sr.
The US Nazi-continuum was planning to start World War Three by sinking their own aircraft carrier groups in the Persian Gulf theatre 911-style and, with the help of AIPAC/Zionist Israel, to blame it on Iran. With some help from positive security factions in Old Europe, Russia, China and Turkey prevented this outcome.
There are important factions within the IMF and Interpol who are being very positive, now, in progressing global affairs towards the international currency re-sets and a benevolent, free-energy outcome for all.
More background here and here.


Alcuin Bramerton

Notas de AB: las secuelas visibles ha comenzado: [1] Reina Beatrix (Bilderberg / Royal Dutch Shell) abdica. [2] Senior Rockefellers escapar a su refugio de la isla cerca de Fiji, dejando clones y hologramas de Sosias en Estados Unidos. [3] El Papa Benedicto XVI (Joseph Ratzinger – Nazi P2 Lodge satanista) dimite.

Hay muchas familias de élite satanista mirando por el vórtice legal de exposición. Ojos para el QE2 (Elizabeth Windsor – Elizabeth II de Inglaterra) renuncia inminente. Las viejas familias de linaje reptil están tratando de evitar la culpa por salir antes de las llamadas del cartero y rezando que las letras legales pasará a otra persona.

El sindicato Rockefeller ha destruido el Sindicato de Bush (nos Nazi-continuo) y está a punto de terminar (piensa) la destrucción del Imperio bancario Rothschild fiat papel. Pero siguen en pie los Rothschilds y puede flip-flop a la luz (real o teatralmente) si llega a ser empujar empujar. De lo ratas en el saco. Destrucción mutua asegurada. Empuje cada empujón y empujón se está convirtiendo en crisis.

Antes los Rockefellers huyeron a los Estados Unidos, ellos desnudaron el nos sistema de Reserva Federal de todos los activos más importantes, como previamente había desnudado Fort Knox de todo entrega, no-tungsteno, oro. Ambos estos actos Rockefeller han causado al Sindicato de Chicago en DC (Obama et al) numerosos cashflow día a día y dolores de cabeza legales.

El Tsunami japonés 3/11 (armas nucleares en la línea de la falla submarina) no era una advertencia a Japón; era una advertencia a los Rockefellers sobre su vulnerabilidad de Fiji.

Todas las familias reales y sus banqueros de sombra son tapiado en el armario, miedo de ir a dormir por la noche. Sus peores pesadillas se vuelven vivos con una mordedura inmunda al corazón.

CIA pícaro facción pointman, Estados Unidos "Embajador" Christopher Stevens, lenguaje fue puesto en peligro en un gancho con cebo en Bengasi para realizar el seguimiento que gritaba a por ayuda. Sus gritos condujeron a la exposición del sindicato tras el tsunami japonés, y los despidos construidas de veintiseis altos militares de Estados Unidos y personal de inteligencia, incluyendo David Petraeus, que orgánicamente estaban vinculados a la red Nazi Odessa encabezado por George Bush padre

El Nazi-continuo de Estados Unidos planeaba iniciar guerra mundial tres hundiendo su propio portaaviones agrupa en el Golfo Pérsico 911-estilo de teatro y, con la ayuda de AIPAC/sionista de Israel, culpa a Irán. Con la ayuda de las facciones de seguridad positiva en la vieja Europa, Rusia, China y Turquía previnieron este resultado.

Hay importantes facciones dentro del FMI y de la Interpol que están siendo muy positivas, ahora, en los asuntos mundiales que progresa hacia las re-sets de moneda internacional y un resultado benévolo, energía libre para todos.

Crean ropa antivigilancia para burlar al 'Gran Hermano'

Crean ropa antivigilancia para burlar al 'Gran Hermano'

El Papa Benedicto XVI renunciará el 28 de febrero

Higher Purpose: Great Change Is Coming. Are You Prepared?

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - 10 February 2013

hilarion2Beloved Ones,
The effects of the latest waves of energy being directed to Earth are now being felt in each soul. To those who have been doing the inner work, there is a lightening of their spirit as they go about their daily lives. This Light is discernable to those who know them but do not see them regularly. There is an indefinable something which makes these individuals stand out and that of course is their inner Light. This is an excellent time to renew your dedication to your daily disciplines so that you can take full advantage of the opportunities that are presented.

domingo, febrero 10, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 266

The manuscript of survival – part 266

•February 10, 2013 • 5 Comments As you have mayhaps already ascertained, the intensity has once more been turned up a notch. In other words, more information and more light is coming your way, and as this as always is being directed through your physical body, some symptoms may occur. We know that you are not novices in this, and as such, the outfall from all of this energetic uprising will not come as a surprise to any of you. However, this time there might be a few rather interesting ”symptoms” coming up. We do not speak of the usual ones, the ones that your body seems to exhibit on a regular basis when it is immersed in such a stream of energy and light as the one you are currently in. No, we speak of other, more esoteric ones to call them that.
You see, your mind and your body will start to act as if they are somewhat out of synch in the days ahead, and we thought it best to forewarn you of this lest you should think that you are actually losing your grip on your sanity. That is not what is happening, rather, what is happening is that the old ”insanity” of third density existence is starting to lose its hold on you, and therefore you will at times feel as if you and your body have become separated in some ways. This may sound strange, but we think you will all notice when it starts to happen.
So again we tell you that all is well, and even if you at times will feel that you are totally disconnected from the material world, you are not about to just drift out into the ethers. This is again one of those adjustment periods, where you are slowly being put through the transition from living in the third density world in a third density body and into the next level. You see, as it is with everything in this process, it cannot be accomplished in one fell swoop. That would not only knock you off your feet, but it would literally render you unable to cope in any way. Therefore, we will guide you all through it, and this time, the process will involve a feeling of detachment from your physical body.
Just remember, the reason you are all here in the first place is to accomplish this transition whilst still residing within said body, so you are not about to float off into space unhindered by that at times rather burdersome accomplice. For you are a team, and the spirit and soul that is the real you have been teamed up with this current body in order for you to be able to fulfill this journey together. We know that at times the trappings of being in a physical body will feel to be a burden and certainly impose some unwanted limitations to your quest, but that is now about to change. For now, you will all be led on those first and perhaps rather faltering steps on this journey towards being able to exist both within these confines while simultaneously expanding your consciousness outside it. In other words, you will be able to lead a very interesting double life in the not too distant future, and you will do so whilst seemingly appearing as just another ordinary citizen on the outside. But your life will be filled with wonders indeed, and with it, some extra challenges. For starting to live a life that encompasses so much more than what you have been able to experience first hand up until now, will not go off seamlessly at first. Hence, this gradual awakening to the fact that you can actually master such a way of life. After all, it is not by learning you will know this, it is by remembering, and as such this journey will ignite many a lost memory within you all.
So let us just repeat that you are not going mad, even if you at times will feel a strong sense of bewilderment and separation in the time ahead. You are in fact just rediscovering your freedom. So take it slow, and remember to check in with your center, and as always, breathe. For your conscious breath is what connects you to this amazing vehicle that you inhabit, and the two of you are not about to lose contact anytime soon, no matter how distant and befuddled you might feel in the time ahead.

sábado, febrero 09, 2013

(FULL FILM) ~ The Ceremony of Original Innocence ~ Stargate Celestial

Publicado el 22/09/2012
This is a wonderful work that needs to be watched and spread world wide. Created by friends of mine, the dynamic duo, Juliet and Jiva Carter!

from and

"As the stargate of 2012 approaches, the celestial alignment is opening a portal of opportunity of a magnitude never before experienced on this planet. A massive influx of radiant intelligence infuses the crystalline chambers of our Sun to be translated upon every ray of light transmitted to Earth. The reconnection of circuitry, instigated by the alchemical ceremonies of The Template, will enable you to embrace and prepare for this journey of transcendence by resurrecting the Human ability to translate the full spectrum of light - for light is the language of transcendence."

The design and progression of the ceremonies are combination codes which, through resonance, build synergy with the vibratory structure of the DNA, reconnecting bio-circuitry ..permanently. This initiates the return to wholeness, re-establishing our true identities and freeing us from the fear-based matrix that rules our deepest behavioural patterns, and connecting us to a new consciousness grid.

We are the amalgamation of various visible and invisible energy systems that together generate the Human hologram. The primary system that supplies this unit with the energetic nature of Creative Intelligence that births the field is the circuitry system. At this time the circuitry system is considerably less than optimal. The fact that out of 3 billion base pair chemicals in the Human gene code only 60million are active and that we only use a fraction of our brain capacity are manifest signs that point to Human genetic modification.

As a result of the genetic modification of the Human DNA, almost all of our foundation circuits are in a state of disconnection, creating a distorted sense of self that has led to fear, shame, guilt and disease.
The First Ceremony - 12 Foundation Circuits
The Ceremony of Original Innocence

The disruption of the bio-circuitry relating to our primal resonant relationships with our mothers and fathers affects our ability to engage unconditionally in relationships. However, it is no longer necessary or ultimately effective to engage in lengthy post-mortems of childhood, casting ourselves into the trauma-vortex of past tragedies and injustices, reinforcing identities anchored in disempowering scenarios. By reconnecting the vital circuits that relate to conception, gestation, birth and childhood, healing is integrated on the DNA level.

The Ceremony of Original Innocence reflected in this above video takes us back to our first choice, prior to our first breath, reminding us of our true identity - creators rather than victims.

The key to this shift in perception is forgiveness, the bedrock of the shamanic journey. To embrace forgiveness is to embody the living mandala of love, upon which is based the fundamental Human ethic, acknowledging your "response-ability" within the interconnectedness of all creation.

Although it is possible to be born with the Water Circuits connected they are almost always disrupted by guilt, regret and anger. Reconnecting these circuits clears these negative emotions, liberating relationships from destructive patterns.

The reconnection of the Thymus Circuit activates the T-cells of the immune system. This has a powerful effect on health.

With the reconnection of the Air Circuits, the pineal-hypothalamus-pituitary complex is revitalised, as the pineal is now enabled to receive the full spectrum of the geometric language of light.

During this video you will learn the function of all 12 circuits including the Heart, Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown ... and reconnect them permanently.

It is important to know that you will not have to take anyone's word for this. The testing procedure of kinesiology will be used to show the impact of this process.
visit and


"Como el stargate de 2012 enfoques, la alineación celestial está abriendo un portal de la oportunidad de una magnitud nunca antes experimentado en este planeta. Una masiva afluencia de inteligencia radiante infunde las cámaras cristalinas de nuestro sol que se traducirán en cada rayo de luz transmitida a la tierra. La reconexión de los circuitos, instigado por las ceremonias alquímicas de la plantilla, le permitirá abrazar y prepararse para este viaje de trascendencia por resucitar la capacidad humana para traducir todo el espectro de la luz - la luz es el lenguaje de la trascendencia."

El diseño y la progresión de las ceremonias son códigos de combinación que, a través de la resonancia, crear sinergia con la estructura vibratoria del ADN, bio-circuitos de reconectar...permanentemente. Esto inicia el regreso a plenitud, restablecer nuestra verdadera identidad y liberándonos de la matriz basada en el temor que gobierna nuestros patrones de comportamiento más profundos y conectarnos a una nueva red de conciencia.

Somos la fusión de varios sistemas de energía visibles e invisibles que juntos generan el holograma humano. El sistema primario que proporciona esta unidad con la naturaleza energética de la inteligencia creativa que nacimientos el campo es el sistema de circuitos. En este momento el sistema de circuitos es considerablemente inferior al óptimo. El hecho de que fuera productos químicos 3 billones par de base en el código del gen humano 60million sólo son activos y que utilizamos solamente una fracción de la capacidad de nuestra cerebro son manifiesto firma ese punto a la modificación genética humana.

Como resultado de la modificación genética del ADN humano, casi todos nuestros circuitos de la Fundación están en un estado de desconexión, creando una sensación distorsionada de sí mismo que ha llevado al miedo, la vergüenza, la culpa y la enfermedad.

La primera ceremonia - 12 circuitos de Fundación

La ceremonia de la inocencia Original

La interrupción de la bio-circuitos relativos a nuestras relaciones resonantes primarios con nuestros padres y madres afecta nuestra capacidad de comprometerse incondicionalmente en las relaciones. Sin embargo, ya no es necesario o en última instancia eficaz comprometerse en autopsias largos de la infancia, fundición a nosotros mismos en el trauma-vórtice de pasadas tragedias e injusticias, reforzando identidades ancladas en escenarios de debilitadores. Por volver a conectar los circuitos vitales que se refieren a la concepción, gestación, nacimiento y niñez, curación se integra en el nivel de ADN.

La ceremonia de la inocencia Original reflejada en este sobre toma de video nos hacia nuestra primera opción, antes de la primera respiración, nos recuerda nuestra verdadera identidad - creadores en lugar de las víctimas.

La clave para este cambio de percepción es el perdón, la piedra angular del viaje chamánico. Para abrazar el perdón es encarnar el mandala de la vida de amor, en que se basa la ética humana fundamental, reconociendo su "capacidad de respuesta" dentro de la interconexión de toda la creación.

Aunque es posible nacer con los circuitos de agua conectado casi siempre se interrumpen por culpa, pesar e ira. Volver a conectar estos circuitos borra estas emociones negativas, liberando las relaciones entre patrones destructivos.

La reconexión del timo circuito activa las células T del sistema inmunológico. Esto tiene un poderoso efecto sobre la salud.

Con la reconexión de los circuitos de aire, se revitalizó el complejo pineal-hipotálamo-pituitaria, como la glándula pineal ya está habilitada para recibir el espectro completo de la lengua geométrica de luz.

En este video podrás aprender la función de todos los 12 circuitos incluyendo el corazón, Plexo Solar, tercer ojo y corona... y vuélvalos a permanentemente.

Es importante saber que usted no tendrá que tomar la palabra de alguien para esto. El procedimiento de prueba de la kinesiología se utilizará para mostrar el impacto de este proceso.

for more!

Words Of A Pleiadian : WAKE UP HUMANS

Words Of A Pleiadian : WAKE UP HUMANS