jueves, mayo 21, 2015

JESUS through JOHN – There is no alternative to the Divine Will because there is no other will – 5-21-15

As the divine plan for humanity’s awakening moves steadily forwards, those so successfully holding the Light on Earth to assist in this great venture are highly honored by all in the spiritual realms. Without you the plan would come to nothing! However, it is God’s plan, and so perfect success is, of course, absolutely guaranteed. Nevertheless, your willing and enthusiastic involvement is an essential aspect of His plan.
At times most of you experience doubt, lack of motivation, even a sense that you are doing nothing of value as you carry on with “normal” life in the illusion. Those feelings and sensations are just another aspect of your illusory environment whose only purpose is to confuse you, and undermine your confidence that you have a divine purpose on Earth at this time. Do not be misled by those depressing moods and doubts; when they arise just let them pass, as they most surely will, and turn to us and ask for a comforting and loving hug. We are permanently on call to answer your requests for assistance because that is our purpose and our joy.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - Expansion of Love From The Divine Feminine - May 21, 2015

On Sunday, May 24, 2015, over two billion Christians around the World celebrated Pentecost. This was an event involving the twelve Disciples, which took place in the “Upper Room,” 50 days after Jesus’ Resurrection. During that event, the Disciples each received a Baptism by Sacred Fire from the Holy Spirit. That Divine Intervention elevated the Disciples into an awakened state of Christ Consciousness and secured the archetype and the template that would insure the return of our Mother God, the Divine Feminine. 
After our fall from Grace, we closed our Heart Chakras so that we would not feel the pain we were creating through the misuse of our free will and our creative faculties of thought and feeling. That fateful decision blocked the flow of our Mother God’s Divine Love and catapulted us into a distorted patriarchal consciousness. That fragmented and fear-based consciousness erroneously convinced us that even though we were Sons and Daughters of God, we had a single parent and that parent was a masculine Father God. Well, what child is ever born without a Mother and a Father? “As above, so below.” 

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - May 21, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love called excitement. Having this quality is most helpful for living the life of ones dreams and living it to the fullest. Feeling excitement allows one to be truly grateful for the wonderful things they have in this very moment and for being happy. Happiness depends on one’s ability to be grateful for the things one has in their life. Happy people live with excitement, enthusiasm and amazement, they are always curious to discover their deepest depths through their daily and ever changing, adventure of life. They have taken control of their life and are the creator of it. They know that they alone are responsible for their actions and their thoughts and have found the secret to living life to the maximum. They define what it means to them to live a happy life and participate in it each moment instead of just watching it pass them by. They enjoy each and every moment of life. Every day is a new challenge and an opportunity to discover something new. They have learned to trust themselves and their own strengths. Excitement in one’s life reveals a persons true love of living.

SUZANNE LIE – Message from the Arcturians – 5-21-15

Suzanne Lie
It is the NOW for ALL of your, our grounded ones, to BE your true Multidimensional SELF. We suggest that you document your experiences and share them with others so that you can facilitatetheir full awakening. Please “document” your experiences in any manner that best suites YOU.
We are requesting that you share your process because it is the NOW to release the protection of your forgetfulness. Yes, forgetting disturbing perceptions and experiences was often your only protection during the dark times of Gaia, but this reign of darkness is coming to a conclusion.
You, our brave emissaries to Gaia, have had to hide your light. But NOW, you can begin to BE your SELF and LIVE your Mission. NOW, that the light is brighter than the darkness, you can more easily perceive, and thus release, the illusions that you have had to tolerate and live through for myriad incarnations.
Not all of you chose to first enter Earth at the fall of Atlantis, but once you entered the 3D matrix, you could experience an incarnation during any timeline that was in need of your assistance. In many of those timelines, the Matrix was so polluted with darkness that you totally forgot your SELF.
Worse yet, you fell into that darkness and believed what that darkness told you. In other lives, your remained connected to your SELF, but often were punished, tortured and/or murdered for being “different” than the ruling darkness.

Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn - La Transformación Bio-Cristalina - Parte 2


Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro


Lo repetimos: la actual activación del sistema cristalino de Saturno nuevamente está asumiendo un papel importante en los cambios cristalinos del planeta. Específicamente en las alteraciones medioambientales y los cambios de energía que codificarán la rejilla cristalina, así como el disco cristalo-solar dentro de los vórtices de cristal de Arkansas y Brasil. Esto produce una sinergia simbiótica con las transformaciones biológicas en el cuerpo humano hacia una base de cristal de silicio opalescente.

Archangel Gabriel through Shanta Gabriel - Photosynthesis and the Blended Human - May 21, 2015


Emerging butterflyMany people have been feeling like a new butterfly lately. We are just out of the chrysalis, wondering where our myriad legs disappeared to and how to make our big, wet wings work. This newness is the dimensional state where the only thing we are sure of is that the old ways don’t work any more.

Archangel Gabriel would speak of this time when I began my connection with him in the early 1990’s. He would say that the easiest way to acclimate to higher frequencies was to become a bridge of Light between Heaven and Earth. He advocated using Divine Light as the catalyst for changing the energy system of the body because Light acts as a transformative tool for us to become the Divine Human we were meant to be.

Divine Light is a carrier for qualities of consciousness that hold the spiritual connections we need to be more attuned to our soul and the guidance coming to us from the Angelic Dimensions. The spiritual attributes of Peace, Harmony and Joy sometimes seemed too lofty for me as a mere human to consider and yet were the very qualities I needed to shift my consciousness.

Earth-Keeper - Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn - The Duals of Duality - Standing in Truth - May 20, 2015

" Much of the struggle humanity are now facing is the 'dual of duality', the old energy versus the new, old energy attempting to block the new paradigm". Archangel Metatron

It is true that when the Love of Power is replaced by the Power of Love, humanity will make a great leap. But Love without strength is incomplete. You must stand in your truth . Burying your head in the sand is not the right answer....it is wrong to apologize when someone steps on your foot., just as it is wrong to step on the foot of another. Shadow is being removed in the New Paradigm, and learning to solve the 'rubik' of appropriately dealing with aggressive dark forces is part of your puzzle. OId energy will always counter, even in its last throes.

There will always be charlatans, wolves in sheep's clothing....as there will always be those who oppose the light, even unknowingly. It takes courage, for light attracts bugs.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Tríada – Las Tres Partes De La Consciencia Humana Introducción - Charlottesville, Virginia, domingo 10 de mayo de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

www.traduccionesparael camino.blogspot.com.ar

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Sé dónde estoy. Cada vez que nos presentamos ante un grupo que no nos ha visto de este modo, decimos las mismas cosas. Decimos que es la misma voz, el mismo humano, el mismo rostro. Y lo primero que ocurre en tu mente es el discernimiento. Eso es lo que pedimos. ¿Puede ser que mi socio se haya fundido conmigo, o se haya hecho a un lado, y que haya entrado una energía benévola y hermosa que él ha permitido ingresar en un espacio que ustedes llamarían su consciencia, que usa su lenguaje y su intelecto para darles mensajes que literalmente provienen del otro lado del velo?

No hay aquí un intelectual que pueda validarlo. Tiene que hacerse desde el corazón. Más tarde habrá una canalización, esta noche, como dicen ustedes, en la que voy a hablar de algo que nunca he tratado antes, que tiene que ver con la evolución de la humanidad y algo que está en el cuerpo que llamaremos la Tríada.

miércoles, mayo 20, 2015

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Benedictine, May 20, 15

I am here today to call to you all and let you know that there is coming a time when you will recognize me and remember the good times we have had together. We jointly planned this experience of earth, and as we went into the thoughts of it materializing we had no idea as to how it would all work out. That is because we had not gone there before, and when that sort of thing happens, even the future does not represent the boundlessness that has been created in this experience here on earth.

Selacia - Gems of this Mercury Retrograde: 5 Ways You Can Benefit - May 20, 2015

There are gems in our current Mercury Retrograde! In this article I address five ways you can benefit. Knowing about these gems and acting on them can make all the difference in what you experience next.
Background on Life Cycles
As a reminder, we have three Mercury Retrogrades a year, this one May 18 to June 11. During those times, due to Mercury’s influence, things like communications, technology, and travel may not go as planned. You could experience delays, misinterpreted emails, snafus connecting with others, and more than your usual share of misunderstandings in relationships.
Despite these challenges, life goes on. On any given day you are influenced by a plethora of energies and situations – some visible and many invisible in the background. Even outside Mercury Retrograde, you are impacted by many other planetary cycles. Likewise, your life is in constant motion – events unfolding because of previously taken actions and opportunities arising to help you fulfill your soul’s purpose.
Why Things are More Intense Now
Mercury Retrogrades are felt much more these days because of advances in technology. Consider how your grandparents used things like typewriters to write letters and manuscripts. Yes, they were slow and inefficient, but there were fewer things that could go wrong. Communications, also, is something humanity must learn to master in new ways due to technology. Many times, people are just not present as they text or send an email – not recommended during a Mercury Retrograde!
You hear a lot about Mercury Retrogrades these days? Why are they more important to know about now?