viernes, febrero 21, 2025

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Why Are You Interested in Arcturians? - Feb 21, 2025

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are sending you energies from our central star, Arcturus, all the time. We are inviting so many of you to benefit from all that has been lived, all that has been experienced in our star system, and all you have to do is open yourselves up to those energies. You see, you don’t have to do it all by yourself. You don’t have to live out every experience to gain the full benefit of having lived that experience yourself. Others have come before you and others are living those experiences right now, and you can benefit from everyone else’s gifts and accomplishments, wisdom and knowledge.

jueves, febrero 20, 2025

IAM the Hands of God Invocation * Patricia Cota-Robles

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday February 20, 2025

An amazing thing happens when you make your self care a priority. At first you may need to concentrate more on yourself if you have had a habit of putting others consistently ahead of your own needs in order to get yourself balanced out. But then what will happen is you will have more patience, more energy, and more stability for others because you will already have everything you need. Your self care serves everyone, and sets a wonderful model for others to honour their own needs, too. To be clear, selfishness serves the one, while self care serves the whole. There is nothing selfish about making your own self care equally important as everyone else’s. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Judith Kusel - Tremendously powerful pyramid keys - Feb 20, 2025

Tremendously powerful pyramid keys and codes have been activated, overriding all which has been before, as the Old Earth has separated from the New and we are now totally reconnected to Sirius, via Sirius to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

Daniel Scranton - The 12D Creators - What Is Your Purpose & How Do You Find It? - Feb 20, 2025


“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We are always interested in helping you to seek out that which will fulfill your life’s purpose. We are here to remind you at times that you are creating this life. Now that you are awake, you do not have to live out some preordained purpose for your life, but rather, you get to determine what that purpose is and then move towards the fulfillment of what purpose you choose to have for your life.

miércoles, febrero 19, 2025

Jim Self - Proyecto Banco del Parque - 16 de Febrero de 2025

Proyecto Banco del Parque – 16 de Febrero de 2025

Jim Self:

¡Hola! Es muy lindo estar aquí. Ha pasado casi un mes desde que pude jugar aquí con ustedes, y la semana pasada Steve estuvo aquí, muchas gracias: Steve ha sido de gran ayuda en armar todo esto, realmente hemos construido esto de una manera en que hubo todo un aspecto de lo que Steve podría traer a la experiencia de construir este banco del parque, este nuevo reino. Y la construcción, y el cómo hacerlo, en que yo estoy jugando.

Aurora Ray - Important Ascension Update - Feb 19, 2025

Important Ascension Update

Dear beloved ones,

The ascension process is well underway, and the Galactic Federation is working hard to assist the many millions of people choosing to ascend as quickly as possible. This is a monumental process, and as such, some delays can be expected as it is carefully coordinated with more than two million ascension candidates.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 19, 2025

We understand you equate worry with love, but if another knows you are always worrying about them, it sends the message that you don’t think they are competent or able to run their own lives. This can feed fear, doubt, and stagnation, and perpetuate staying in a disempowered state.

Natalia Alba - As we move into Piscean Season - Feb 19, 2025

Beloved Ones,

As we move into Piscean Season, many of you will feel the pulse of moving inward, working with inner alchemy to achieve unity within yourselves. This is a time when many of you are going to be awakening or expanding into your soul mission, as I am often seeing in many of you.

The Fifth Dimensional Shift: Embracing the Infinite Possibilities of a New World!