jueves, julio 04, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Andromedan Council of Light - The Andromedans Are Nudging You Now - Jul 4, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.

You are on the verge of so many changes there on Earth, and you are in the midst of the consciousness of that change. A change in consciousness always comes first, and sometimes the change in consciousness can be a bit unsettling to the human being who is experiencing it. Sometimes it takes quite a while for you to acclimate to the energies and to fully embody the new consciousness.

miércoles, julio 03, 2024

Aurora Ray - True Signs You've Been Chosen by Benevolent Extraterrestrials! - Jul 3, 2024

True Signs You've Been Chosen by Benevolent Extraterrestrials!

Many people are curious about ETs and what it would be like to meet them!

Today, we're going to talk about something exciting: signs that friendly extraterrestrials choose to visit us here on Earth. It's a topic that sparks our imagination and makes us think about the enormous possibilities of the universe.

Judith Kusel - True and everlasting is the beauty, purity and perfection of your soul - Jul 3, 2024

True and everlasting is the beauty, purity and perfection of your soul.

When you deeply, purely, connect to your soul and see it, in its perfected form, something deep within you triggers and starts shining through. You see, feel and see, who and what you are in truth, and start living this truth, from your heart and soul, with love.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 3, 2024

If you wish to make a change in your life, surrender into that new way of being and then start doing whatever you can do in each right now moment to support that change. Surrendering activates your team of helpers and opens you up to new potentials and possibilities. Making choices that support that change keep you in a state of cooperation and creation and also start to anchor the energy of what it is you desire. Both surrendering and taking whatever action may be available to you continue to support your intention.

Natalia Alba - We are reaching the culmen of this year of synthesis and galactivation - Jul 3, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are reaching the culmen of this year of synthesis and galactivation. The coming 77 passage is the predecessor of a series of galactic events that will support the transfiguration that we have been working with during all this year. The energies coming from these passages - 77 and 888 - are totally different from anything we have previously experienced. Numbers 77 are master numbers, and hence special numeric codes that represent the planetary template upgrades that are taking place in the architecture of Earth.

Goddess Danu and the Faerie Ring of Power Transmission

Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - July 3, 2024

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Dear ones, please take a break from feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and inhale deeply, exhale slowly. Repeat this three times. If visualization comes easily to you, on the outbreath conjure the image of a pristine Earth being gently enfolded in glistening golden-white light. If that feels disruptive, just breathe and let your heart feel light.

The Miracle of Gratefulness: Finding Hope and Healing

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - A New Spiritual Practice for the Awakened - Jul 3, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

You are welcoming in so much more of yourselves whenever you are in a state of relaxation, and I know that being in a state of relaxation is not something that you often think about or try to achieve as a spiritual practice. And you must realize that there is so much of an emphasis in your modern world on doing. You also have much that you can consume in terms of entertainment and even information, but not all of that time spent absorbing and consuming information is relaxing. Even some of your shows and movies are rather unsettling and not very relaxing at all.