jueves, octubre 26, 2023

Judith Kusel - We are in the midst of huge changes of energy and vibrational energy fields - Oct 26, 2023


We are in the midst of huge changes of energy and vibrational energy fields as the higher dimensional frequency bands are being anchored in and cosmic portals open.

It opens up a new vulnerability in many souls as the old patterns are busy breaking up and have been dissolve in so many cases, as they are being cleared up to the first primordial creation on earth, and in this solar system, in galactic and intergalactic and Universal levels, the trauma, the pain and suffering is being released, also those of the Wars of Heavens.

Aurora Ray - The Evolutionary Leap: Awakening Our 12 DNA Strands with Pleiadians guidance! - Oct 26, 2023


The Evolutionary Leap: Awakening Our 12 DNA Strands with Pleiadians guidance!


The Pleiadians, an advanced ET civilization, have been observing Earth and monitoring human progress for millennia. For eons, they have been waiting to physically reveal themselves and their advanced technology until humanity was ready to evolve to a state of higher consciousness and spiritual awareness.

Our planet has now reached a critical point where we face challenges that require new solutions, innovation, and expanded thinking. The Pleiadians recognize that humanity has an opportunity at this time to make a quantum leap in understanding ourselves, the universe, and our connection to all life. They want to assist in this process.

Steve Rother - EQUILIBRAR LA GUERRA - Oct 22, 2023




Presentado en vivo el 22 de octubre de 2023


Hola a todos. Gracias por reunirse. Hoy tendremos un GlobalLight especial en el que nos unimos y comenzamos a trabajar con todo este caos que está teniendo lugar ahora mismo en nuestro planeta. Voy a hablar durante un par de minutos y trataré de mantenerme al margen de los detalles porque sinceramente no son realmente importantes en este momento, pero hay mucho que hacer con todo lo que está sucediendo con Israel y Palestina y con Ucrania y Rusia. La guerra está a lo grande en nuestro planeta una vez más. Hay muchas razones para eso. Hay muchas cosas sobre esto. Hoy trabajaremos para calmarlo. Pondremos una energía de tranquilidad en todo eso. Hoy enviaremos energía a ambos lados de cualquier cosa que pueda estar sucediendo porque estamos todos juntos en esto, y si dejamos de tomar partido, podemos empezar a intervenir en la solución de parte de esto.


Natalia Alba - As you know we are traversing a very important planetary passage - Oct 26, 2023


Beloved Ones,

As you know we are traversing a very important planetary passage, in which many of us are immersed in a mission of restoration and gridwork, as the eclipses are activating many planetary spaces where we can start anchoring the sixth and seventh crystalline energies received, during this time.

We have been, especially during the Solar Eclipse, clearing past timeliness, on both a personal and a planetary level, and it is now the time for us to anchor more love, restoration, and clearing in the areas where our planet is experiencing separation, which is what we see from the outside, as what is truly taking place is the rehabilitation of certain planetary gates and the many intents for it not to happen.

The Cosmic Guardians: How Cats Connect you with Higher Consciousness!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What the Volunteers Really Volunteered For - Oct 26, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.”

We have been noticing how many of you there on Earth are bearing witness to yourselves and to others in your lives without rushing to judgment, and we want you to know that this is a huge sign of spiritual evolution. Any time you are resisting the knee-jerk reaction of judgment, you are growing and evolving. And because you are not choosing judgment, you are choosing compassion, or at least acceptance. We want you to know that there is great power in just accepting yourself as you are, others as they are, the world as it is. Once you make peace with yourself and others, then you can make better decisions.

miércoles, octubre 25, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Final Phase of Earth's Evolutionary Shift to the Fifth-dimensional Frequency! - Oct 25, 2023


The Final Phase of Earth's Evolutionary Shift to the Fifth-dimensional Frequency!


We are living in an incredibly exciting time, as the Earth is entering its final phase of a massive energetic shift to a fifth-dimensional frequency!

This shift is known as the Shift of the Ages or the Great Shift, and it has been prophesied for millennia. It is an evolutionary process that is causing us to awaken to higher states of consciousness and greater connection with the divine.

Cosmic Awareness: "How Are You Handling the Changes?" (25 October 2023)

Cosmic Wonders Unfold: Earth's Extraordinary Evolution!