domingo, marzo 26, 2023

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Heal Yourself, All Others & Shift Your Consciousness - Mar 26, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to do our research on humanity, because we love helping you and because we love getting to know ourselves better through you. We understand that this may be something that you all do at times, subconsciously, but we advise you to do it more consciously. Don’t just see everything and everyone as bringing you some sort of mirror to hold up to yourself, and don’t just see them as your teachers who are showing you what you still need to grasp a bit better. See them as examples of what exists inside of you and what you could potentially be. And we are talking about this both from the positive and negative perspectives.

sábado, marzo 25, 2023

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Marzo 24, 2023

Los problemas a los que se enfrenta la gente de la Tierra parecen no cesar, y como si el Covid no hubiera sido suficiente el miedo crece. Una solución pacífica a la batalla entre Ucrania y Rusia parece lejana a medida que la confrontación aumenta y más naciones se ven involucradas de un modo u otro, con pocos indicios de que se encuentre una solución. Es evidente que hay que ponerle fin antes de que la paz pueda ser restaurada, pero aún no se ha encontrado una solución que satisfaga a todas las partes. ¿Cuándo se aprenderán las lecciones de la guerra antes de que las cosas se salgan de control, ya que ninguna de las partes está dispuesta a perder, pero en realidad no hay vencedores.

James Gilliland - Welcome to March Madness - Mar 25, 2023

Welcome to March Madness.

There was a massive ejection from the Sun which for some reason, I would like to believe divine intervention missed the Earth. It was a Carrington effect event and the grid would not have survived it if it was Earth directed. We have shown NASA photos of massive ships blocking what psychics called kill shots by expanding their shields. We can only pray this continues. Our guidance is telling us the solar flash is three years off hopefully the benevolent ETS are still with us. To be honest the way we are behaving, including those professing to be acting on their behalf, I would not blame them for pulling up stakes. The Schumann Resonance is also whited out off the scale creating a lot of physical and emotional discomfort. I might add as a collective we are not handling the personal responsibility aspect of that either.

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Mar 25, 2023

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Dear One, in Telos and all other higher dimensions, the state of ONEness is imperative.

What does this mean?

You are ONE with God and the extension of God, which are your brothers and sisters (everyone).

Galactic Federation Ascension Update

Celia Fenn - The End of March and the Power of Team Heaven to Earth! - Mar 25, 2023


The End of March and the Power of Team Heaven to Earth!

Well we have nearly made it through March 2023! Just a few more days, but we are already in our new energetic "positions" to move forward in bringing Heaven to Earth. Our version of Heaven, not someone else's dream that we give our energy to on a daily basis. As we come to know ourselves, we step into our Master Energy to create and co-create in manifesting our dreams.

viernes, marzo 24, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Fifth Dimension - Mar 24, 2023

The Fifth Dimension

Dear beloved ones,

The Fifth Dimension: It’s where you come from, where you go when you die, and where you go when you ascend.

This plane is the inner world of the Divine, the realm where God, Goddess, and Spirit exist. It is the realm of spirit, of infinite possibilities, of higher consciousness and enlightenment.

In this plane, you can change anything here—a limiting belief, a traumatic experience, a limiting thought, a painful emotion. You can instantly heal anything here — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. All things are possible here.

Las Parábolas de Kryon - El Pozo de Alquitrán

Kryon dio su parábola más breve, la que muestra cómo, cuando cambiamos nosotros mismos, eso cambia todas las cosas. Esta también fue una de las primeras parábolas que dio frente a un grupo.

Imagínate a ti mismo, con muchos otros seres humanos, en un pozo de alquitrán, cubiertos de alquitrán. Sucios de los pies a la cabeza, impedidos de ir de un lugar a otro, porque el alquitrán es tan espeso. A medida que te esfuerzas de un lugar a otro, te vas acostumbrando a esta condición, y un año tras otro tu vida es vivida de esta manera, junto con los demás. Como la gravedad del planeta, la molestia del alquitrán es ampliamente aceptada, un hecho de la vida para todos.

Parables of Kryon Video 1 - The Parables of the Tar Pit

PYRAMID of INNER LIGHT @852Hz | Raise Spiritual Energy | Connect with your Higher Self