jueves, marzo 02, 2023
miércoles, marzo 01, 2023
Ronna Vezane - Archangel Michael - YOU ARE SHAPE-SHIFTING INTO A NEW REALITY - March 1, 2023
Beloved masters, a new day is dawning on your Earth, an era that has been prophesied and foretold for many ages past. The holographic pictures and frequency patterns that have formed your personal reality are shifting. That is why you feel so vulnerable and you no longer have an identity that you can relate to or familiar parameters to guide you.
Briefly, we will review the “Rite of Passage” that you and each human Soul must experience in order to reclaim your Fifth-Dimensional Sacred Triad identity. You must go through the process of revising or releasing all of your lower frequency personal conceptions of what you thought were important in your Third-/lower Fourth-dimensional reality: Your personal relationships; your possessions; your perception of what and who you were as you move into harmony and attunement with your Higher Self as you gradually access more refined energy, higher frequencies, new information and greater wisdom.
Aurora Ray - Galactic Federation: You Will Travel Through Space With Us - Mar 1, 2023
Greetings, Earth's brothers and sisters! Thank you so much for your trust and support.
We can't wait to share our next greatest report with you!
We’re tremendously excited to inform you that your planet's dark underground bases have already been taken over! All of the people they used to control and abuse are now free and protected.
There is no longer any danger to you!
We have seen you go through a lot of things and we understand that you have been looking for help at times. That is why we are here today. We want to bring you into our world and teach you a lot of things that you do not know yet.
Natalia Alba - March is going to be a very important month - Mar 1, 2023
Beloved Ones,
As you are already aware, March is going to be a very important month, energetically speaking. We just began the month and we are already having many alignments and important that lead us to continue with the reclamation if our sovereignty, as humans and as free souls. My Guides shared that this month is going to be the catalyst for the collective to finally choose a new harmonic timeline.
At this time, humanity is being assisted as never before in our entire history. Our Aurora family, which as you know are highly evolved forms of Consciousness that reside in our parallel Galaxy, Andromeda, are finally gaining access to many spaces on Earth that needs restoration, as well as the Earth's fabrics that are being rehabilitated, after eons of manipulation.
Judith Kusel - Love is eternal - Mar 1, 2023
Love is eternal.
Love is in truth eternal.
It is not bound by earthly matter, nor by the personas and egos a soul acted out in any lifetime, nor in the current.
For when the soul is not in embodiment on earth, it exists elsewhere in the Universes and thus love carries on in so many forms, and expression thereof.
The fountain of Love never dries up, for love in omnipresent.
Emmanuel Dagher - Releasing the Cocoon - March 2023
Hi my friend,
March will be a time of freeing ourselves from the cocoon we’ve been evolving inside of, allowing us to begin to take flight.
By the end of the month, we will feel like a completely different person from who we were at the start of it!
Releasing the Cocoon
Due to all of the internal and external changes that have taken place already this year, many of us have still been in hibernation mode.
During the month of March, we will receive a new vigor, ignited from within, that will help give us the energy and willingness to fly free from the cocoon we’ve been nestled inside of for so long.
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Now is an excellent time to ensure you are not bringing old habits or patterns with you into the new. Old unconscious patterns continue to keep you in an unsatisfying loop, while conscious choices will place you on a new path that has the ability to take you where you truly wish to go.
The first step is to get clear about what you would like to experience for yourself. We recommend using broad intention to give the universe the most room to bring your highest potentials into your awareness. So perhaps you wish to experience more freedom but you keep repeating a situation that keeps you restricted. Your broad intention might be freedom and expansion.
Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How to Become a Spiritual Master - Mar 1, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are completely satisfied with your progress there on Earth, and we are not the only ones who hold this perspective. Those of us who are seeing humanity in the most positive of lights come together and discuss your strengths, the ways you have overcome your challenges, your obstacles, and we also discuss all the various ways there still are that we can be of service to you. We experience you as having led many successful campaigns there that have led you to very specific experiences, and we witness you growing spiritually every single time, whether you do or not. We hold that space for you, and we know that you can do this for each other as well.