lunes, diciembre 12, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Time Between Now & the End of 2022 - Dec 12, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to share with you these transmissions. We are happy to share them for a variety of reasons. We like the experience of expressing ourselves, of sharing our truths, and we love being of service. We also enjoy the process of seeing who exactly is going to receive the transmission, and we also enjoy observing what each person does with the transmission. There is so much more being given to you than just words, concepts, ideas and teachings, and we want you to know that you are in receipt of transmissions of energy every single day.

domingo, diciembre 11, 2022

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de energía de Diciembre 2022 - Dic 6, 2022

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Unicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe

Qué alivio dar la bienvenida a diciembre. Sentí un gran cambio en la energía cuando desperté el 1 de diciembre y tenía una canción en mi corazón y algo de ánimo en mi paso mientras disfrutaba de la gloriosa energía de las nuevas frecuencias que bañan el planeta.

Traigan a la oscuridad ahora, tenemos mucha luz para superarla. Y esa es la actitud que tenemos que adoptar este mes mientras completamos la misión guerrera de noviembre y el trabajo más grande de cerrar este ciclo de energía en el que estamos que comenzó a fines de 2019.

Aurora Ray - It's Not Just Us In The Universe - Dec 11, 2022

It's Not Just Us In The Universe

It is time for humanity to explore the option that there are a multitude of intelligent lifeforms who have achieved a much higher level of consciousness, technology, and enlightenment than the human race. It is time to reverse our human arrogance and acknowledge that we are not alone in the universe!

There are billions and trillions of other galaxies in this universe that all have sentient life forms living in them. These galaxies consist of many stars each populated by a different ET species.

Affirmations: Psychic Protection to Align with a Higher Frequency of Light.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - December 11, 2022

Once again, here we are. Sharing the Love, as more and more all over the world are recognising that this is why we are here. Hello!

Dearest Blossom … Dearest Souls of Truth … what a Joy to be in your company once again, indeed.

We are engaged in conversation with you this day and we offer great affection to Each One who has understood their reasoning and purpose in supplying Love to your Planet … through the Light of themselves.

James & JoAnna McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - Perspective - Dec 4, 2022

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. It is always a pleasure to be here with you in this way, that I can continue to bring forward messages that pertain to not only you, those of you that are on this call, but all of those that resonate to these words.

And I wish to go back now. I wish to go back to an earlier time when I spoke about the idea of perspective. And how important that is today, as all these things that are happening around you are part of that perspective. Each one has their own perspective on this. But I wish you to understand that as you’re coming to the end of this year now, this 2022, much, much, much this year.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about yourself - December 11, 2022

Give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about yourself. 

Dear One,

You are being asked to give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about who you think you are. Nothing wears down your sense of self more than this type of negative thinking. It is debilitating in every way. This is a good place to start in order to affect other areas of your life.

A fast is a period in which you refrain from some activity. Most people are familiar with a food fast, which allows the digestive system a period of recovery. The same is true for a mental fast. It gives your mind time to recover so you can begin to see the truth in your life without judgment.

Mother Earth ~ Father Sun SOLSTICE Meditation

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Plan for PlanE.T. Earth - Dec 11, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in agreement with so many other beings and collectives here in the higher realms when it comes to your ascension and how you are doing in regards to your ascension. We have come to so many agreements about what our level of involvement should be and how we can help without interfering, and we are also in agreement about the progress that you are making there with what we and others like us have been giving you. We can state with certainty that the level of consciousness on your world right now is higher than it ever has been.

sábado, diciembre 10, 2022

Aurora Ray - Get Ready For The Most Magnificent, Magical, And Miraculous Journey Of Your Life - Dec10, 2022

Get Ready For The Most Magnificent, Magical, And Miraculous Journey Of Your Life

Dear ones,

Today, I'd like to share some exciting news with you all!

We are so very close to our divine destiny, and divine destiny is within us right now! We are experiencing the most magnificent, magical, and miraculous journey ever!

We are on the verge of discovering our divine purpose for being here, for having incarnated, and for being given the opportunity to experience all levels of human consciousness. This discovery will bring us into a life that is characterized by unconditional love, joy, and abundance.