jueves, diciembre 08, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Final Step Of The Transition - Dec 8, 2022


The Final Step Of The Transition

The great news is that we have been preparing for this moment for thousands of years! There were many civilizations on Earth who knew about Ascension long before our time on planet Earth.

The knowledge was passed down from generation to generation until it reached us today. Now that our time has come, we can finally begin to share this information with everyone else!

We are on the brink of a new era in human history where we will discover our true potential as human beings and unlock the secrets of the universe. The future has never looked so bright!

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Usar el Viento de la Intuición - Miércoles de Sanación 26 de 0ctubre de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación 26 de 0ctubre de 2022

Usar el Viento de la Intuición 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Ha habido muchas preguntas, muchas preguntas sobre cómo hacer. Pero la que incluso fue respondida hoy por mi socio: cómo sabes cómo funciona la intuición. Cómo funciona el Campo

Yo di una canalización hace algunos meses que ahora voy a repetir en forma abreviada para ustedes. Y contiene una metáfora que es el mejor tipo de explicación para algunos de ustedes cuando hablamos de cómo saber.

Judith Kusel - We are in a whirlpool... - Dec 8, 2022

We are in a whirlpool of intense purification and releasing of all of deep seated trauma, pain, accumulated lies and cover-ups, old family and humanity's skeletons which have been rattling in those closets, now being released.

It goes very deep into the deepest depths, the darkest shadows.

Yet, look at what is happening simultaneously:

The chains and restrictions are coming off.

We are being freed on so many levels.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Going Where No Other Human Has Gone Before - Dec 8, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite fascinated by humanity’s ability to go beyond where others in human form on Earth have gone. We have seen it many times in your evolutionary history, and we notice that those who break the mold so to speak do so because they feel the itch within them. And we know that those of you who receive these messages have that itch. We know that you feel ready to move beyond where the rest of humanity is at this time, and we want you to recognize that the itch doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. It can feel like a calling; it can feel like a warm, loving sensation that is inviting you towards a particular endeavor.

miércoles, diciembre 07, 2022

KRYON - Redefining "Higher Vibration"

Aurora Ray - You Are A Warrior Of Light - Dec 7, 2022

You Are A Warrior Of Light

The universe has great things planned for you, and your life is full of miracles!

You never know what the future brings, so always be thankful for what comes your way and enjoy every moment!

When you are facing a crisis or challenge in your life, try to let go of what happened and focus on what can be done to make things better. Your mind is powerful enough to create change in any situation if only you let it!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, December 7, 2022


Dear Ones, if you could only see your energetics, you would be amazed! Your field is a wondrous amalgamation of all your experiences, your current level of attainment and embodiment, your skills, your preferences, your unique vibration, and the love that you are. The more you allow your connection to Source and your true divine nature, and recognize yourself as a beloved and essential part of the whole, the more glorious your light becomes. It is a joy and an honour to see you shimmer and shine as you come Home to yourselves through your own individual enlightenment processes. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Judith Kusel - We are in a moment of great flux and flow - Dec 7, 2022


We are in a moment of great flux and flow, where all is bubbling to the surface of the old 3D, to be finally dissolved.

Yet, at the same time, hearts are opening, like never before.

A much deeper and more in-depth opening of portals of our hearts, as connected to our souls.

It is not a time to try and make sense of anything, as nothing will make sense anymore.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Dos Salas, Tres Escenarios - Miércoles de Sanación del 19 de 0ctubre de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación del 19 de 0ctubre de 2022

Dos Salas, Tres Escenarios 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético

Una vez más vengo ante ustedes en todo amor, aprecio, alegría, para quienes escuchen esto, para aquellos a quienes les importe lo bastante tal vez sobre sí mismos o de otros a su alrededor, lo que está pasando en el planeta. Y a menudo damos el tipo de mensajes que quizás son planetarios, en cuanto a lo que está pasando en el mundo, y los ciclos y todo eso. Pero hoy es personal. Esto es sobre ustedes. Es sobre la sociedad en que vives. Se trata de ustedes, y voy a llamar a este mensaje en particular Las 2 Salas.

Affirmations: For Wealth, Money and Abundance. Open to a Higher Experience of Wealth Consciousness.