lunes, agosto 29, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Arcturian DNA & the Completion of the Shift

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very fortunate to be able to reach so many of you in this way. As much as you enjoy receiving these messages from us, we receive just as much joy from being able to bring them to you. We are equipped to reach each and every one of you directly, and you are all equipped to receive us directly, and we want you to know that. We want you to know that you have the power to receive and to translate energy. You do need to put yourself in the right position to do so, however. That means, you must be willing to set aside the time to relax and open up to receive us and our energetic transmission. You must be patient with yourselves and your ability to translate that energy into something.

domingo, agosto 28, 2022

Jim Self - ¿Haces una pausa antes de actuar? - Preguntas y Respuestas - 11 de agosto de 2022


Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy
11 de agosto de 2022 - ¿Haces una Pausa antes de Actuar?
Preguntas y Respuestas. 
Jim:      Déjenme pasarle esto a Roxane, ella tiene preguntas interesantes. Llevará un minuto para que la gente aquí haga preguntas, es parte del encanto de todo esto. Entonces, Roxane, ¿cómo fue eso? ¿No había nadie en la llamada? Solo yo y tú.
Roxane:          Eso es todo lo que cuenta.
Jim:     Sí, lo que cuenta es solo tú, el tú que está allí sentado.
Roxane:          Eso estuvo realmente bueno, y yo tuve un par de momentos de sonrisa y diversión. ¿Tú solías molestar a Bobby Andersen?
Jim:     Sí.

Jennifer Hoffman - We have to be willing to release old beliefs for transformation - Aug 28, 2022

A few years ago I wrote that ‘We cannot heal the world by putting ourselves on the cross’. This refers to the end of the Martyred Healer paradigm in which we sacrifice ourselves, our joy, peace of mind and heart in the name of our ‘light work’, and open ourselves to the Christed Awareness paradigm.

It’s a graduation where we become empowered, joyful, light leaders, embodying the sacred and powerful divinity that forces us to choose between being in service as a servant to others in self limiting sacrifice and the Martyred Healer or of service as a source of inspiration in empowered mastery. We make this choice, usually unconsciously, every day and in every situation. The choices we consider as being possibilities are determined by our beliefs, what we believe is true and what we believe is possible.

Aurora Ray - The Ultimate Truth - Aug 28, 2022

The Ultimate Truth

Greetings, friends! I'm delighted to share our wonderful Galactic Federation's most recent communication.

"Dear ones. We are your family of light from the Galactic Federation.

We are coming to you with a message of truth. The truth will set you free.

As you know, our presence here has been no secret whatsoever. We have been here all along.

We are pleased to report that the Light Forces have reached the point of critical mass and are ready to perform the final stages of the operation.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Agosto 21, 2022

Blossom: Una vez más, estoy aquí para charlar. Siento, por ahora, no continuar con los Códigos y Cristales. En cierto modo entendemos la esencia y no quiero sumergirme demasiado ¡en caso de que me quede sin Oxígeno! ¿Quizás que nos hablen sobre ustedes? Ese sería un lugar interesante desde donde empezar.

FOL: Blossom, te damos la bienvenida. Le damos la bienvenida a todos los que eligen venir a este espacio, obtener información y elevar su energía mientras conversamos.

En primer lugar, no hay realmente un 'Ustedes' sobre el que hablar. No hay un 'Nosotros'.

555Hz 》MARIMBA VIBES 》Positive Change, Deep Healing, Manifestation

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 26 de Agosto, 2022

Cuando pensabais que las cosas se estaban asentando, han dado un giro para peor. Los problemas parecen no tener fin, ya que la Humanidad experimenta cambios que nunca anticipó ni esperó. Sin embargo, son necesarios para que se produzcan los que se necesitan para mantener vuestros pies en el camino que conduce a la Nueva Era. Lo lejos que esté depende de vosotros y de vuestras reacciones a lo que está ocurriendo, que está desarraigando muchas cosas con las que estáis familiarizados y que no teníais idea de que eran inadecuadas para vuestras necesidades futuras.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied - August 28, 2022

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied. 

Dear One,

You have been given limitless resources to use in your earth life. These limitless resources include a world of wondrous beauty, relationships that affirm the divinity within you, freedom to be the best you can be, and an abundant flow of money. This flow of money is sometimes the most difficult of God’s gifts for you to see in your life. You stand in the midst of this energy, which can be used to make your life more comfortable, and yet many times, your ability to receive these resources is limited by your thoughts and by your resistance to receiving.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 17 - Aug 28, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

28 August 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 27/8 17:00 Today’s moderate movements lasted four hours, from 7 to 11 UTC due to a series of oscillations of all frequencies which, however, did not reach particularly low values, the Amplitude reached its maximum value at 10 UTC at Power 17. To be noted a significant spike in Quality which reached Power 16 around 16:30 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/8 17:00 In yesterday’s update we talked about a double blackout, to all effects, however, the blackout was only one, when the equipment yesterday did not record any data, probably due to the strong solar activity and the energy fluxes that are coming down on the Planet. What we called “second blackout” was instead due to a probable malfunction of the site or of the transmission of data from the equipment, in fact from this morning, after the graphics were frozen during night, the hole was filled. What they show is yesterday’s high, Power 25 just before midnight UTC, and Power 27 at 00:30 UTC, which is today’s max value.

Starseed Initiation Meditation