domingo, octubre 31, 2021

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Master Kuthumi - YOU ARE NEEDED - Oct 31, 2021


photo credit: Andrea Percht

You are needed now that everything is shifting; you are indispensable now that the light reaches people through you.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations


You are needed
Rising above yourself

Beloved humans,

Stay devoted to your inner guidance! Listen to the voice of your soul and follow its recommendations and decisions. Don’t get confused by the noise and lies of the outer world. Your heart knows the truth, and it knows right from wrong.

The mental and existential pressure keeps growing. This so happens so that people grow and rise above themselves. For that, everything that has been hidden so far will now be in the public spotlight.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, October 31, 2021

Your resistance tells you there is a part of you that is struggling with moving forward. It deserves your love and compassion, not your judgement or denial.

Think of a child on a slide who wants to go down it because they see other children having fun on it, but now that they are at the top it seems scary. All they need is a little bit of your encouragement to muster their courage and let go in an act of faith and trust, and because you are invested in their safety and success you are there to catch them at the bottom.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Oct 31, 2021


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OCTOBER 31, 2021

Dear readers, always know that the intention of these messages is to assist on all levels, those open to being assisted. We realize that in many ways ordinary life has become difficult because much that you have been accustomed to no longer functions as it once did. Allow the process for all is as it needs to be at this time in order for the un-awakened majority to wake up--if not fully, then at least into a new and higher sense of what life should be about.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Something Old, Something New - Oct 31, 2021

Something Old, Something New 

As the current energies that are flooding your Earth-plane continue, you may notice an uptick in your original gifts; you may even develop new ones. If you already have abilities, be prepared for them to become stronger than ever. For those not familiar with the process, it can be confusing and overwhelming so, if anyone in your circle of family/friends begins experiencing, offer reassurance and an understanding ear. Do your best to remain grounded and, if needed, teach others as well. Always remember, The Universe is with you every step of the way. ~ Creator

Gregg Braden - Nuestro Conocimiento y los Enlaces Faltantes con el Antiguo Lenguaje de la Sabiduría

(¿Cuántos se necesitan para cambiar el mundo?)

Nuestro Conocimiento y los Enlaces Faltantes con el Antiguo Lenguaje de la Sabiduría

Gregg Braden

Las tradiciones antiguas describen esto en el lenguaje de su época. No sólo dicen que estamos conectados con el mundo a nuestro alrededor, tal como la ciencia occidental está descubriendo ahora. Ellas nos invitan a dar un paso más y dicen: así es como lo aplicas en tu vida. Nos dejaron instrucciones muy, muy claras, que dicen “esta es la manera en que usas este poder, esta tecnología interior que está dentro de ti para originar cambios en tu mundo, para producir sanación en tu cuerpo, para traer paz a tu familia y tus comunidades, y colectivamente a medida que muchas personas se juntan, estos principios funcionan, así como la paz entre naciones, también.

James Gilliland - PEOPLE OF EARTH - Oct 31, 2021

From the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Galactic Councils, Ascended Masters, Angelics and Inner Earth.

The Earth is in the process of being liberated from all tyranny, draconian law is in the process of being replaced by Universal Law. We have cleaned up the vast majority of other dimensional unseen negative forces governing the Earth now it is up to the white hats and the ground crew. It is time to understand the hierarchy of tyranny that has been in control of Earth for over 400,000 years. The first colonies in your recorded history and archeology were the ancient Lyrians from Lyra. Many refer to them as the Annunaki, those who came from heaven to Earth. The Lyrians were up to 24 feet tall and they were split into various houses or ruling factions. There was the Supreme Ruler Anu and on Earth there was the house of Enki and Enlil. Enki was the Creator god, a master geneticist that loved his creations. Enlil was a defeated general who took up residence on Earth and desired an end to the experiment called Earth humanity. He found them a noisy nuisance and was always devising ways of removing them. This is the foundation of what is unfolding today. There was a lot of genetic tinkering with humans that were developing naturally. Their sons also split into different factions governing different sectors of Earth. The son who had the most negative impact on Earth was Marduk. Marduk made a pact with the Grey Alliance and Reptilians for total supremacy of the Earth and turned on his own people. This was followed by brutal wars and the enslavement of his own people. Earth has been controlled by these forces and those who seek freedom have warred against this alliance for over 400,000 years. Over time they have been known by many names, the Phoenicians, Kazarians, Cabal all stemming from the original Lyrians who fell from Universal Law. Their controlling faction in America is known as the deep state that has infiltrated all the agencies and institutions yet the same network is global. Many call themselves Sons of Marduk

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Escuchar - OCTUBRE 2021

~ Escuchar ~

Saludos queridos, yo soy el Guardián del Tiempo.

Hoy estoy aquí con ustedes, para decirles que todo lo que se avecinaba ha cambiado en su planeta. No es ningún secreto que la energía se está volviendo difícil y extender sus alas se está convirtiendo en un desafío. Incluso les cuesta encontrar la alegría que tenían hace solo unos instantes. Y, sin embargo, estos tiempos también traen cambios. Activan contratos sagrados que hicieron alrededor de la gran mesa antes de llegar. Aquí están en estos tiempos mágicos de maestría y vemos que están profundamente inmersos en todo eso. Bienvenidos, queridos, estamos felices de que lo hayan logrado.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 23 -

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

31 October 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 31/10 17:00 The Frequency oscillations continued and gave rise to a series of Amplitude movements. After the maximum peak reported previously anther isolated peak reached Power 18 at 10:30 UTC, this was followed by another oscillation, lasted about an hour, which reached Power 22 just before the 13 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 31/10 07:30 The primary frequency continues to sway accompanied by Frequency 2. Between 3 and 7 UTC it remained around 7.30 Hz and this led to movements of the Amplitude which initially reached Power 17 around 4 UTC and later Power 23 just before 6 UTC. The Quality also remained at significant values during the low frequency phase, oscillating around 14 from just before midnight until 6 UTC. The situation calmed down at 7 UTC when Frequency 1 started to rise towards the base value.

Natalia Alba - November gives us the opportunity to focus on the new dimensional door... - Oct 31, 2021

Beloved Ones,

November gives us the opportunity to focus on the new dimensional door that is opening for us, at this time when endings and new beginnings are intertwined. A cosmic door where being completely focused on conscious creation is vital, so we can be able to see the infinite possibilities that exist, and align with what we wish to bring into manifestation next.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth - October 31, 2021

Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth. 

Dear One,

You are radiant spirit. That is your essence, your connection to the God Source. This is the Divine part of you that never dies, and lives in oneness with all that is, was and ever shall be. When you recognize the truth of your Divinity, and remember it, your daily life can take on a lighter quality. You will be able to look at each situation from a more expanded perspective.