lunes, enero 28, 2019

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, January 28, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, January 28, 2019

You are learning to choose your higher intelligence.

This is a choice that must be honored and selected.

Some of you are hoping for a prayer to be answered
and for this Higher Vision to simply descend upon you.
In some respects
this is accurate.

Jamye Price - February Ascension Energies - Power Vision - Jan 28, 2019

January Review

January’s energy of Patience was a powerful preparation for February. I feel the energy of February as fast-moving twists and turns. Like the spiral of creation is folding in on itself and breaking apart in ways that create a more cohesive flow. Eventually.

Jennifer Farley -The Creator - Your Turn! - Jan 29, 2019

You have changed. The work has been done, the changes made yet, some things persist! It can be frustrating, disappointing, infuriating even. (Smiling) You ask The Universe, “Why does this keep happening?! I’ve cleared it, I’ve worked this into the ground!” Well, dearest one, take a moment and think about it. Is it really cleared? Perhaps that one thing has kept you safe or from being


Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Becoming One Race - Jan 28, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun exploring the different possibilities you have in front of you for a huge change in the way that you look at borders and nationality. We are of the opinion that unity is more important for humanity than separating people by their countries of birth.

L’Aura Pleiadian - The Quantum Metaphysical Field ~ Knowing Who You Are - Jan 28, 2019

The Quantum metaphysical field of consciousness as Light; is a vast potentiality of frequencies.

As the observer, you position yourself, in the actualization of awareness, as the quantum field guide.

Your awareness is the zeroing in on the specific frequencies, you are conscious of observing.

Brenda Hoffman - Rest - January 28, 2019

Dear Ones,

Even though you have shifted many times throughout this transition, never before have you done so in a new physicality as well as with new spiritual and emotional knowing. This shift was more difficult than most for many of you.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday January 28, 2019

It is important to remember that discomfort is merely a re-directional tool. Your soul is always seeking to grow and expand, so anything that blocks that is not going to be energetically supported. If you are being resistant to growth and expansion your discomfort will only grow until it becomes too uncomfortable to stay the same and at that moment you will willingly embrace forward movement again. The discomfort will have served its purpose and will quickly abate.

domingo, enero 27, 2019

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - What To Do? - January 27, 2019

During the course of your everyday life, you will encounter many wounded people. These are the ones that have chosen to ignore their light, to judge or make fun of others, bully or believe that ‘the best defense is a good offense”. Yes, you have a right to defend yourself but, remember, always remember, they have chosen that path for a reason; whether out of fear or lack, they cannot move past the pain in their lives.

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Take a Break from Problem Solving - Jan 27, 2019

“We suggest that you put your attention on something that pleases you. It is so much easier for you to live in your heart space when you are focusing on something that you have no resistance to. When you are in a state of no or low resistance, you do not feel the need to think. There is not the necessity that you usually find for problem-solving.