lunes, octubre 01, 2018
Steve Rother y El Grupo - Resumen de las Predicciones Para Octubre 2018 - Sep 19, 2018
Emitido el 19 de septiembre de 2018
Saludos, queridos.
Nos unimos a ustedes hoy con gran entusiasmo porque a decir verdad ustedes ya han tenido un profundo efecto en este planeta de muchas formas diferentes. Permítannos hablarles de una en particular. Recientemente tuvieron una serie de huracanes que estuvieron llegando a la costa este de los EE.UU., y uno en particular afectó al país y ni siquiera se lo denominó huracán cuando ingresó, se convirtió en una depresión tropical, o tormenta tropical, cualquiera sean sus calificaciones para eso, pero llevó consigo una enorme cantidad de agua que dejó caer sobre las personas e inundó casas, pueblos, ciudades y que afectó
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El Grupo,
Steve Rother
Marlene Swetlishoff - Family of Light Latest Updates October 2018
October 2, 2018 - Archangel Gabriel#1 - October 2018
October 1, 2018 - Kuthumi - October 2018
October 1, 2018 - Archangel Lady Hope - October 2018
October 1, 2018 - Celtic Goddess Brigid - October 2018
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Marlene Swetlishoff
Lena Stevens - October 2018 Monthly Forecast - Oct 1, 2018
The Main Theme for October 2018 is “Taking Inventory”
As you continue to dig even deeper, dredging up ancestral patterns and imbalances in your relationships, you get to take an inventory of your life in a way you have never done before. This inventory is very much about your relationship to everything you have and how you relate to it. It is a month of discovery of who you are, what you have manifested and how you have lived. Some of it will leave you gratified and pleasantly surprised as you discover hidden gems in your inventory, and some of your discovery may be challenging, disheartening or even painful.
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Lena Stevens,
Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Let the Frequency Guide You - Oct 1, 2018
Let the Frequency Guide You ∞The Creators
"So, many of you have taken your lives to places that you did not think they could go, and you are thankful for how far you have come in this lifetime. And that is a wonderful thing. It is wonderful to acknowledge that you are doing very well and to give thanks. There is so much more. More than we can tell you about, more than you could comprehend from where you stand.
So, we want you to feel satisfied. We want you to enjoy the lives that you have created. And we want you to get ready for so much more. So when you are considering your life and when you are asking yourself, 'What is it that I want?' we don't want you to even think in terms of what it is you are used to. We don't want you to look at the current reality in order to find aspects of it that you would like more of, or that you would like some of. For that is not where you are headed.
Therefore, instead of thinking about the life that you want for yourselves, and who you want to be with, and so on, give yourselves the opportunity to explore what it would be like to feel something that you have never felt before, to elevate your frequency beyond what the third dimension could allow you. We want you to get ready to feel, rather than to look at the environment around you and have a feeling response to it.
There is so much about the world you have experienced that is lovely. And we want you to know you have the totality of that experience now within you, within your consciousness, because you are all connected. And now, as a collective, you are moving. And where you are moving is not so much a place, with different rules and a different structure -- it is a frequency. So when you are pondering your life and where it is going, we ask you to tune yourselves to a frequency that you cannot possibly imagine.
So how do you do this? You let go. You let go of preconceived notions. You let go of the idea of limitations, and you allow that frequency to envelop you, to take over that which you have been trying to manipulate and control. You will find that the ride is so much better when you release your hold on where you have been."
Photo by: Karin Miller
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
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Daniel Scranton,
Los Creadores
Jennifer Hoffman - October 2018 Energy - Oct 1, 2018
The month of October starts strongly with an 11-11 vibration and that is the energy signature for the month that focuses on ‘becoming 360×3’, which is our life journey of moving from healing to wholeness to congruence. This month we will learn about the 3 levels of Energetic Congruence that are now available to us so we no longer focus on the healing journey, now we can give our attention to expanding into higher potentials and energy frequencies. October is a month for inspired action and congruent harmony, which is the outcome of body/mind, emotions, and spirit alignment. This has been an ongoing ascension theme since I first introduced it in 2011. Now it’s time to express our energetic sovereignty, integrate our spiritual aspects, and put on our mantle of divinity. Ready, set, shine for October’s energies will support you in whatever you choose to do.
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Jennifer Hoffman,
Reporte de Energías
James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Consciencia Cuántica y la Naturaleza del Tiempo
La Consciencia Cuántica y la Naturaleza del Tiempo
Tiempo Adentro - Tiempo Fuera - El Efecto Toroidal
Canalización del Arcángel Metatrón
a través de James Tyberonn
Octubre, 2013
Saludos, Yo Soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz, y los saludo a todos dentro de este vector preciso de espacio sin tiempo. Los abrazo en amor incondicional.
Queridos, la Luz es para ustedes un enigma. Existe en unidades sucintas llamadas fotones. Los fotones no tienen densidad y no tienen carga, y viajan tanto como partículas así como ondas a 186.000 millas por segundo. A la "velocidad de la luz" el tiempo como ustedes lo comprenden desaparece. Los fotones de luz viajan tan rápido que el tiempo se ha detenido para ellos. Un fotón abandona la superficie de un sol, de una estrella y dispara por el espacio en lo que ustedes perciben como vastos años-luz, y luego ilumina sus ojos cuando ustedes miran hacia arriba al despliegue celeste de estrellas. Les parece paradójico que el instante en que el fotón dejó a la estrella y el momento en que impactó en su retina sean el mismo. No ha pasado el tiempo en absoluto para él. De este modo, la luz permea sus realidades y es literalmente atemporal.
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AA Metatrón,
Conciencia Cuántica,
James Tyberonn,
Ley del Tiempo
James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Quantum Consciousness & The Nature Of Time - Time In – Time Out – The Torus Effect
The Nature of Time
Quantum Consciousness & The Nature of Time
Time In – Time Out – The Torus Effect
October 2013
© Earth-Keeper,, Copyrights Reserved
Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you all within this precise vector of timeless space. I embrace you in unconditional love.
Dear Ones, Light is an enigma to you. It exists in succinct units termed photons. Photons have no density, and no charge, and they travel as both particles and waves at 186,000 miles a second. At the ‘speed of light’ time, as you understand it, disappears. Photons of light go so fast that time has stopped for them. A photon leaves the surface of a sun or star and races through space for what you perceive as vast light-years, and then illuminates your eye as you gaze upward at the array of heavenly stars. It seems paradoxical to you that the instant the photon left the star and the moment it struck your retina, are the same. No time has passed for it at all. In this way, light permeates your realities and it is time-less, literally.
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AA Metatrón,
Conciencia Cuántica,
James Tyberonn,
Ley del Tiempo
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians and your Galactic Family - Oct 1, 2018
From the Arcturians and your Galactic Family
We the Arcturians are very pleased to share an Interdimensional Message.
This message is to “YOU.” This “you” includes ALL the living beings who are able to receive, attend to, and/or share our messages. We Arcturians are honored to sent you messages about what is occurring in the higher dimensions that encircle Gaia.
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Familia Galáctica,
Suzanne Lie
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday October 1, 2018
We understand that it is a large leap for human beings to accept the importance of being over efforting, yet that is exactly the phase of your transformation process you are in. The more you can embrace the simple and profound power of your beingness to effect great change, both for yourselves and for the collective, the more you will allow it to shine and lead the way. Further, it is from prioritizing being over forcing that you will start to truly harness the energies to assist you in your journey, and become far more supported and efficient in all that you do. It choosing grace, ease, and joyful service. It is the monumental shift from the busyness of the brain to the peacefulness of the heart, and from there all the greatest co-creations are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Brenda Hoffman - Just You - October 1, 2018
Dear Ones,
Do you feel lonely, hurt, or angry? Such is so because you are saying goodbye to your global 3D victimization and caretaking roles.
You counter that you have already said goodbye to both. So you have in your personal life, but not the earth community as a whole. Your fury of the past few days has been about discovering you no longer need to follow global have tos. That you are a sovereign being without a need to do as those you label leaders dictate.
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Brenda Hoffman,
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