viernes, abril 27, 2018

Suzanne Lie - Fifth Message Earth from Zarton - 4-27-18


Fifth Message to Earth from Zarton
Through Sue Lie

Dear Humans who are currently visiting Gaia. We say “humans” as that is what you call yourselves. However, I Zarton, am inclined to call you “Inter Galactics” who are currently inhabiting a human, earth vessel so that you can better “fit in” with the humans on what you have entitled Earth.

Tom Kenyon - Appreciation and Gratitude: A Basic Primer

This is a brief primer on the use of coherent emotions—specifically those of appreciation and gratitude—to affect your perception of both yourself and the world around you.

I wrote this to address a conundrum that arose in a Hathor message entitled, The Multiverse Sound Meditation. In that message they said that it was vital first to enter a state of coherent emotion such as appreciation or gratitude before exploring alternate realities. The reason for this is to insure that we enter the higher realms of consciousness that open to us when we are in a state of high coherency.

Aisha North - Unconditionals unite - April 27, 2018

Unconditionals unite

The lay of the land has shifted

revealing new templates.

Unconditionals unite

to amplify proceedings.

Starbursts will appear.

Posted on April 27, 2018 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Natalie Glasson - Mahatma - Cosmic Alignment - April 27, 2018

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and cosmic blessings extend through my being from all that is the Creator, I am Mahatma, the logos and overseer of the Cosmic Level. I am a consciousness and expression of the Creator which exists in 352 levels of the Creator’s Universe. In many ways I represent the journey of all aspects of the Creator returning to the Creator.

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - Full Moon Update 4-29-18 - April 27, 2018


Dear Friends,
Full Moon is Sunday, April 29 at 6:58PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

This is an intense full moon with energy similar to an eclipse. It is an extremely important time to be mindful of your reactions and to take responsibility for them. If you are triggered in any way, you have an opportunity to look at those deep patterns that may be coming to the surface and work through them with focused and disciplined intention. Get help if you need it.

On the other side of this personal inner crisis energy is the support for expansion and the possibility of moving into something new and different. This is also a good day for gratitude and honor as you celebrate all of your accomplishments up to this point in your life without being attached to how they have defined you. Allow this full moon to support you in creating new intentions for redefining who you are.




Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at

Scorpio Full Moon

Sun in Taurus ~ Moon in Scorpio 9º

Sunday, April 29, 6:58 PM Mountain Daylight Time

(Monday, April 30 12:58 AM Greenwich Mean Time)

Scorpio’s Full Moon gifts can be plentiful ~ alignment with the feminine mysteries, diving deep, dying to the past, finding renewal, and powerful life force energy releasing when shadowy subconscious material is brought into the light where it can be named. These are gifts we may be challenged to receive this Full Moon. Where Scorpio, Pluto and the 8th house live is where your shamanic abilities to engage the invisible world lie.

This Moon that is the culmination of all that was set in motion at the Aries New Moon is acknowledging us for the steps we have taken towards breaking free and stepping up. We have completed the first of three Mercury retrogrades in the fire signs. We are learning to honor our own divinity while relinquishing what cannot be controlled. The chart here, especially seen in the aspects, asks for significant adjustments, adaptation, regrouping to include who and what doesn’t quite go down easily, resolution of stressful situations, swallowing your pride and man upping with apologies and taking steps to act in a new way. Scorpio and Pluto are powerful medicines asking everything of you before granting the joy of rebirth.

We bow to the previous Aries New Moon as we reach culmination here at Full Moon for the experiences we have undertaken, crisis overcome and commitments we have made towards breaking free and stepping up.

The Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon are squaring the North and South Nodes (Leo/Aquarius) within a degree forming a Grand Square in fixed signs ~ aligning all the fixed, power signs at cross purposes generally known to be a difficult array and causing stressful events. Involving the Nodes suggests it’s a growth process for us where we need to let go, draw on skills we have attained, and take steps on that edgy new path (sucking up the growing pains we encounter).

North Node in Leo is exactly conjunct asteroid Ceres, so our basic bonding with parents where our self worth has its fundamental roots is our point of growth here. How we nurture our own hearts, how we can step into the power of self love, and recognize our divine origins will measure how well we can love another as our self in another form.

The ruler of the Full Moon is Pluto, but also Mars. Mars was the traditional ruler of Scorpio until Pluto was discovered in 1930 and given rulership over Scorpio. And notably, Pluto and Mars are closely conjunct in Capricorn. Mars loves the discipline and focus of Capricorn and is exalted there. Pluto/Mars are in a special creative aspect, a quintile or 72º relationship to the Full Moon, so we have a portal, if activated by our intentions and rituals, focused on the Moon to connect deeply with the mysteries that this emissary of the feminine, water power sign Moon holds. Call up the source of your creativity, fertility, and powers to destroy what you have created in the past and dance with your ability to heal yourself from the cellular to the cosmic levels. This Scorpio Moon is rich, warm, deep and powerful asking you to go out into the night and return renewed and refreshed having touched something deep inside yourself that nourishes beyond the needs of the body.

Call on your ancestors. With Vesta, representing that part of ourselves that we hold sacred and dedicate to a higher calling, Saturn, Pluto and Mars all in Capricorn, our elders, ancestors and wise ones are waiting to be called on to support us. Mars has been given the mission of activating the powerful forces of Saturn’s discipline and experienced wisdom geometrically stronger being in its own sign as well as Pluto’s ruthless transformative force to eliminate stagnation. Call on your ancestors, your allies, your guides to stand with you at this great shifting time. Learn to ask for help. Tremendous support is available to you for the asking from the invisible world.

Earlier in this week, Pluto has turned retrograde for the next six months; it’s powerfully at standstill now at 21º Capricorn. Here is an invitation to come and sit under the Tree of Life with your own inner elder and be taught by your own inner shaman.

Chiron entered a new sign this week for the next seven or so years. Now at 0º Aries the powerful point of new beginnings, it is welcomed by Juno 0º Aries, asteroid of intimacy and committed relationship and where in weakened expression, we give away our power to another. Your intimate commitments may be under scrutiny and tested at this Full Moon. Chiron will be taking us on a new healing journey with our masculine energies symbolized by Aries. We will explore our freedom, our courage, and deepen our self-awareness. Chiron will also retrograde in a couple of months to clear up any unfinished business in Pisces. Chiron’s purpose is to transform our wounds into wisdom so we can be present for others, to mentor and teach, and to bring us into holistic alignment with our body, mind and spirit utilizing earth based medicine from the plant and animal worlds.

‘There is always help along the way’ wise ones have shared, and this Full Moon is no exception. Who shall we look to?

Saturn at 9º Capricorn offers a channel to diffuse the lockdown of the Grand Square in the fixed power signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius all 9º). Saturn trines the Sun and sextiles the Moon – both aspects of ease and opportunity. We can look to Saturn’s long view of time remembering we are moving through a long, multi-year period of major transformation here on our planet. We can lean into Saturn’s patience and propensity for order and discipline as a way to deal with the chaos that is arising – both inner and outer. With Saturn trine the Sun in earth signs, it points to getting your life in order on the physical plane, taking those steps that give you peace of mind and stability in your day to day life and free you up to move on your creative ambitions. Keep your physical body well grounded to better process the frequencies that are bombarding you and keep you out of mental spin.

Mercury in fiery Aries is also in a helping position to the Grand Square created by the Sun/Moon and North/South Nodes. Mercury, our communicating and networking ally keeping us mentally objective and neutral, trines the North Node and sextiles the South Node. Here we are helped to learn new ways of communicating our truth to others, and we are able to let go of our fixed positions as we share our personal truth.

Finally, Neptune in Pisces 15º trines both the Full Moon in Scorpio and nearby Jupiter giving us the watery ruled emotional resources we need to turn this challenge of a Grand Square in to nourishment for our spiritual growth as we continue to use forgiveness, acceptance and surrender for ourselves and others. We learn with each turning of the Moon to hold our lives as a choice. Which will it be here? Crisis or Opportunity?

All Times are in Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

05/15 Taurus New Moon 24º 5:48 AM MDT

Uranus enters Taurus 9:23 AM

Mars enters Aquarius 10:55 PM

05/20 Sun enters Gemini 8:14 PM

05/29 Sagittarius Full Moon 8º 8:20 AM

Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at

© All rights reserved.

You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files including lectures, music and/or sound meditations may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday April 27, 2018

The fastest way to transform your life is by accepting your authentic power and divine worthiness while being willing to embrace the endless supports available to you from a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Deep Cellular Cleansings, Current Energies, Shifting Dimensions with Your Whole Body, Oscillating at Different Frequency Bandwidths, New Cosmic DNA Codes...- 4/27/2018

Aloha BE-LOVE-d Light Family,

We've moved into deeeeeeeep cellular (and stellar) everything. This will include cleansings, re-writes and re-codings as we prepare for a massive expansion at some point. While very "quiet", there is much going on in every way. Deep within the gridwork we go....

jueves, abril 26, 2018

Blossom Goodchild - Mensaje de la Federación de la Luz - 20 de abril de 2018

Blossom: Hola, una vez más. Volviendo al tema del Evento (¿Debería ser tan audaz?), La gente pregunta cuánto tiempo se mantendrá con nosotros el "sentimiento" de esta OLA DE AMOR. ¿Segundos? ¿Horas? ¿Días? ¿Meses? Entienden el panorama.

Selacia - Power and Ancestral DNA - Opportunity to Change the Future - April 26, 2018

Power and Ancestral DNA
- Opportunity to Change the Future - 
 by Selacia

Power issues are now front-and-center in our world. There are planetary forces at work, side-by-side with an acceleration in awakening across the planet. This is both global and very personal. Continue reading to understand how the energies of the weekend's Scorpio Full Moon and annual Wesak season provide opportunities to change the future.


You don't need to be following the news to realize how out-of-balance and divided our world is now. Abuses of power have existed throughout time, yet now the veils are lifting. Consciousness plays a key role, a growing number of people awakening and being able to see what was there all along. Those in power may try to hide unjust behavior, deny it, or fabricate stories to defend their views.

Opportunity to Change the Future

In any moment actions can be taken that change the future. That's because we are always creating the future by what we do or don't do now. Individuals have this power. Groups of people and countries have this power.

Part of the role of the divine changemaker is becoming conscious to just how powerful you are in creating reality!

Power, like so many things, can be used for good or bad purposes. The lesson of power is one of the biggest ones we have on Earth.

Given this, it's vital that you learn to master your energies and expression so that they are in alignment with your goals to self-realize and become enlightened. A growing number of us are doing this right now. It's a process over time because of our long conditioning. That conditioning includes our own past lives and that of our ancestors going many generations back.

Enlightened Approaches to Power

Taking the example of power, here are a few examples of enlightened approaches. First is taking the higher road of spirit during an argument. You don't get power from being right; you express enlightened power by inwardly focusing on what is just and finding appropriate ways to create that justice. Second is applying compassion to yourself and others when there are disagreements. Making someone else feel small doesn't make you bigger. Third is remembering that sometimes it's best to say nothing during an argument, especially when nothing you say can be productive at that moment, and may even be harmful depending on words chosen. Hurtful words cannot be taken back.

Words are your tool at each intersection of choice - allowing you to use your gifts for good. More about how to take your life to the next level in 2018 in my "Predictions 2018" premium eBook.
In these moments, words are very important. Choose them as wisely as you can. Monitor your hunches and sensing too. Quite often, a key piece of information you need to resolve something is right there in your energy field, awaiting discovery. That's especially true with the energies we have now.

When we have planetary line-ups that catalyze power issues and an ability to uncover things we couldn't see before, this creates a big opportunity to change our present and future.

Pay Attention to Dreams

Pay attention to your dreams now. We're in moments when dreams - or simply the content of what we processed in dream time - can be a profound catalyst to revealing hidden information about what keeps us stuck or in pain.

Speaking of pain, many life experiences that cause us heartache are deep-seated and challenging to figure out and solve. Sometimes an issue arising in your life has nothing to do with your past, but everything to do with experiences of your ancestors.

Ancestral DNA and You

If this idea calls to you now, know that ancestral issues can be pinpointed at their source and resolved at a DNA level, allowing you to be free. This is also a healing for your ancestors and for your children.

These indeed are the times on this planet when we can collectively heal the ancestral conditioning that led to the many crises humanity faces. As long as we can't get along with one another, and we aren't willing to come together to negotiate in an enlightened way, we will continue to perpetuate disharmony and injustice.

Wesak Season

A bright spot for humanity each year is the annual Wesak season. This year it begins this weekend at the Full Moon and goes through the weekend of June 23-24.

Wesak season is a period of time before and after Wesak when the veils between dimensions are thinner and it becomes easier to access the Masters. During this time each year, humanity is showered with vast blessings from the Masters. These enlightened beings include the Buddha, Christ, Kuan Yin, and many more who long ago set the template for enlightenment. They came to show us and remind us of our divine nature - helping us to see that each of us can achieve enlightenment.

It's recommended that you set your intention to connect with the Wesak blessings this year. Do this through meditation, purposeful awareness of how precious this time is, an by connecting with others in Wesak celebrations.

Keep in mind that you are encoded at a DNA level for enlightenment. It is your natural state just as it was for the Buddha and others. Awakening to it and embodying it is your path.

Copyright 2018 by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

Jamye Price - May Ascension Energies – Peaceful Heart - Apr 26, 2018

April Review

April had quite a bit of odd Ascension symptoms, like quick jolts of energy. As Areon spoke about the energy of Creative Action, they emphasized relaxing into creation. It’s not the first time they’ve covered this, it is a core aspect of Ascension because you are more consciously utilizing the subtle realm, the 99% invisible engine that creates life.