lunes, septiembre 25, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday September 25, 2017

The universe is continually adjusting to match your intentions and desires. Have you ever had a thought of a small, random thing you would like and had it show up for you out of the blue, as if by magic? The reason it happened so quickly and easily was because there was absolutely no resistance toward it, which allowed it to manifest for you with complete ease and efficiency.

True surrender is the grease to your manifestations. If things are coming together with ease, you know you are in a beautiful, completely non-resistant flow of creation. If it seems things are not coming together with ease, it is because they are in the process of adjusting and taking on form behind the scenes, in ways that are absolutely perfect for you. Surrender with faith, trust, and acceptance for the highest outcome, with the certainty all is being taken care of. Whether you can see it or not, there is always a process in motion that is continually adjusting to serve you and your wants and needs.

Know that you are an empowered creator with a team on hand whose greatest joy is to serve you. Choose your dream and allow the universe to embellish it in ways that are greater than you could ever imagine. You can rest assured the universe launches into action the second you decide what you would like to do next in the playground of experience you call earth. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jennifer Hoffman - Aim for Awe-Filled, Expect Some Awful - Sep 25, 2017

Have you ever wondered what happens when you make a choice, either consciously or unconsciously, to make some changes in your life? Here is how the process works. Finish this sentence: What I want now as my awe-filled outcome is __________________. With that sentence you just put out a commandment telling the Universe that you want this amazing, awe-filled outcome for your life. Then, everything in your life which is not aligned with that outcome will pop up so you can choose whether you want to keep its energy or not. While you expect awesome and amazing results, you seem to get just the opposite, an awful situation, and it can be very overwhelming. What happened? The eventual, awe-filled outcome will be what makes you happy, but there may be a few awful moments before that happens, as you clear the path of whatever is currently making you feel awful, unhappy, or unfulfilled in some area of your life.

Kara Schallock - Amor y el Equinoccio - 21 de Septiembre 2017

Traducción: Ana Tallon
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Mientras escribo esto se vienen la Luna Nueva y el Equinoxio de mañana. Ciertamente, mucho está sucediendo en nuestro interior y en Gaia. A todo lo que está pasando lo llamo el Gran Despertar. Este Gran Despertar sacudirá a la gente (literalmente) fuera de su zona de confort y complacencia. Aquellos que ya se han despertado, lo harán aún más hacia quién somos y hacia cómo podemos servir a otros desde una postura de Amor Divino. Nos encontramos en un Momento muy acelerado relacionado con recibir y compartir bajadas de Luz dimensional elevada. Digo ‘compartir’ porque, al recibir más Luz, automáticamente la irradiamos hacia otros; no de una forma controlada, sino brillando porque esa es nuestra naturaleza. Al honrar el Amor que somos, no empujamos, buscamos ni luchamos ya que eso es parte de lo viejo. Lo Nuevo trata de permitir y aceptar lo que es y confiar en que todo está dentro del Orden Divino. Se trata de permanecer en el Fluir del Momento sin apegarse a nada; simplemente dejando que todo se desarrolle naturalmente. Esto es el cuidado personal y el amor a uno mismo. Cuando te amas, mantienes tu vibración elevada y desde esa posición, tu consciencia se expande y, desde una consciencia más elevada, tu vida gira hacia la Naturalidad y la Alegría. La Verdad es que eres perfecto al evolucionar para ser más.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Intentional Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers Complete the Anchoring of Higher Timelines through "Body Template Grid Encoding Processes" in Unison with our Fully Awakened Living Earth Gaia & Living Cosmos, Convergences, Grand Awakening Timelines Expedite - 9/25/2017


This has been a vast month of HOLDING HIGHER TIMELINES IN PLACE until we could complete the INTEGRATION of these new codes/encodements, which is signified by StarGates activating to synchronize and shift all to a higher timeline. It's been a month of immense focus of our own Energy on what we came here to accomplish, what we agreed to, before ever incarnating/walking into our physical forms. This goes so far BEYOND what is visible physically and what our unconscious limited human minds can comprehend. It takes fully expanding our consciousness into INFINITE dimensions/timelines/realities and holding this expansion, all of the time, to intentionally break the old programming as it presents. The amount of ENERGY it takes for intentional Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers to STABILIZE these frequencies is immense. As human realities spin out of control, to create chaos to awaken those deep beneath the veils of amnesia still, to open hearts and minds for unification to occur, to dissolve the separation, duality and structures of realities not aligned on a SOUL Level, we hold a RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN the highest everything, while each "the center of their own play", plays old unconscious realities/timelines out, until all of that ENERGY IS GONE....

James Gilliland - Ancient History and Understandings To Free The Soul - September 21, 2017

Ancient History and Understandings To Free The Soul
by James Gilliland
September 21, 2017

We are in the Apocalypse defined as the great uncovering. We are going to realize almost everything we have been told is a lie, half-truths designed to steer humanity off course, hinder human evolution.

Well looks like the double speak is here. The masks are all coming down. No rock is being left unturned and all iniquities will be shouted from the roof tops. The days of tyranny and deception are coming to a close. We are in the Apocalypse defined as the great uncovering. We are going to realize almost everything we have been told is a lie, half-truths designed to steer humanity off course, hinder human evolution. Peoples true intentions are being made known despite the blatant futile attempts to maintain the status quo. If you want to know the truth just take the lame stream medias broadcast and reverse it. Know the agenda of the Cabal, the New World Order and you will see the reasons why there is so much pain, suffering, death and lack on the planet.

Brenda Hoffman - Light Explosion - September 25, 2017

Dear Ones,

Do you fear that you are right and the world is wrong? That the dream of a loving world will never be in your lifetime?

You are not alone. There are millions with similar fears.

Some time ago, you learned that those who wished to remain in fear in this lifetime – or for longer than you – would do so needing to promote the fears of others. That they would try to make you feel less than you are. That you would feel as if all was lost. You are likely now experiencing those feelings.

Susan Leland - Ashtar - Leaky Boats and Luxury Ocean Liners!!! - September 12, 2017

Ashtar: "Leaky Boats and Luxury Ocean Liners!!!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - September 12, 2017

"Well, Greetings, Beloved Family! We are so overjoyed to be here with you once more. These Gatherings are getting more and more High. Of course, I'm talking about the energies that you bring - the vibrations, your consciousness, your Hearts and all of you! Of course, you are a lot more than what you see when you look into a mirror. You know that. You exist on many levels and you have many, yes, parts, particles, and so on and so on.

domingo, septiembre 24, 2017

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Be willing to face the fears of the past and move into new dimensions of Love - September 24, 2017

Dear One,

You have come to a time when you know that the way you have always perceived your world may seem like it is no longer working. It may even feel as though your childhood traumas or other things from your past that you are not proud of are crowding into your present awareness. This is a very good sign, because all memories come into your mind to be released, so that you can live in the present. We encourage this release of past memories and fear so you will be able to move on with your life. Whether you do this through prayer, personal journaling, talking to a friend or going through counseling, the important thing is to be willing to face the fears of the past, hold them in the light of loving awareness, and then let them go.

Nancy Tate - Messages of the Moment From Horus - 09-24-17

Messages of the Moment From Horus

I am here at this moment to let you know that the hands that surround you in the essences of Love are full of surprises that they are ready to release to you all. It is a matter of being in the readiness that will bring it to you and being in the essence of Love for all times.

I am Horus once again, and I am here to share with you the beauty of the coming times. Are you ready? Yes, I heard that echo throughout the world and all of creation. I see it in your hearts and I also see and feel the Love that will allow the timing to coincide with all of the movements on earth and beyond.

Kryon - Madrid, Spain - 2017