You are involved in making mammoth changes, that when you look back will be seen as the turning point in the history of the Earth. They are necessary to sweep away that which would have held you back, and make way for changes that will set the scene for the New Age to commence. The dark Ones no longer have sufficient control to dictate the way in which the future progresses. They are also going to feel the consequences of losing access to unlimited funding for their black projects. They are also finding it impossible to tightly control operations on Earth, and people who have been reluctant to come out with what they know, are now feeling the courage to do so. It all adds up to a shift in the powers upon Earth, and those working for the Light no longer feel so restricted. President Trump has a list of important changes he wishes to make and will lose no time in putting them into place.
physical body/physical reality upgrades and re-calibrations shall
continue to increase as we go. We are in continual Star-Gate alignment,
continual crystalline activations, continual upgrade-mode, continual
physical reality alignment, continual physical body upgrades/integration
process that do not stop anymore. They may shift to a different
activation, but they do not stop. Substantial increases push the
physical body harder to integrate, push the human harder to let go/get
on-board/open up/connect up, push the physical reality ..... this is
what Super Quantum Timeline Collapses do. They collapse the separation
of time, the separation of programs, the separation of consciousness
once held.....