martes, enero 26, 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - It’s the End of the Energy Road - 26 January, 2016

I could have called this article ’10 ways to know that your life is out of gas’ because that is what being at the end of an energy road feels like, a car that has run out of gas and isn’t going anywhere. This just means that the path you are on has no more energy for you and there is no more than can be created in that energetic space because you’re now at a different energy level. If you read my Facebook page, I have been writing about how we are opening and activating an energy portal over the past few months. They have been around, but dormant, for eons. With this new energy portal we have access to so many new and different frequencies which will make you more aware of the limitations of your current path and realize that so much more is available to you. You’re at the end of your energy road and it’s time to consider changing from unleaded to rocket fuel.

lunes, enero 25, 2016

THE X-FILES | The Conspiracy Has Just Begun - Trailer

Top 10 X-Files Episodes

Suzanne Lie - Fourth Chakra--Heart Chakra--Meditation and About This Chakra -1-25-16

Welcome to Week #4 ~ Chakra #4
of Unconditionally Loving Yourself!
Heart Chakra Meditation


Transcript for Heart Chakra Meditation
Suzanne Lie
As I focus on my heart chakra I remember all the Unconditional Love that I have gifted myself so far.  Once again I ground this Unconditional Love in my first Chakra.
I Unconditionally Love my inner child in my second Chakra. 
I accept the inner power that my Unconditional Love has released within my third Chakra.  And I feel this collective energy field begins to move into my Heart Chakra.
As I allow this accumulation of Unconditional Love for myself to enter my Heart,
I feel an inter-dimensional portal within me that embraces all my beloved embodiments and my not so happy embodiments and all my embodiments in between that I have ever had on the planet Earth.
I observe as all of these energy fields gather in my Heart Chakra. 
Can I love all of these experiences unconditionally?  And, can I love them this powerfully?
I slowly breathe in the concept of gathering these expressions of Unconditional Love in my Heart in the same manner that I would gather cherished objects in a basket. 

Mahala - Planet Alert February 2016

I am writing this article right before the full moon on January 23, 2016. The moon was in Cancer on Friday January 22, and was affecting the Southeast and East Coast of America. This caused lots of snow to come down in those areas, and then comes the flooding. If you live in those areas, are you enjoying all that snow, or is it very challenging? It was a very powerful monster storm and it was a major full moon event. I’m sure the alignment of five planets in our solar system added energy to that storm. This alignment will continue for several more days. The planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Selacia - Ciclos de la Danza de la Vida – Apreciar lo Que Es y lo Que Fue - 19 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

En esta semana con el movimiento del Sol hacia Acuario antes de la poderosa Luna Llena del sábado, es un momento excelente para reflexionar sobre los ciclos de vida de la naturaleza. Estos ciclos incluyen el nacimiento y la muerte – algo que todos experimentamos.

Cuando estamos personalmente entre estos dos puntos, viviendo nuestras apuradas vidas, podemos olvidar la naturaleza temporal de la forma física. A veces se nos trae de vuelta a esta verdad esencial – un ser querido fallece o sabemos de la muerte de un líder amado.

Brenda Hoffman - You’re Earth-based in This Life - 25 January, 2016

Dear Ones,
Earth is rearranging itself into the loving mass it was always meant to be. Micro affects macro and so it is that as you shift to love, so too does the earth. Just as you must clear debris to find that love within yourself, so too must earth shift and clear to open its central core of love.
The earth has been covered in a thick wall of fear and anger for eons – collecting bits and pieces from humanity and all willing contributors. Knowing that the wall would come down eventually – and so it is. Resulting in new weather patterns, upheavals, and overall chaos. Mirroring that which is happening to humanity. Twisting and turning as the earth breaks up that thick wall of fear and anger.

Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Accepting Your Incredible Differences - 25 January, 2016

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Your way to freedom is by total acceptance of your incredible differences.
Growing up in the military, it was never cool to be different from everyone else. Try as I might however, I could never blend in as was required of me. Even though I acted like a chameleon trying to change my color to please everyone, it never worked. For most of my life, I felt as though I was strangely different than other people.
The awareness that I could not fit into other people's agendas, and that I did not think or feel like others, plagued me and lessened my self-esteem. I wanted so much to be loved and accepted as I was. Underneath it all, I was the one who was judging myself the most harshly for being different. In the wisdom of my soul, the separateness of this experience drove me to the spiritual path.

Kara Schallock - Todo en la Vida Está en Orden Divino - 20 de Enero 2014

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Continuamos recibiendo gran Luz. Quienes son especialmente sensibles pueden sentirlo especialmente en sus cuerpos físicos en la forma de dolor de espaldas y náuseas; por supuesto que puede haber otras manifestaciones en dependencia de lo que sea más importante que ustedes experimenten en su evolución. A la vez que nos enfocamos en lo que la Luz comparte con nosotros, nos expandimos hacia nuevas perspectivas mientras profundizamos cada vez más en viejas creencias. Muchas de estas creencias profundas han sido ancladas durante muchas vidas. Una creencia muy profunda es la del envejecimiento que lleva a la enfermedad que lleva a la muerte y que todo debe morir. Tendemos a dar por sentado que muchas de estas creencias son simplemente la forma en que son las cosas; no obstante debemos cuestionarlo todo y explorar lo que esto significa en nuestras vidas y si podemos abrirnos a una forma diferente de ser. No tenemos que regresar al recuerdo, sino crear lo nuevo.

domingo, enero 24, 2016

Lauren C. Gorgo - The New Human: 5.0 edition - January 24, 2016

Enter the new world consciousness.

Well, in actuality the “new world consciousness” officially entered in September when that insane wave of transformational energy hit the planet in the midst of an eclipse cycle, the equinox, AND the final blood moon in the highly prophesied tetrad.

The difference is that now we are moving into participation with it.

That gargantuan download of divine light was so far reaching it has literally taken months to sort thru the rubble from the explosions it set off in our DNA. Those explosions served to shake loose so much expired content from within our ancient human lineage for the purpose of transmuting/transcending our limited genetics in order to move fully into the sovereignty of our divinity, our star genetics.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 24 al 31 de enero, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


A medida que la afluencia de energía continúa, sus sistemas operativos humanos están recibiendo descargas de información relacionada con ustedes mismos sobre su viaje espiritual de vida. Se está empezando a producir una interacción directa con su Esencia Divina y viene suavemente en momentos y lugares inesperados. Al comenzar a prestar más atención a estos intentos de comunicación, se establecerá una conexión más fuerte a este aspecto superior de ustedes mismos. Tomará un poco de tiempo y paciencia practicar este proceso. Se los estamos dando a conocer para que estén conscientes y puedan observar este proceso.