sábado, diciembre 12, 2015

Blossom Goodchild - Dec 12, 2015

Good morning my friends. Happy to say I am feeling so much brighter now and ready to have a good old chat!

We too, are most pleased your Energy is replenished and your sadness has lifted. If it is convenient with you, we would … as you had thought and prepared for … very much like to ‘speak’.

Sure! Headset going on!

(It is suggested that you listen to the audio to receive the High Vibration of sound Energy. It is also transcribed below.)

ISS UFO - Large

Aisha North - The Water Speaks - 12/12/15

Aisha North series 76 - 3

Kryon - "The House Of Human Nature"

viernes, diciembre 11, 2015

Natalie Glasson - The Arcturians - Butterflies of the Star Beings - 11th December 2015

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 11th December 2015 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love extends to all upon the Earth from the Arcturians, we are sharing with you our energy, love and support so you may create a reality born from a high and quick frequency of love. This is something which enthuses us with such excitement, the thought of creating a reality, civilisation and world in harmony and resonating with the frequency of love when its previous existence was focused upon lack and separation is immensely inspirational. Do you know how inspiring you are to us, the Arcturians, as a soul in a human form upon the Earth? Maybe you do not really comprehend the world you are striving to create, the miraculous journey you are moving through as well as the bravery and courage you have as an individual. We, the Arcturians, truly are in awe of what is taking place upon the Earth now and wish to be of service in any appropriate way.

Lena Stevens - Patricia Liles - New Moon Update 12-11-15

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Friday, December 11 at 3:29AM Mountain Time (MT).

This New Moon is the perfect opportunity to reset, to pray, to set intentions and to be involved in community in a way that is meaningful. It is important to look ahead instead of looking back. Forgiveness plays a big part today as you contemplate the challenges you have just been through. Take a deep breath and allow the goodness and love of the universe to penetrate into your soul. Honor that today is the first day of the rest of your life. How do you want to live it?

Kryon "Messages from a Mountain"

Diane Robbins - TREE TALK - Dec 11, 2015

Sunset in the Trees
at Ascension Rock
Mt Shasta, CA
(Photo by Violet Schindler)

Below is an excerpt from

The TREES Speak

Living here on Earth gives you the opportunity to strive to develop all your talents and learn new skills - this is why you are here. You are not here to do “nothing”, but to learn to do everything. And you have the time to do this…at least you did up until now. Now you only have the time to wake up quickly, and gather your wits about you, and start taking responsibility for changing what you allowed to be created. Start taking part in your community activities and forums and local governments, and start standing up and speaking on behalf of your rights and the rights of other life forms to live in peace and abundance. Start taking responsibility for others. You still can stop all this. It just takes a majority of people to align their consciousness to topple the current regimes of darkness. It just takes all the people to come together in consciousness to break the spell…and then it is over.

Tuella - ASHTAR, THE MAN AND HIS MISSION - A Tribute Part 3

Selacia - Energy Update - Create Peace - Dec 11, 2015

Create Peace

- Tips for Creating Peace & Feeling Peaceful in Turmoil-

by Selacia

The world is in accelerated turmoil this month, fueled by uncertainty and a fear-induced crisis of confidence. You may be asking yourself how you can create peace and feel peaceful when the world has gone mad. That indeed is an excellent question to be asking right now. Even in the asking, you can begin to tap your inner wisdom that has a larger view of things.